Heavenly Rose oil


The Seer has created such an exquisite rose fragrance, in honor of which she would like the traditional Rose oil henceforth to be known as Heavenly Rose.

This romantic fragrance will remind you of a starry night in a fragrant rose garden. It is emotionally healing and beneficially influences our sense of deep contentment and well-being.

This rose oil is a carefully selected blend of Bulgarian and Egyptian absolute rose essences. It has a frequency that reminds us of Oneness–of our origins before the Fall into separation. This blend has the power to heals birth and birthing trauma, and to restore the intuitive nature of the womb. It is said that the womb (etheric womb in men) far surpasses the intuitive capacities compared to the pineal gland, and this oil can unlock this power in the wearer.

Rose oil is known as the oil of “Divine Presence”. According to old Persian lore, Rose is the only thing you can take with you when you die because it considered not of this world.

Its psycho-emotional benefits are many. It is used to relieve stress, to lift depression, clear anxiety, and is the choice oil for use during times of grief. It is also used as a mood enhancer, boosting feelings of joy, happiness, and hope.

Rose oil is used in a protocol to heal birth trauma (received by Almine), and in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to 12 clear the ordinary meridians–it associates with the Heart meridian, helping to clear joylessness, anger, self-pity and neediness. It is also the oil to heal the blockage at the carotid artery on the neck, which impedes the manifestation of the Heart’s true desires. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency. With the purchase of this oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, you receive the protocol to heal birth trauma and a pdf with information on the heart meridian and its many important points.

Garden of Eden


The Garden of Eden is an Egyptian oil blend received by Almine for the restoration of innocence to all levels of life…Innocence, which is a state of timelessness, is the root of happiness, and belongs to the expression of the Inner Child.

This special formulation is a frequency that can effectively restore the innocence of timelessness to the body and its fields. It restores the magical perspective by restoring innocence — it helps us see the magic of our world through the wonderment of a child .

While this fragrance may appeal mostly to women, it is beneficial to all, and should be applied to the solar plexus.

From the Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death, we are told that the solar plexus is the receiving area of unaccessed potential. Learning to feed from the new daily potential by going within and expressing in unselfconscious spontaneity that knows life to be innocent reverses the aging process, which happens because of leakages through ‘holes of untapped potential’ in the body. It is the leakage of resources that is the ‘fall’ from innocence.

Garden of Eden can support you to unselfconscious and fuller expression, through accessing this gateway to all potential within.

Garden of Eden is the recommended oil to use with Elfin Quest (by Almine).

With the purchase of 18 or 33 mls, you receive a profound meditation to erase time from the body in support of regeneration through timelessness. Also, included is a meditation by Almine to experience the eternal garden of discovery.


Secret Garden


“Uplifting with fragrant promises of wondrous miracles and magic, this unforgettable fragrance lingers like an unspoken message of enticing moments to come.”

The uplifting fragrance of poppy, orange blossoms, Somalian rose and a subtle overtone of the fresh scent of pear, makes this an unforgettable feminine scent. It’s delicate message is one of lighthearted play.


Joy Blends ~ Living a path of Heart


This kit contains 3 alchemical oils to support you to cultivate a state of enjoyment of life:  Rose oil for the Heart meridian, Song of Joy to enhance the Heart’s joy, and Song of the High Heart.