

The earthy-warm, mildly sweet, slightly spicy precious wood notes of the legendary Sandalwood oil, present a melodic blend that is distinct, unique, yet not overpowering.

Even with its warmth, this alchemical blend has a fresh scent that is uplifting to the spirit and elevates the mood. It assists in releasing the hold of the past and instills hope. It can be beneficial in creating optimism and self-confidence.

Sandalwood oil is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Stomach  (St) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the St: disgust, greed, shame, and blame.  As we release these judging emotions, we free ourselves to become authentic as we emancipate from programs of acceptability.  To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

It is an oil with a rich sacred tradition, said to be one of the most pleasing to the gods, and so is used in meditation and setting sacred space.

While it is classified a masculine blend because of its earthy notes, it works equally for both genders, and the fragrance is loved by both men and women.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

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Shadowless Light


Principle of Beckoning Potential: Choosing our Focus

This oil has been especially blended to instill self-discipline in masters. Disciplined mastery is the regulating force of fluid spontaneity.

The banks and the bed of the river determine the rate and force of the flow of the water. The more narrow the banks, the more turbulently the river forces its way in between them. The disciplined life creates power that when harnessed for a specific purpose, creates powerful manifestation of Intent. This oil strengthens the will and promotes self-discipline. Read more below.

Summer Rain


SUMMER RAIN – Activating the Water Element
This blend is experienced as movement between the multilayered notes of the fragrance. Its alchemy is formulated to encourage the fluidity needed for a masterful life of grace.

Water element relates to emotional expression, which when purified, brings the creative power to manifest a life of beauty and grace. Read more below.

Wings of Rapture


This oil is the 9th that completes the set of High Magic oils, that takes us beyond directionality.

Existence has a non-linear dimeionsionality. Existence is like a perennial flower that continuously blooms in the multicosm.” Almine

This oil support consciousness expansion to the 9th field of Existence that brings the ability to sense and cooperate wihtthe currents of Infinite Intent cosmically.

For Runemasters, the High Magic oils act as catalyst to facilitate the ability to tap into guidance for cosmic events with the 8th and 9th sets.