8EMP2: Dispelling Illusion in the 8 Extraordinary Meridians ~ Audio Meditations, Talks, and Exercises
Dispelling the illusions of the 8 Extraordinary meridians and their Tones of Fertility is the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC, www.spiriatuljourneys.com. This product is based on her teachings.
Dispelling Illusions of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians and Living a Life of No Opposites
This product supports further clearing of the primary illusions. Material includes:
- Audio Meditation on the Higher Perspectives to Clear the 8 Primary Illusions
- Almine's meridian art–a set of light elixirs to clear illusion and matrices from the 8 extraordinary meridians and activate higher perspective. (Note: this meridian art is not available anywhere else.) Comes in a booklet with affirmations for each meridian.
- Exercise and elixir to cultivate the attitude of praise that supports overcoming the tyranny of gravitation in the meridians–the power of praise activates the eight extraordinary meridians to their higher function.
- Audio Meditation: Dispelling the Primary Illusions of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians in the Haraaknit
- Three Aspects of Surrendered Trust to Live from the Deep Peace of the Inner Sanctum – meditation, angel elixirs (sung by Almine), and exercise.
- Exercise to activate the Song of Joy through the 8 extraordinary meridians (with the Song of Joy FA oil)
- Contemplative Talks on living beyond memory and the magical life
Eight primary illusions have trapped consciousness in duality, and prevented the knowing of the fluid, boundless, unfathomable nature of being. Cut off from the eternal, formless part of ourselves, we have lived separated from our Source, and have lost sight of the dignity, the beauty, the flawlessness, and perfection of life that is ever present.
The ever-present flawless perfection of life is revealed to the one who lives from knowing he has neither beginning nor end, and that nothing has power over his incorruptible core.
Clearing the 8 extraordinary meridians is key in closing the gap of linear time and static space, which sustains the illusion. Once these illusions weaken and dissolve, the ‘house of cards’ will fall down, and you will see life from a very different and ever changing perspective– time and space collapse into the eternal moment of fluid re-forming form. This is precursor to activating the High Heart–which is the ‘twist’ in the Moebius of inner and outer space.
(Alchemical equation received by Almine – appears in the Booklet to Dispel the Illusions of the Eight Extroardinary Meridians, LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com)
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