Field of Hope Oil
US$22.00 – US$104.00
The complex and layered fragrance is both heavenly and earthy. It imparts a feeling of warmth and freshness at the same time, imparting confidence to walk in self-sovereign pristeneness. The blend is instantly elevating to one’s mood.
The beautiful blend enhances the wearer’s ability to tune into the perfection behind appearances, to spread moments of joy into lasting states of happiness, to tap into the poetic song of Eternity and cooperate with it through holding visions sublime, and to feel the pregnant field that forms as new potential arise from the hope in Heart.
Worn on inner wrists and elbows, this oil reminds us that expressing and receiving are one, and our willing engagement with life is what brings deep fulfilment and even greater hope for what is to come.
The Field of Hope Oil comes in 4 sizes: 3.5 mls, 5 mls rose quartz roller top bottle, 10 mls rose quartz roller top bottle, or the 18 mls bottle.
Add $15 for the materials:
- The 16 Principles of Hope (by Almine), to inspire the cultivation of a Field of Hope.
- A video with the 16 Principles of Hope
- A spread on the Rune Mastery App, to cultivate Hope, and access to the random spread pick from the 16 Principles for a month
The power of Hope creates the ‘twist’ in the moebius of indivisibility with Source, so that we may become a conduit of Heaven on Earth, restoring the flow of life ever new. Hope is the power that opens us to miracles.
When we live with Hope that continually supports our ability to see behind appearances and envision ‘wonderful becomings’ in the situations around us, we flow a new substance that dissolves the illusions that polarize life.
Hope is the 5th of the ‘ascension’ attitudes, and it activates the power of the 5th Element of Aether or Wood (New Birth). Such a power is it that when we live with true, unwavering Hope in Heart, we lift all life up to ever more refined expression.
The oil was developed to support the creation of a Field of Hope with the Bird Clock of Infinite Intent that supports High Manifestation. To live with active, ever-present Hope is a very powerful part of manifesting a real environment.
The oil is a complex alchemy that required a new oil ingredient, and as Almine created it, she found it needed another sigil too, to imbue it with more complex alchemical properties through the night. So it comes with an additional sigil to store the oil on.
Qualities of this alignment to Infinity include:
- Hope as a power to flow with life ever new and be the ‘twist’ in the moebius of indivisibility with Source…the Bridge that unifies all dimensions of Existence
- Opening the body as a portal of limitlessness
- Embodying Boundlessness for the Cosmos within…so manifesting from new, infinite cosmic riches
- ‘Embodied Infinity’ as a substance and power to manifest the ‘real’ through flexibility, resilience, faith and self-trust
- Natural purification and shedding of the unreal.
The Field of Hope formulation relates to a power of the Earth element as well—the most powerful element, in that all is being integrated into matter at the present time: we are spiritualizing matter and no longer reaching for ascension.
Have to tell you that I could DRINK Field of Hope! What a sublime blend!
It is rather impossible to have a favorite, but I think this is my current — from a fragrance standpoint, it is enlivening, quickening, exciting; varied floral notes, but also a quality of fresh air, ‘high mountain air’, and sunshine — like a verdant mountain meadow. Love this from Elfin Quest: 60: “A single rainstorm can transform the desert into sheets of flowers from seeds that had lain dormant for decades. The faith, hope and optimism of a single person, can likewise awaken the potential in the hearts of many.” From an energetic / mystical properties standpoint, I’m not certain there’s any other blend that evokes anything quite like this… I’m experiencing it as supportive of visionary experiences, and as standing in a feeling sense of being fluid with all potentials… a feeling sense of certainty that the substance of all potentials is my self-substance… which is such a support for resistance-less-ness… it gives an empowered, self-sovereign feeling of fullness in the moment… this principle of HM expresses it beautifully: 94. When we focus obsessively on our glad expectations, we abandon the moment. Live fully in the moment, only giving glances at the fulfillment of your dreams. Living in the fulfillment of your glad expectations now, prevents them from always receding across future horizons. This blend is an absolute delight — enthused appreciation for sharing this priceless gem; this is a beautiful gift you are giving from the fruits of your masterfully presenced experiences, dear A!💖🙏 J |
Sizes |
3.5 mls ,5 mls ,10 mls ,18 mls |
Materials |
With materials ,Without materials |
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