Starlight on Aswan


This unique fragrant oil has overtones of citrus and spice. Its alchemy assists with the birth of the Immaculate White Light reality when used in conjunction with the Merkaba of Resurrection. The Immaculate White Light is a living Akasha that takes us beyond the law of compensation and karma of the old Akasha that stores past information. In the Incorruptible White Light, in each moment life is new and you within it, and all possibilities lie before you awaiting your intent to bring it into realization. It is a completely new reality that is open to the serious student seeking evolved consciousness.

This FA blend helps to overcome the illusion of individuation and Oneness, and may be used with Secrets of Nefertiti. To strengthen the activation of the High Mind sub-personality, it may be used with Elixir of the Golden Light. This supports us to knowing our potency as an archetypal expression and unique aspect of the Infinite.
This FA blend also enhances the Runemasters’ ability to work with the eighth Rune set of the field of Mistel–field of the resurrected reality.

Seven Veils


Seven Veils (Feminine) ~ Mastery and Increased Self-Awareness through Transcending Illusions

The alchemy of this mystical oil from Cairo, is a powerful tool to assist the practitioner of High Magic to gain the necessary awareness to move through the seven initiations into mastery. These initiations challenge the truth seeker to overcome the illusions of “hidden” and “evident”. We are told that nothing is hidden–we hide portions of existence by contracting focus in order to promote appreciation of the details, as a means of steering in new directions, and in accumulating resources to be unleashed in divine timing. When the illusions are overcome, we surrender in trust to life and experience effortless knowing to an increasing degree.

When used in conjunction with the Luxor blend, it assists the Runemaster to gain insights from the Rune set of Prutbar–the field of mysticism, which can assist with tangled an disharmonious areas of life, the breaking of old patterns, and business decisions.

Velvet Nights


Velvet Nights (Feminine) ~ Enhances Tonal Luminosity / Dissolves Illusion of Duality

This enchanting fragrance with its floral overtones increases the tonal luminosity the master radiates. Tonal luminosity is a sub-atomic particle where light are frequency have been alchemically fused and are beyond separation; these particles have the power to heal duality. (read more below)

Velvet Nights is designed to strengthen the ability to work with the tools of love and light. It helps heal the illusion of the separation of life-enhancing and non-life-enhancing by exposing the Oneness of all life that exists beyond the appearances. When value judgment ceases, the mind becomes still and we no longer resist life. With the mind stilled, we can hear divine guidance from within, and without resistance, we move beyond linear time.
Through remembered oneness, we emanate tonal luminosity and choose a life of ever greater refinement. Life fluidly regenerates by the power of our perception. The portal of limitlessness that opens up through the use of Velvet Nights activates the experience of ever expanding horizons of the future.

Prince of Egypt


Prince of Egypt (Masculine)

This fragrance, although more masculine, appeals to women as well because of its deep, rich and mystical qualities. It enhances perception, and helps the practitioner of High Magic gain the necessary perspective to see beyond the illusion of permanence and transience. It is alchemically enhanced to facilitate learning to love without pain.

Beyond permanence and transience if the never-ending expression of infinity in finite form. When we merge the two, we no longer oppose the coming and going of people and situations in our lives, and embrace change from the deep peace of the eternal fluid moment.

Oasis Sunset


Oasis Sunset (Masculine) ~ For Manifesting in the Physical & Opening to Abundance

This fragrance is alchemically enhanced to activate High Magic on the material plane, and is the oil of choice for working with manifestation and life event’s on the physical plane. The portal of limitlessness that opens up through the use of the oil activates receptiveness to boundless abundance.

Oasis Sunset also helps to gain experiential wisdom from life. It helps to integrate activity and inactivity — a quality essential to the practice of manifesting outside of the law of compensation. When all that we do and are is part of our considered, deliberate expression–which is our cherished gift to evolution and how we shape our life as a work of art–, then work and rest, duty and play blend as one, and we find the lightness and love of life in all our activities. This alchemical oil can assist you in having a love affair with life and appreciating your expression within it.

