Coming Home to the Self ~ FA Oil


This FA blend, is a formulation that has produced a fragrance of great subtleties. Each of the fragrant tones in the blend has alchemical properties supporting depth of living, being home for the self, promoting a sense of comfort and contentment in being enfolded in grace, and a return to Source. Overall, the theme it supports is the coming home to the Self.

Only in being home for ourselves can we manifest a real environment as our expression…only then can we truly experience receiving and giving as one and the same: the self giving to the self. Im coming home to self from depth of living, the subpersonalities become healed and harmonized.

This oil may be worn anywhere on the body, but a suggested application is to rub into wrists and ankles (the Yuan Source points), to change the frequency of the organs and balance pro-activity and receptivity.

With the purchase of this oil in 18 or 33 mls sizes, you will receive a pdf on depth of living and coming home to the self.

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3.5 mls


18 mls


33 mls

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