Jasmine Oil


Jasmine Oil – Jasmine oil is extracted from the flowers, and has a strong and distinct scent, which is common in flowers that bloom only at night. The jasmine flower is associated with the mystery of poetry of romance.

This alchemical oil brings intensity to sensual experience. It heightens awareness of the pleasures of life and restores emotional well-being. While it is classified as a feminine scent because of its floral notes, it works for both genders because of its richness and warmth.

Awakening to the sensual aspect of life is a key element needed to truly enjoy the journey through life. Too long have the senses been trapped in painful misunderstandings, causing them to distort and edit experience. When we cultivate enjoyment through all the sensory modalities, our appreciation of life increases and so too do the blessings that we open ourselves to.

The alchemical jasmine oil is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears the Large Intestine (LI) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the LI: guilt, disappointment, remorse, and opposition to change. When we release resistance to change and let go of what is obsolete, we become receptive to the new…the blessings that life wishes to bestow upon us, which further enhances our enjoyment of life. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Jasmine oil is traditionally known for its antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antiseptic, and sedative properties that help with insomnia. It is known to deeply relax and can be used for meditation.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite. Jasmine oil is particularly strong and should be tested on skin (and needs to be wiped off immediately if spilled on furniture).

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.



The earthy-warm, mildly sweet, slightly spicy precious wood notes of the legendary Sandalwood oil, present a melodic blend that is distinct, unique, yet not overpowering.

Even with its warmth, this alchemical blend has a fresh scent that is uplifting to the spirit and elevates the mood. It assists in releasing the hold of the past and instills hope. It can be beneficial in creating optimism and self-confidence.

Sandalwood oil is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Stomach  (St) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the St: disgust, greed, shame, and blame.  As we release these judging emotions, we free ourselves to become authentic as we emancipate from programs of acceptability.  To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

It is an oil with a rich sacred tradition, said to be one of the most pleasing to the gods, and so is used in meditation and setting sacred space.

While it is classified a masculine blend because of its earthy notes, it works equally for both genders, and the fragrance is loved by both men and women.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

Photo via www.sandalwoodoilspecialist.com

Blues Skies ~ Oil of the Inner Child


Alchemical Oil  For Healing and Activation of the Inner Child

Blue Skies is a dynamic blend that dissolves old emotional baggage, allowing for the spontaneity of expression of the masculine and confidence in the feminine’s strength.  The blend promotes trust in spontaneity and the innocence of timelessness.

One of 8 new blends to bring profound healing to the inner family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love. 

The balanced Inner Child (IC) brings the ability to dream the impossible beyond limitation, which dissolves the tyranny of logical mind that believes in  past limitations,  and attunes us to a reality of of profound interconnectedness and all-possibilities. The permeating presence of the IC that trusts life and engages in jubilant expression is key to unlocking the powers of magic within us. 

The healed IC brings unique core powers to live from the fullness of the present moment, in timelessness and wonderment.

Blues Skies is available in 3.5 ml, 18 ml or 33 ml  sizes. 

With your purchase of Blue Skies, you receive

  • a pdf with a description of the Inner Child,  affirmations for healing the Inner Child, and suggested applications for the Blue Skies blend
  • a brainwave entrainment audio to the deep delta state where healing of the Inner Child level is best done
  • a sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

The Fountain of Youth


This powerful alchemical oil connects the wearer with the energy source that sustains the universe.  The Fountain of Youth is a particularly powerful oil to assist with the regeneration and clearing of the meridians of the body and, by proxy the meridians of the Earth. (Read more details below).

The oil is applied in a clockwise motion that matches the motion of the energy we tap into.

Application: After putting a few drops on the index finger of your left hand, draw a circle on your skin around the navel in a clockwise manner about 3″ in diameter.