Holy Sanctuary supports a higher level of existence that is accessed as we live in oneness. The alchemical oil’ frequency helps entrain you to this level. As you attune yourself at this refined level, you access ‘holiness’–i.e. a reality beyond your current level can influence your life. The power of holiness applies to you or your space, as the oil may worn on your body or diffused into your space, using a water diffuser.
The frequency of this oil helps to feel at one with the environment–where inner and outer reality are no longer divided but lived as one. When you see dysfunction around you, and you observe without conclusion, without judgment or intent,– seeing from an eternal perspective while holding a vision of a higher reality, then things around will shift by grace.
Things in outer life can no longer disturb the sanctity of our lives when we live the tone of the Holy Sanctuary, which this oil helps us embody.
It is a perfect oil for space purification and elevation, and a great addition to other Feng Shui practices to reverence your being and space.
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