Guiltless Journey
US$29.00 – US$175.00
An intoxicating, blissful alchemical oil, that strengthens the recognition of the guiltlessness of life.
This amazing alchemically blended oil has been created with the highest grade of absolute oils from India. The result is an oil that energizes, delights, and uplifts the soul. It energizes and instills the knowledge that all life is innocent. May it awaken within us the awe and wonder of life seen through the eyes of a child.
Placement on the body: in the middle of the back, where a woman’s bra strap fastens.
For so long we have sought to break free of the programs of negative emotions tied to stories of struggle. Among those emotions Guilt has been the one that has held open the gap of linear time, where all manner of illusion and programming has taken hold. No more! A guiltless journey is one into ever deeper levels of freedom to explore our boundlessness, no holds barred. It is one where we immerse in experiences knowing perfection is unfolding through them, and we engage — eyes wide open, with the mastery of a silenced mind and a heart open to the true Dream of the Infinite –, on paths yet unknown.
We are called to step us as Guardians of Space and of Time, so that no longer can the reality on Earth be manipulated and dragged down to serve the ‘greedy ones’. We do this as the Bridge of outer and inner worlds…the reconciliation of the poles, whereby space and time collapse by our assimilating everything and expressing it anew in each moment…For that, the permeating presence of the Child must be activated, and all parts of the inner psyche must know all life to be innocent, and all actions to have been and to be guiltless. Occlusions are tools of the Infinite to redirect life, and we cannot make a mistake when mind is stilled and the heart is pure. Guiltlessness is really the masterful expression of innocence.
This precious alchemical blend will awaken the awe and wonderment of life, as seen through the eyes of a child, which brings us into the present moment, where time synchronizes to Infinite Intent. That is to live by synchronicities. It fosters the innocence of full immersal in the moment, where presence on all fields deepens increasingly through our surrendered, joyous living. And this quality in being leads us directly into living by Proxy Magic. Innocence causes the missing tones in our Song of Self to emerge, by grace, and all ill-intent in the world turns to blessings for us as proxy of all life.
Innocence begets wholeness, and in wholeness our life is proxy for all life on earth…our illuminated, embodied alignment to Truth, Love, and Purity becomes the ‘law of the land’….
The Guiltless Journey is one of continual assimilation of past in the present, where future of highest destiny hides. It is best depicted by the Ouroboros…the snake eating its tail…but on all 4 Fields of life in form.
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3.5 mls ,18 mls ,33 mls |
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