Almine revealed that the cosmos had undergone a major change with a merging of inner and outer realities (September 2014), and that many profound impacts to life would be noticed. The gap between cause and effect has narrowed, such that our power to manifest is more pronounced. For some, it will be rapid destructuring of illusions; for others, it will feel like a beautiful dawn after a long dark night. The High Heart is a major terminal point of the meridian system, that merges inner and outer, and so its activation is key to be in sync with the cosmos.
The Song of the High Heart is also the most potent of the oils, and you will find that life becomes noticeably more fluid and magical when you live in surrendered trust. All of your efforts to move into a more refined reality will then amplify.
The High Heart point is one of two resurrection points, which also supports the merging of three realities that were parallel and separated (realities referred to as pristine man, godhood, and super-godhood). This has brought in higher potential in the DNA, such that we may live in integrated oneness and leave behind the cycles of linear change, with life, death and ascension in endless repetition.
The High Heart activates when we live in surrendered trust, in the full realization of the benevolence of life, in agendaless harmlessness that does impose the will of the small self, and when we live the 27 states of inner and outer nature, as powers within. (Almine) |
I invite you to explore the support material to activate the High Heart chakra!
Sigil of the Real High Heart, by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys (
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