Heavenly Rose oil US$10.00US$132.00
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Oasis Sunset US$22.00US$79.00

The Twelve Oils of High Magic


These FA Blends stand out as being in a class of their own! Their refined potency entrains the wearer to a new reality beyond what is attainable by most.

These oils are an essential tool for the masters who are preparing for the stage beyond mortal boundaries — the limitless life of Incorruptible White Light; a life of High Magic. In High Magic, the miraculous is a side effect of a live well-lived, following inspiration and guidance from our highest truth that arises in the moment unfolding.
An essential tool for the masters who are preparing for the stage beyond Resurrection – the limitless life of Incorruptible White Light; a life of High Magic.

Oils 1, 2, and 3 enable access to ‘the Unknowable’.
Oils 4, 5, and 6 assist access to the body of information called ‘the Unfathomable’.
Oils 7, 8, and 9 facilitate access to the information known as ‘the Inconceivable’.
Oils 10, 11 and 12 assist access to Unarticulated Potential.

Watch this video by Almine on the body as an expression of our limitlessness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGhMesZPZ8s

Read about the 12 oils below.

Available in the usual sizes: kits of 3.5 mls or 18 mls sizes, as well as a 2.4 sample kit that is easier for travel.


With the 18 mls size, you get an elegant red pouch to store your oils in (good for travel).



High Magic accesses the laws of manifestation in the twelve layers of existence. Each of the  layers contributes through the practitioner’s body to the magic. High Magic works with limitlessness and endlessness — it is far more powerful than any magic we have had.” Almine

This set includes the following 12 oils:

  1. Oasis Sunset (Masculine)
    This fragrance is alchemically enhanced to activate High Magic on the material plane, and to yield experiential wisdom. It helps to integrate activity and inactivity — a quality essential to the practitioner of High Magic. It can be used to assist the Runemaster in gaining insights from the Rune set of Arkbar.
  2. Prince of Egypt (Masculine)
    This fragrance, although masculine, appeals to women as well because of its deep, rich and mystical qualities. It enhances perception, and helps the practitioner of High Magic gain the necessary perspective to see beyond the illusion of permanence and transience. It is alchemically enhanced to facilitate learning to love without pain.
  3. Velvet Nights (Feminine)
    This enchanting fragrance with its floral overtones increases the tonal luminosity the master radiates. It is designed to strengthen the practitioner of High Magic’s ability to work with the tools of love and light. It helps heal the illusion of the separation of life-enhancing and non-life-enhancing by exposing the Oneness of all life that exists beyond the appearances.
  4. Seven Veils (Feminine)
    The alchemy of this mystical oil from Cairo, is a powerful tool to assist the practitioner of High Magic to gain the necessary awareness to move through the seven initiations into mastery. These initiations challenge the truth seeker to overcome the illusions of “hidden” and “evident”. When used in conjunction with the Luxor blend, it assists the Runemaster to gain insights from the Rune set of Prutbar.
  5. Moonlight Garden (Feminine)
    The delightful fresh fragrance is alchemically enhanced to boost life-force and provide the energy needed for higher consciousness and High Magic. Enhancing the power of intent, it gifts vitality to all in its environment. Highly recommended as a tool of consciousness.
  6. Essence of Magic (Feminine)
    Elevating vision to see beyond the illusion of time, it helps dissolve the chains that bind from the past. This releases power to the practitioner to create change by changing within. The alchemy is designed to create change in the large picture thereby releasing available power to manifest the new. It is a powerful aid for manifestation — especially when used in conjunction with affirmations.
  7. Desert Dawn (Feminine)
    This fragrant oil has the unique properties of instilling self-confidence and promoting self-sovereignty. It promotes authenticity and enhances the poise of a master. When preparing for a life of High Magic, confidence in the outcome of expressed intention births faith. This fragrance can assist in gathering clear answers from the Rune field of Harasut, especially when used with the blend, Hathor.
  8. Starlight on Aswan (Feminine)
    This fragrant oil has overtones of citrus and spice. Its alchemy assists with the birth of the Immaculate White Light reality when used in conjunction with the Merkaba of Resurrection. It enhances the Runemasters’ ability to work with the eighth Rune set of the field of Mistel, especially when used with the blend, the Secret of Nefertiti.
  9. Wings of Rapture
    This extremely sacred and powerful oil dissolves the illusion of the One and the Many. Along with the eighth oil, it prepares the Grandmaster of the Runes to access the body of information known as ‘The Inconceivable’ from the Ninth Field of the One.The eighth Rune set becomes an interdimensional portal when the ninth High Magic oil – Wings of Rapture – is applied in conjunction with the eighth oils. Both the eighth and ninth are applied to the crown — the ninth is placed a finger width behind the eighth.The following three blends have been received in 2019, at the time when the Field of the One became accessible–this is the level of Existence that takes us to transcendence of the reality under the laws of polarity and compensation that we have lived in for eons.
  10. Flight of the Mystic (Feminine) NEW
    This tenth High Magic oil is a perfect complement to the Holy Sanctuary oil. Together they create the sacred space that makes living as a god amongst men less abrasive and more graceful. The Flight of the Mystic has been carefully blended for you by the Seer to remind you daily that although you are amongst humanity, you are not one of them. The sanctity you live at home, travels with you in the midst of the crowded streets. The complexity of the man-made reality around you, cannot penetrate your shield of holiness.
  11. Black Wolf (Masculine) NEW
    This eleventh High Magic oil has been named after a Native American spirit that assisted the Seer at a time when she was a single mother without income who had just adopted a nine month old Indigenous baby. He helped her overcome her fear of not being able to support herself or her child by encouraging her to realize that her being was her sustenance. The attitude of self-reliance precedes the reality of it.This eleventh High Magic oil has been alchemically blended to strengthen the belief in your self sovereignty. It encourages self-empowerment.
  12. Shadowless Light NEW
    This oil has been especially blended to instill self-discipline in masters. Disciplined mastery is the regulating force of fluid spontaneity. The banks and the bed of the river determine the rate and force of the flow of the water. The more narrow the banks, the more turbulently the river forces its way in between them. The disciplined life creates power that when harnessed for a specific purpose, creates powerful manifestation of Intent. This oil strengthens the will and promotes self-discipline.

