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Self-Regeneration & Self-Rejuvenation


I am very excited to announce a new potent FA blend by Almine, to support self-regeneration. It is “Self-regeneration and self-rejuvenation through self-acceptance“.

This beautiful blend deals with “cellular regeneration by reminding atomic matter of its higher function – it overrides the memory of decay or impairment held in the atomic matrix (the electromagnetic field generated by the electrons).” The result is youthening…agelessness…

“Everywhere you go, forget everything you know.”

(From the Saredesi Fountain of Youth teachings, by Almine)

Inherent in life is its ever new, ever regenerative and vitalizing power. Essentially memory of what was prevents the ever newness of life to arise in you. When you release the past and immerse in the timelessness of the present moment, life has the power to regenerate, renew, youthen, and vitalize.



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Guiltless Journey


An intoxicating, blissful alchemical oil,  that strengthens the recognition of the guiltlessness of life.

This amazing alchemically blended oil has been created with the highest grade of absolute oils from India. The result is an oil that energizes, delights, and uplifts the soul. It energizes and instills the knowledge that all life is innocent. May it awaken within us the awe and wonder of life seen through the eyes of a child.

Placement on the body: in the middle of the back, where a woman’s bra strap fastens.

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Peaceful Presence


This oil is dedicated to the Holy Ones who walk amongst humanity silently, bringing the gift of their peaceful presence.
The deep floral notes of Lotus flowers deliver a feeling of surrendered trust.

The oil is applied in the hollow of the neck (front of the neck). The indent in your collar bone, where it meets the neck.

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This Precious oil is a blend prepared by the Seer to restore individual power through the restoration of innocence and fluidity, enabling magical manifestation and clear guidance for the life of the individual.

Oil is to be placed two finger widths below the base of the skull, on the back of the neck. One finger width below where the Eternal Mind oil goes.


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Earth Angels


The Earth has been given nine Guardian Angels to guard her and her children during the times of transition and environmental challenges. The alchemy of the oil created to celebrate this event has been designed to facilitate communication and requests for their assistance.

How to use the alchemical oil: Place a few drops in the navel, Sign the angelic sigil in the air in front of you while calling the relevant Angel by name. State your request clearly and thank them for their assistance.

Oil comes with the 9 angel sigils and names.

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Eternal Mind of the Gods


The incorruptible Eternal Mind of humanity is born of an eternal perspective. It is the result of the evolution of the mental plane of all humankind and the solution to achieving peace on Earth. The alchemy in this phenomenal oil facilitates a shift in perspective that allows you to see your daily life from an empowered position of one living in Eternal time.

How to use the alchemical oil: Place a small amount of this precious oil just below the hairline, in the middle, and at the back of the neck.

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Field of Hope Oil


The complex and layered fragrance is both heavenly and earthy. It imparts a feeling of warmth and freshness at the same time, imparting confidence to walk in self-sovereign pristeneness. The blend is instantly elevating to one’s mood.

The beautiful blend enhances the wearer’s ability to tune into the perfection behind appearances, to spread moments of joy into lasting states of happiness, to tap into the poetic song of Eternity and cooperate with it through holding visions sublime, and to feel the pregnant field that forms as new potential arise from the hope in Heart.

Worn on inner wrists and elbows, this oil reminds us that expressing and receiving are one, and our willing engagement with life is what brings deep fulfilment and even greater hope for what is to come.

The Field of Hope Oil comes in 4 sizes: 3.5 mls, 5 mls rose quartz roller top bottle, 10 mls rose quartz roller top bottle, or the 18 mls bottle.

Add $15 for the materials:

  • The 16 Principles of Hope (by Almine), to inspire the cultivation of a Field of Hope.
  • A video with the 16 Principles of Hope
  • A spread on the Rune Mastery App, to cultivate Hope, and access to the random spread pick from the 16 Principles for a month
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Magic Rose Fairy


Very delighted to be carrying the new blend, the Magic Rose Fairy, created by the Seer to restore the Magic in our Hearts and the Lightness of Glad Expectations in our steps through eternity. The fragrance is evocative of visions sublime, and deep peace and faith….

The message of the seer at this time of destructuring being experienced on earth:

It is essential that the great light-bearers of the planet keep their faith in the perfection of unfolding life, and illuminate this time of despair with their Ray of Hope.

The Ray of Hope is the gift of the Gods to humanity. It is born of the Eternal Perspective of the Ancient Ones and the understanding that this too shall pass, and the memory of it be as a mere freckle on the face of time.

This blend was given to me in the night during the magic time between awakening and dreaming, by an exquisite little creature, who left her fragrance behind on my pillow after she left. May it restore your Joy and Gladden your Hearts, my beloved light family.

With Love and Gratitude, Almine

Recommended Application:  A small amount can be placed behind the knee joints. This signifies flexibility and optimism as you move forward through your eternal existence. Of course you can also wear on pulse points for its exquisite fragrance too.

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Fairy Crossing


This delightful fragrance oil blend with its light-hearted ambience, instills hopefulness and inspires the ability to see the magic in life. Its playful and innocent notes awaken peace and contentment, and open us to paths of grace in life.

Blended especially as a signature fragrance to celebrate the timeless attraction of the young at heart.

Apply on  the back of the neck (where the neck and top of the spine meet), and on  wrists.

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The Alchemist’s Oracle


This oil with its deep and multilayered nuances is a scent that pleases both men and women. Its purpose is to awaken the abilities in the body that receive subtle information. Worn over the ‘third eye’, it activates the capacity to sense the cosmic pulse and align with the flow of life where all support is to be found.

It also has been alchemically designed to facilitate the ability of Rune Masters to manifest this subtle guidance through the language of the Runes.

Apply on the point between the eyebrows, but one finger width higher

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Birth of Majesty


A powerful oil blend created specifically for her Lightfamily by the Seer. The Birth of Majesty fragrance oil has been alchemically enhanced to alleviate the discomfort of transitions experienced as an individual evolves into a multi-dimensional being — a time that can be challenging and bewildering.

This blend has been specifically created to assist with night terrors, feelings of disorientation and abandonment, as well as depression and lack of self-confidence arising from the loss of familiar reference points. The lack of mental clarity that accompanies the evolutionary shifts is also assisted by the use of this spectacular blend.

The oil assists in easing the discomfort of giving up static or sequential reference points of a life in limitation, so that we can embrace the fluid reference points of inspiration that are ever changing on a never ending, eternal adventure of self-discovery.

The location to apply it is on the right wrist.

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The Eternal Song


This very timely alchemical oil fills out the missing tones in the Voice, so we speak ourselves into greater emergence and purity.

This refined and pleasing oil, is designed to activate the self-healing capabilities in the voice center.  Injury to the mind. body and soul comes from missing tones in the voice. Restoring them, restores the voice function of sound healing and strokes the body into self-regenerating.”  Apply to any pulse points such as the wrists– of course around the neck near throat or on it too.

The Voice is the confluence point where intent, tone, and life force meet to reveal a higher reality and manifest into it.  This oil activates the mystical center at the Throat that activates when the speech is impeccable and without hidden agenda.  Read more details below.

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