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The Marriage of Light & Love ~ The Alchemical Oil for the Crystalline Body of Incorruptibility


So very excited to announce a new FA oil that has the frequencies of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh — three substances that alchemically blend to open the body to higher aspect of self that dwell in realms of light. This combination also clears overlays of unreality from one’s environment, so that there is revealed ‘what is’.  It is time to express from true authenticity and manifest a ‘real’ environment that is an expression of what we are.

This FA oil has been patiently held as a possibility for years, but only now can it fully activate higher aspects in us, as only now are we able to shape the true body of coagulated White Light…that which we are. Infinite praise and thanks to the Seer for creating it!

The oil is applied to the locations of chakras 8 and 9 (where a woman’s ovaries are…applies to men as well), which provide the foundation in body, to ‘land’ our higher aspects of self. We are merging  refined Light into the body as the substance of love, which includes and assimilates all — in this manner the body becomes a portal of purification.

The ultimate gift to the Holy Mother is for our presence to spiritualize Matter and exalt it into the holy substance of Love. This FA Oil is the one to support this “Marriage of Light and Love”.

Comes with a Power Sigil that is a Power Source Wheel as well (laminated), with 24 angelgods to be invoked.

Read more below.

The Goddess Collection


A collection of alchemically enhanced fragrant oils to awaken the aspects of the goddess within, through the thirteen goddess archetypes. This brings the deep peace of a balanced life, not only to the individual, but also to the environment.

 Note: The oils may be purchased singly, in 3.5 or 5ml sizes. Please email for this option.

The Twelve Oils of High Magic


These FA Blends stand out as being in a class of their own! Their refined potency entrains the wearer to a new reality beyond what is attainable by most.

These oils are an essential tool for the masters who are preparing for the stage beyond mortal boundaries — the limitless life of Incorruptible White Light; a life of High Magic. In High Magic, the miraculous is a side effect of a live well-lived, following inspiration and guidance from our highest truth that arises in the moment unfolding.
An essential tool for the masters who are preparing for the stage beyond Resurrection – the limitless life of Incorruptible White Light; a life of High Magic.

Oils 1, 2, and 3 enable access to ‘the Unknowable’.
Oils 4, 5, and 6 assist access to the body of information called ‘the Unfathomable’.
Oils 7, 8, and 9 facilitate access to the information known as ‘the Inconceivable’.
Oils 10, 11 and 12 assist access to Unarticulated Potential.

Watch this video by Almine on the body as an expression of our limitlessness:

Read about the 12 oils below.

Available in the usual sizes: kits of 3.5 mls or 18 mls sizes, as well as a 2.4 sample kit that is easier for travel.


With the 18 mls size, you get an elegant red pouch to store your oils in (good for travel).