Suggestions on How to Use the Oils

**Applying the full protocol of the 12 oils regularly will enhance your ability to live in indivisibility and fill out the tones in your Song of Self.  “When the life of a person sings in harmony with the One Life, effortless magic flows.” It helps to study the properties of the Fields of Existence, so that you cooperate more consciously to presence those fields within.   It is our goal at present to live from all fields as a unified field, and to dissolve the matrices that have separated them.

Study of the Runes of the Infinite Mother will enhance your ability to presence all fields simultaneously (training in the Runes offered here), as well as clearing and activating the 12 ordinary meridians will also support this. Meridian activation programs and related support can be found on the Adventures in Boundlessness Shop.  Another great support is to explore clearing the fields directly, which will be offered as a 12 months program on Whole Being Flourishing. (Details will come in 9/2019)

**Another suggestion is to focus on an oil each day, systematically to get to know each one better, and then according to what you wish to enhance, or pick one intuitively.   If you wish, email  me upon purchase of the High Magic kit, requesting the table of themes to work with, the clear the Fields.

To read a bit more on each of the oils, go to the product info for the single oils.

Q: Why does the set contain some masculine and some feminine oils?

Almine’s Answer:
“Although we had to indicate whether a specific oil would appeal to a male or a female (e.g. for wives wanting to gift their husbands), the oils are in fact perfectly balanced between the masculine and feminine nature of existence.  In order to work with the High Magic set, you need not concern yourself with what oil is for what gender. Their overall purpose is to open the gates of High Magic in the body.”

The Fluid Geometry of Inner and Outer Space

The initial High Magic oil set contained 8 oils only. Almine explained that these oils work with the sub-personality oils, in direct correspondences.

Oils of HM application

planes of the body“The eight fields of existence — accessed by High Magic — applies to external space. They can be called the cardinal points of space. The subpersonalities (described by ancient seers as vast rivers that run through all of existence) are in fact the cardinal points of inner space.

As you store the oils on the alchemical sigils of the Eight Fields of Existence, their capacity to form portals between inner and outer space is enhanced.

The eight oils of High Magic have power sigils of their own in an extremely high and advanced language. In addition, there are eight alchemical power sigils that belong to the Eight Fields of Existence (all of which are utilized in High Magic), that you can place under the oils when storing them.”

See full post on Almine Diary

Locations of 3 new oils:

All three on the midline of the body ~

  • Flight of the Mystic
    The Point of Surrender two finger widths above the navel.
  • Black Wolf
    Apply in the middle, directly above the Mons pubis bone.
  • Shadowless Light
    Apply the oil two finger widths above the “V” of the rib cage … in the middle of the chest where the heart chakra is located.
Additional information

Sample (2.4 mls)


3.5 mls


18 mls

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