The Twelve Oils of High Magic


These FA Blends stand out as being in a class of their own! Their refined potency entrains the wearer to a new reality beyond what is attainable by most.

These oils are an essential tool for the masters who are preparing for the stage beyond mortal boundaries — the limitless life of Incorruptible White Light; a life of High Magic. In High Magic, the miraculous is a side effect of a live well-lived, following inspiration and guidance from our highest truth that arises in the moment unfolding.
An essential tool for the masters who are preparing for the stage beyond Resurrection – the limitless life of Incorruptible White Light; a life of High Magic.

Oils 1, 2, and 3 enable access to ‘the Unknowable’.
Oils 4, 5, and 6 assist access to the body of information called ‘the Unfathomable’.
Oils 7, 8, and 9 facilitate access to the information known as ‘the Inconceivable’.
Oils 10, 11 and 12 assist access to Unarticulated Potential.

Watch this video by Almine on the body as an expression of our limitlessness:

Read about the 12 oils below.

Available in the usual sizes: kits of 3.5 mls or 18 mls sizes, as well as a 2.4 sample kit that is easier for travel.


With the 18 mls size, you get an elegant red pouch to store your oils in (good for travel).


Activating the 24 Chakras of Magical Manifestation


NOTE: This product is being revised into the 3rd in a new series of Chakra activation program. The first program activates 1-7 into a unified field of the Heart, and master the atomic reality; the second activates chakras 8-12 to form a unified field where Home is in the Lahun; and the third one activates the full 24 chakras of magical manifestation and reclamation of sexual magic, where home is in the Haran chakra. 

The 24 chakras comprise a system of inner alchemy to manifest a reality that is the result of full cooperation with divine intent and the moving forces of cosmic life.

They activate when we have transcended the emotions and memories of the Dream of separation. It is then that a connection is made to the 12 ordinary meridians through which our life manifests. Each of the 12 meridians supports two of the 24 chakras to sing their tones as States of Awareness (feminine) and Attitudes of Exhilaration (masculine). So important are these tones, as they create the fluid alchemy between the masculine and feminine, preparing us for the alchemical marriage of soul and body.

In this product, you receive:

  • Video talk and meditation to activate the 24 chakras of magical manifestation
  • Pdfs with material for deeper context, and FA for the 24 chakras
  • Audio meditation using the entry/exit points of the meridians to restore flow and heal the breaks in the system, to support the activation of latent faculties for higher life.

The FA for the 24 chakras utilizes the 12 FA oils for the 12 ordinary meridians.

With the purchase of this product, you will receive a 10% discount coupon code for the purchase of the 12 ordinary meridian FA kit.

Sigil of the Fluid Alchemy between the Masculine and Feminine, from Messages from the Lemurian Angels, by Almine,

Song of the High Heart Oil


A most exquisite and potent alchemical oil blend that opens the High Heart as the 672nd acupuncture point — key to higher functioning of the entire meridian system. Its formulation was revealed to Almine in October 2014, soon after inner and outer space could merge as one.

This FA blend will support the acceleration of more graceful unfolding in life with daily use and tapping on the point.  The Song of the High Heart is made with the rare and precious champaca oil, which is a highly prized oil in perfumery. Champaca absolute is distilled from the flowers of the Magnolia champaca tree.

According to the Seer, two acupressure points have been lost to the knowledge of man for centuries. Called the two resurrection points, because of the important role they play in preparing the recipient for resurrection, these are the 671st and 672nd acupuncture points.

One point is two finger widths above the navel. This point uses lotus oil. The other point, key in evolved consciousness since it serves as a bridge between inner and outer space, is the point of the High Heart, three finger widths below the hollow at the base of the neck. The Song of the High Heart holds the frequencies to unlock and activate this important portal.

Song of The High Heart has the power to bring fluidity to one who lives the surrendered life of innocent perception and the magical perspective — a beautiful oil to support the power of the Inner Child aspect of the psyche.

To read more about this magical blend, see below.

Sigil of Song of the High Heart and light elixir, by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys (