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Alchemical Rose Quartz Body Skin Activator


The Rose Quartz Guasha Skin Activator is a ‘Comb Edge’ guasha piece alchemically enhanced to stimulate the whole body skin, through a light ‘scraping’. The Body Skin Activator (BSA) has been enhanced through specific activations/blessings by the Seer Almine. (more below)

The product comes with the following:

  • A PDF of blessings and suggested uses
  • Several Power Sigils (received by the Seer), to emphasize/complement certain of the Tool’s functions to clear programs, reset memory, and establish unhindered communication with Source
  • A power stack that it sits on, to keep its alchemical potency
  • A sample of the alchemical bath salts (for one bath)
  • A video that leads you through the full circuit through the 12 ordinary meridians
  • Meditations to activate the Gates of Limitlessness on the body, and a Flow-Through the 12 Meridians

If you have one already and wish to have  a second, then choose the replacement option. First time buyers choose the BSA with materials option.