The Eternal Song
US$20.00 – US$77.00
This very timely alchemical oil fills out the missing tones in the Voice, so we speak ourselves into greater emergence and purity.
This refined and pleasing oil, is designed to activate the self-healing capabilities in the voice center. Injury to the mind. body and soul comes from missing tones in the voice. Restoring them, restores the voice function of sound healing and strokes the body into self-regenerating.” Apply to any pulse points such as the wrists– of course around the neck near throat or on it too.
The Voice is the confluence point where intent, tone, and life force meet to reveal a higher reality and manifest into it. This oil activates the mystical center at the Throat that activates when the speech is impeccable and without hidden agenda. Read more details below.
“To speak from the shallow cup of the little self depletes our supply.” To communicate from the well-spring of existence feeds immortality.” (1)
“Anything expressing from separation consciousness depletes the limited resources of the body, causing aging, decay, and pour health.“(1)
We are told that the Voice is the most powerful healing and manifestation tool of the body. This is because it carries our intent within its tones. When the words we speak are seeking to get from external reality…to hook or manipulate others, etc, we are speaking illusion into being, whereas when we speak from agendaless innocence, from the deep inspiration stirring within, then we speak tones that heal and regenerate our body and environment. The Voice cannot lie, and when transparent and true, it has the power of the One to break down old matrices and manifest life anew from pure creative frequencies.
We are blessed to have the power of Fragrance Alchemy to remove the separated layers of life, so that the voice can speak indivisible oneness into manifestation!
This powerful alchemical blend activates the voice to manifest from wholeness, to be able to carry the tones of the full meridian system, from all three realities of Body, Soul, Spirit, (Gut, Heart, Head), from all 5 elements*, from the healed Inner Family in consolidated purpose, with the permeating presence of the Inner Child and the spiritual maturity of the mastered meridian system that causes complete surrender to Infinite Intent.
*Note the healed Inner Child knows how to express the true elements in oneness, and the song of the elements causes all that we are and do to harmonize with the intent of creation, We are then fully supported, and manifestation is incidental to our expression of the inspiration and full potential that stirs within.
Some of the functions and effects of this oil include:
- Clears patterns of holding back expression in the Throat chakra.
- Fills out missing tones in the voice, so that we speak ourselves into wholeness…we speak reality one step ahead of us, so that we can emerge into ever greater transparency and power.
- Supports manifestation from wholeness to our next level of evolution–where all body systems operate in consolidated purpose. In wholeness, we recognize the self as All That is, and we manifest incidentally to fully expressing our unique Song of Self.
- Activates the mystical center at the Throat–the ‘Black Moon Well’ (1), the black waters that bless our being with perpetual regeneration when we release the will of the small, egoic self.
- Supports the ability to hear the One Life as we speak–so that we can easily spot and self-refine when there are tones that are inharmonious to life.
- Recalibrates the voice “to express potential combined with new truth, which alchemically breaks down old matrices and grids”. (1)
- This recalibration happens in each moment as we express newly accessed potential and release what was. In this manner, our voice cause perpetual regeneration in body. (1)
- Harmonizes voice to the flow of life. When we sing the full tones of life, effortless magic flows because all that we manifest serves the One in all.
- When voice carries our highest vision into manifested form, there is no more gap between outer and inner.
- Opens up the voice to be able to speak from all 3 levels of the Field of the One (from the three pastel colors of apple green, aquamarine and peach)
- Voice is the confluence point of the activated chakras –breath (inspiration), life force (power that flows through spontaneous living), tone (matching intent as the power of oneness and all within, where uniqueness expressed within the embrace of diversity) alchemically fuse to leverage power to manifest new life.
- Voice and tongue unite in power (outer sense organ of the Heart meridian and Fire element). As we speak from inspiration, without agenda, passion and joy unite and restore oneness to the body. The corollary holds too, that as we speak with Heart, the voice becomes powerful and pure.
- Helps the voice to support the fluidity of space – to support manifestation in High Alchemy/White Magic
You may wish to explore the voice meditation on AdventuresinBoundlessness.com
- Here are links: Awakening the Power of the Voice and Beauty through Regeneration ~ Face, Body, and Life
(1) From the Lemurian Science of Immortality, by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys. almine.store
Size |
3.5 mls ,18 mls |
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