Yet another profound and life-changing course from Anita. The Rune training was amazing but the Bird Clock course has taken it to a whole new level. It’s not just the next “level” to the Rune training however, it brings the Runes and many other bodies of Almine’s work together to help one see the bigger picture and align in a more refined way with Infinite intent. How amazing is it to have the tools available to co-create your own reality in alignment with Infinite intent?
The sessions are over Skype which is great for me as we are on either side of the Atlantic! As always, Anita and Jodie hold the space so well during the period of the training and you really feel like you are in a bubble for the 6 weeks.
I cannot speak highly enough of Anita or her trainings, they are the cutting edge of spiritual teachings; I highly recommend signing up for one of Anita’s courses if you are serious about your spiritual practice. They are life changing beyond belief and the beginning of an amazing adventure into the unknowable! Anita is a trailblazer so there is always something new in the pipeline to build on what you’ve learned from her in previous courses.
Heartfelt gratitude and reverence to your dear Anita.
Shane Ireland

I had the great privilege in participating in the first Rune Mastery Intensive Training program offered through the Academy of Fragrance Alchemy, and without any hesitation wholeheartedly recommend this exceptional training to all those who are truly ready to move to the next level. The depth and breadth of preparatory work that is covered in order to enable one to wield the power of the Runes with greatest mastery and impeccability is unparalleled, and even as a dedicated student of Almine this has been a most extraordinary revelatory experience for me.
Included, alongside countless hours of the most incredible ceremonies geared towards full-being evolution, is an absolute treasury of study materials, that in themselves are worth more than the value of the whole package, and will serve for a long time beyond the course of the program as sources of reference for the ongoing journey. Anita’s ability to weave together the complex layers of the tapestry that is emerging as the “route” to freedom ultimately from a life of separation, with many treasures gleaned from the vast body of materials that has been lovingly laid out by Almine, is quite extraordinary, and all of it comes together beautifully in this program.
This is the training that I recommend to my clients, and many have asked me if the time and study commitment that is asked for prior to initiation into Rune Mastery is worthwhile – I can say unequivocally YES! The depth of personal evolutionary potential that is explored very practically is invaluable; it is a multi-layered process that changes one mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. You can FEEL the difference having put the initial prep work in, there is simply no comparison to such a depth of palpable experience. With full engagement and willingness to let go of all that no longer serves at this point, actual body-level changes are practically guaranteed with this.
Anita is a living example of “being the cause of flourishing in your environment”. She is a blessing to everyone she touches, and I am truly privileged to get to be among those who interact with her on a frequent basis. I consider her to be both one of my primary mentors and a true friend, and am delighted and honored to share my profound appreciation for this training with others.

I was astounded by the fluid brilliance of Anita as she led our group, through different meditations to clear the body of age-old programs, blockages, and negative emotions. Her depth of knowledge of the runes and the interconnection they have with the chakras, the meridian system, the organs, the archetypes, and sub-personalities is truly amazing. She is a true gem.

I feel infinite and eternal love, praise and gratitude for the opportunity to experience a life altering immersion into the new runes of the Infinite Mother during our recent Rune Training Program. It was such a blessing to experience the resonant alchemy of gathering together, of contributing to the creation of a new reality, of leaving the reality of opposites behind! What a joy to clear eons of distortion and illusion within myself and by proxy for all life!
The program materials transmit your impeccable integration of the new runes with other powerful tools Almine has brought forth as well as your profound understanding of our body as template for the evolution of the cosmos. Absorbing this material gives me a solid foundation to develop my personal relationship with the new runes and to master fluidly navigating inner and outer realities. For me, your training is a springboard to becoming a conduit for incorruptible magic! Words fail to express my deep appreciation and gratitude! Love & Blessings, Yvonne

I was astounded by the fluid brilliance of Anita as she led our group, through different meditations to clear the body of age-old programs, blockages, and negative emotions. Her depth of knowledge of the runes and the interconnection they have with the chakras, the meridian system, the organs, the archetypes, and sub-personalities is truly amazing. She is a true gem.

It is so wonderful to meet you in person. Being educated by you in the Runes was far beyond anything I could have imagined. In fact there is no way I could have expected what I experienced under your guidance and the transformation that is still in progress. There is definitely perpetual alchemy taking place! Without even thinking about some of the issues I’ve worked on resolving through use of the Runes, I am amazed at the flow of understanding, clarity and heightened awareness that continues to surface! The releasing of obsolete beliefs and programs is deeper than anything prior. To be able to call on the angel gods of the Runes and know I am part of an alchemical equation that keeps working is truly a gift.
Deepest PLG & ST. Much love dear Anita!

Words fail to express the massive shifts our group experienced within each moment during the 3-day training for Rune Mastery/Integration. I felt distinct recognition and awe (and profound gratitude) for our group’s alchemical potency together as we shifted something so much greater than ourselves. It was a beautiful and life-changing step in my progression, not only with the Runes, but permeating all of my life moving forward. Much thanks and love.

Words are difficult to find that can express the 3 day training/integration program that I experienced with Anita and the group. For me, it was life altering and that was unexpected as I have been walking this path for quite a few years. I am in a totally different place…..more grounded than ever before, calmer, and more within myself on a constant basis. I see the world and everyone very differently, and there is a depth of peace that is also new. My head very often doesn’t have anything going on, but just an awareness of what is around. I think this is mindlessness, and so different from the chatter of before! If I was going to put one word forward….the change is “profound”. The program worked on so many levels and was very intense. For those on a dedicated spiritual journey, I highly recommend this program!

