Showing 1–12 of 45 results

Refined Light


This subtle and exquisite alchemical oil has to be experienced to be understood. It is a limited-edition oil that has been produced in a miraculous way. The Seer created it for the Angelgods, to assist us in embodying their blessings of refined light and illumination. Read more below.

The oil is to be placed on the back, between the scapulae (shoulder blades).

Artwork “Angel of Freedom” By Karen Folgarelli – @copyright 2017 Karen Folgarelli –

Crystal Waters ~ The Alchemical Oil to Support Gemstone Alchemy


Gemstone alchemy’s time has come, as the gemstone qualities activate the magical centers of the true spine liberated from the matrix of linear time. As we manifest a timeless existence from whole beingness wherein the masculine and feminine aspects are lived as one, our spiritual bodies permeate the physical, the body become a fluid field of tonal luminosity, and matter becomes spiritualized, fluid, incorruptible Matter. The activated qualities of the gemstones support new spiritualized matter, as it is the most powerful alchemy that combines Light, Frequency, and Matter.

This FA oil was received by the Seer (in 2023) to support our ability to activate the tones and qualities of the gemstones in us. The alchemical oil was created to purify and awaken the Gemstone Kingdom in our bodies. It’s name,  Crystal Waters, came directly from the oil (they are conscious beings).

From the Seer:  “It’s a unisex oil – floral overtone over a masculine base… Apparently, crystals, like Purple Tourmaline among others, are very potent at integrating the masculine and feminine.” This oil goes on top of the head, in the middle of the crown.

All purchases come with the sound elixir by the Seer, to merge masculine and feminine aspects, so that we may manifest from integrated oneness.

To explore programs in Gemstone Alchemy and the power of activated gemstones, visit the Academy of Alchemy website.

The Fountain of Youth


This powerful alchemical oil connects the wearer with the energy source that sustains the universe.  The Fountain of Youth is a particularly powerful oil to assist with the regeneration and clearing of the meridians of the body and, by proxy the meridians of the Earth. (Read more details below).

The oil is applied in a clockwise motion that matches the motion of the energy we tap into.

Application: After putting a few drops on the index finger of your left hand, draw a circle on your skin around the navel in a clockwise manner about 3″ in diameter.


Peaceful Presence


This oil is dedicated to the Holy Ones who walk amongst humanity silently, bringing the gift of their peaceful presence.
The deep floral notes of Lotus flowers deliver a feeling of surrendered trust.

The oil is applied in the hollow of the neck (front of the neck). The indent in your collar bone, where it meets the neck.

Song of the Earth


SONG OF THE EARTH — Activating the Earth Element

This fresh fragrance with earthy undertones helps balance the tendency to resist change, and the inclination to become over-ambitious. It encourages flourishing through grateful acknowledgement of the gifts of the moment. Read more below.

Summer Rain


SUMMER RAIN – Activating the Water Element
This blend is experienced as movement between the multilayered notes of the fragrance. Its alchemy is formulated to encourage the fluidity needed for a masterful life of grace.

Water element relates to emotional expression, which when purified, brings the creative power to manifest a life of beauty and grace. Read more below.

Fires of Inspiration


The passion stirred by this alchemical oil provides the impetus to follow our inspired vision, empowered by courage and self-confidence. It promotes inner strength and fortitude in the face of adversity.

Fire element ignites the spark of willingness to engage in life from a place of self-belief. It stirs us to passionate engagement and enjoyment of life, which becomes a steady inner glow and contentment that fosters the warmth of unwavering hope.

Living the higher powers of the 5 elements elevates our life beyond the law of compensation.

Breath of Spring (Wind/Metal)


Wind / Metal Element

This fragrant blend encourages the unencumbered freedom of authentic expression. It balances the wisdom of being true to your heart, with the compassionate consideration of the impact of actions on the interconnectedness of all life

In the Wind/Metal element, we reclaim our intrinsic value to unfolding life, through full cooperation with the potential of the moment. From this willingness to presence the fullness of the moment and allow life to flow through us unresisted, we open to receiving the full blessings the moment offers.

Living the higher powers of the 5 elements elevates our life beyond the law of compensation.

The Eternal Song


This very timely alchemical oil fills out the missing tones in the Voice, so we speak ourselves into greater emergence and purity.

This refined and pleasing oil, is designed to activate the self-healing capabilities in the voice center.  Injury to the mind. body and soul comes from missing tones in the voice. Restoring them, restores the voice function of sound healing and strokes the body into self-regenerating.”  Apply to any pulse points such as the wrists– of course around the neck near throat or on it too.

The Voice is the confluence point where intent, tone, and life force meet to reveal a higher reality and manifest into it.  This oil activates the mystical center at the Throat that activates when the speech is impeccable and without hidden agenda.  Read more details below.

Fairy Crossing


This delightful fragrance oil blend with its light-hearted ambience, instills hopefulness and inspires the ability to see the magic in life. Its playful and innocent notes awaken peace and contentment, and open us to paths of grace in life.

Blended especially as a signature fragrance to celebrate the timeless attraction of the young at heart.

Apply on  the back of the neck (where the neck and top of the spine meet), and on  wrists.

Magic Rose Fairy


Very delighted to be carrying the new blend, the Magic Rose Fairy, created by the Seer to restore the Magic in our Hearts and the Lightness of Glad Expectations in our steps through eternity. The fragrance is evocative of visions sublime, and deep peace and faith….

The message of the seer at this time of destructuring being experienced on earth:

It is essential that the great light-bearers of the planet keep their faith in the perfection of unfolding life, and illuminate this time of despair with their Ray of Hope.

The Ray of Hope is the gift of the Gods to humanity. It is born of the Eternal Perspective of the Ancient Ones and the understanding that this too shall pass, and the memory of it be as a mere freckle on the face of time.

This blend was given to me in the night during the magic time between awakening and dreaming, by an exquisite little creature, who left her fragrance behind on my pillow after she left. May it restore your Joy and Gladden your Hearts, my beloved light family.

With Love and Gratitude, Almine

Recommended Application:  A small amount can be placed behind the knee joints. This signifies flexibility and optimism as you move forward through your eternal existence. Of course you can also wear on pulse points for its exquisite fragrance too.

Earth Angels


The Earth has been given nine Guardian Angels to guard her and her children during the times of transition and environmental challenges. The alchemy of the oil created to celebrate this event has been designed to facilitate communication and requests for their assistance.

How to use the alchemical oil: Place a few drops in the navel, Sign the angelic sigil in the air in front of you while calling the relevant Angel by name. State your request clearly and thank them for their assistance.

Oil comes with the 9 angel sigils and names.