My experience of the active collaboration during the recent live event was of a degree of refinement and reverence that is catalytic in awakening reverent recognition of the higher potentials of the reality of the emanating Divinity of Godhood in lived expression. My Gratitude Eternal to Anita for her devoted and uncompromising vision; for the opportunity she provides for engaged participation in resonant alchemy, for us each uniquely, and as a group, through mutual recognition and reverence of the pristine tools of power that Almine’s work has gifted us. My appreciation and respect for the devotion of the group gathered through their open-hearted willingness to engage through the never-ending journey of empowered self-exploration, to share in the actively demonstrated Life of Miracles….In the Perpetual Alchemy of Reverent Recognition,

wow, that was such an intense, session, my entire body is vibrating at such an intensity, that it is a bit difficult to gather thoughts and to even type.I am so profoundly grateful for this entire experience, there has been such deep levels of transformation within my being, words truly can not express the gratitude I am feeling. Each spread that we have done, has awakened me with such clarity, yet, this one, sent me flying!!!
I see clearly, how and where I have lingered in the games and matrices, and was not letting go, to take my place in this most powerful time. And, now all feels lifted… I have FINAllY been released, and I feel free. How, all of our runes came together so divinely and lifted this layer, for me, was and is breathtaking. It was so clear. Thank you Anita!!!!!!

Anita,I want you to know how absolutely grateful I am that I am able to participate in these teachings. I knew Almine’s teachings were for me from the first time I inadvertently discovered them while taking Arasatma Breath sessions, but there is so much and it is difficult to find the way through everything from a place of density.
Your presentation and organization of her materials has helped me tremendously. Things are shifting. It is like welcoming old friends back home when integrating the affirmations from the 12 Ordinary Meridians and the 8 Extraordinary meridians. Everything you discussed last night made total sense to me and I was thinking at one point that all of these practical exercises are only to help us remember what we already know.
Thank you for all you do and for your obvious joy in your own journey!! Nancy J, USA

Just a quick but very big thank you for the very inspiring Skype call today. I am deeply inspired and energized by all that you’ve shared with me over the past weeks, and was very grateful for today’s opportunity to just listen to you speak and expand on information shared.
Being a Natural Therapist with strong Chinese Medicine interests, the way this info from both you and Almine is so expansive, progressive as well as evolutionary, to me, makes this journey all the more rewarding.
I am most grateful and deeply attracted to journey using these tools. Thank you so much for sharing yourself. Deeply grateful. SMB, Australia

I want to offer you heartfelt love, praise, and gratitude for everything you are doing for us and humanity. You are the torchbearer for the torchbearers and are making this process so simple and easy for us by uncovering these tools and laying them out on a plate for us. Thank you, thank you, thank you! There are no words really to describe how I feel since this part of my journey began with you in January and in particular the last month or so while working with the Runes. You are a wonderful teacher and inspiration to us all to reach new heights of awareness and easier see the perfection in all things. I’m like a child at Christmas waiting for each of these sessions to begin and could easily do another few months with you on this. Much love and blessings.

Hi Anita, I received my FA oils yesterday and I absolutely love them. I felt their effects immediately.
Also there have been many changes happening in my body since last we spoke. I have been feeling a lot of deep releases occurring and most of my memories have begun to fade as I become more present and appreciative; their former hold on me fading into nothing. I have begun to see the most beautiful orbs of light. I have been writing poetry and singing again. I am in such gratitude for how amazingly powerful this work is. Everything is changing in such a beautiful way. Thank you, Anita!

Anita, words feel inadequate to express my gratitude for the depth and breadth of your work. The shifts underway are so exciting. Your mastery and guidance has been exemplary.

I went through the audio. Wow…there is that word again. So much was released and I have a very different feeling all over my body….it is wonderful to go through. Many thanks Anita for sharing your gifts with us..totally in praise, love and gratitude for all this work, Infinite and Divine support, the gifts of you Anita and Almine …and healing. Looking forward to going through it again…..and again. I have never felt so connected to the Infinite before I listened to this audio.
I am constantly amazed at what Anita brings to us, and that’s putting it mildly. There is no language to describe it…but I know with every fiber of my being it is directly from Source. This has changed my life forever. I was thinking how I didn’t want this program to end and realized it doesn’t end for me. I’ll continue this way forever. We have a treasure chest of meditations that are infinite in power, and I will revisit them daily as guided and continue with the magnificent angelic friends I’ve grown to know and Love through Anita and Almine…

Anita, this program is beyond amazing and profound. So many delicious avenues to explore. The depth and breadth of what you bring to the group continues to astound and inspire!
The Beauty Alchemy audio is quite wonderful. Weaving black waters and silvery mists into my tissues and skin put me deeply into a place of formlessness and renewal. The 2nd time around my throat chakra was pusalting more noticeably as a manifestation substance seemed to flow through.

Just wanted to tell you how wonderful I feel after the phone session the other day. I laugh and smile more and I am feeling more settled and content with both my personal and work life. Thanks sooooo much.

That session was so amazing beyond what I could ever have expected. I felt you were reading my mind and the anxiety was just dissolving. I feel so different now! So grateful to you.