Showing 13–24 of 45 results

Unified Chakra Field Oil ~ Home in the Heart


The alchemy for the full activation of the 24 chakras of magical manifestation is being accessed now.
The first step toward this is to activate the first 7 chakras as a unified field.

The mystical occurrence of the unified chakra field forming around the torso is the result of an alchemical equation of seven tones that result from the clearing and opening of the seven chakras.

To produce this powerful blend, seven oils combine to form the unified field of a master. This field’s frequency facilitatesthe master’s advancement into the first level of resurrection. Apply the oil on both wrists.

Self-Trust Alchemical Oil


This optimistic fragrant alchemical oil, has been called by some, “liquid sunshine”. Place it in the middle of the two scapulae; in the center of your two shoulder blades. It has been alchemically formulated to instill the self-trust that reminds you “my being is my sustenance”. It is a reminder that even if the worst of your fears may manifest, the loving arms of the Infinite will lift you up and over your hardships as long as you trust the guidance of the still voice within.

The oil is applied on the back, between the shoulder blades.

Self-love Alchemical Oil


Placed in the area of the navel, this alchemical oil brings the warmth of a feeling of completion that is experienced by a fetus in the womb. Surrounded by a supportive cocoon within its mother’s body, the baby experiences the wholeness and love of life ushering in a new beginning. In those moments the baby experiences itself as a priceless gift of hope to the world. The alchemy of this oil surrounds the user with a cocoon of self-love.

The oil is applied around the navel.

Self-Regeneration & Self-Rejuvenation


I am very excited to announce a new potent FA blend by Almine, to support self-regeneration. It is “Self-regeneration and self-rejuvenation through self-acceptance“.

This beautiful blend deals with “cellular regeneration by reminding atomic matter of its higher function – it overrides the memory of decay or impairment held in the atomic matrix (the electromagnetic field generated by the electrons).” The result is youthening…agelessness…

“Everywhere you go, forget everything you know.”

(From the Saredesi Fountain of Youth teachings, by Almine)

Inherent in life is its ever new, ever regenerative and vitalizing power. Essentially memory of what was prevents the ever newness of life to arise in you. When you release the past and immerse in the timelessness of the present moment, life has the power to regenerate, renew, youthen, and vitalize.



The Oil of Self-Compassion


I am very pleased to offer you a new potent FA blend by Almine, The Self-Compassion Blend!

This very unique blend supports the qualities needed to return to wholeness. As we embrace all of our inner aspects of the psyche, we become compassionate with others and inclusive of our environment–eventually merging inner and outer realities to move to a life of grace..

This blend also supports the activation of the 8th chakra that brings deeper self-valuing, self-acknowledgment, and self-love.

Whether you are using Fragrance Alchemy to accelerate clearing and awakening through leveraged alchemy, or simply to support well-being and gentle healing for yourself, this blend is a wonderful addition.

Awakening Self-compassion comes in 3.5 ml and 18 ml sizes.

The blend comes with a pdf with suggested applications, based on the meridian and chakra systems. As well, comes with a sigil by Almine, to bring peace into your environment. Read more below.


Wings of Rapture


This oil is the 9th that completes the set of High Magic oils, that takes us beyond directionality.

Existence has a non-linear dimeionsionality. Existence is like a perennial flower that continuously blooms in the multicosm.” Almine

This oil support consciousness expansion to the 9th field of Existence that brings the ability to sense and cooperate wihtthe currents of Infinite Intent cosmically.

For Runemasters, the High Magic oils act as catalyst to facilitate the ability to tap into guidance for cosmic events with the 8th and 9th sets.

Forever New


The Rejuvenation oil, Forever New, was received by Almine because a life of self-renewal is our next step.

Almine describes the scent as follows:

“Sourced from selected countries, this remarkable blend consists of oils and spices traditionally used to promote youthfulness and restore vitality. The youth-promoting properties of its ingredients, are overshadowed by the alluring fragrance loved by both men and women. It’s dominant note of champaka oil from China, mingles with Arabian musk, Hawaiian pikake and exotic spices.”

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There is a center an arm’s length in front of us, at the edge of our energetic fields and just below navel level, and it is indented when one is leaking to a sub-creation. It is here where our life-force can get siphoned. This is possible whenever we are seeking to get something external to us.  Since there is nothing outside the self, this cords us into illusion.  This FA oil fills this indented space such that the leak is plugged up, and we can follow through by withdrawing  focus from anything that has appeared as an external need…external belief system…institutions we have lived within, and so on.

This oil has many critical functions, and you can read a few of these below. It is a formulation for both men and women, but can be worn under the feet if men find it too strong or for anyone who works in a scent-free environment (you can apply a very small amount in this case).

The oil is ideally applied 2 inches below the navel.

Black Wolf


This eleventh High Magic oil has been named after a Native American spirit that assisted the Seer at a time when she was a single mother without income who had just adopted a nine month old Indigenous baby. He helped her overcome her fear of not being able to support herself or her child by encouraging her to realize that her being was her sustenance. The attitude of self-reliance precedes the reality of it.

This eleventh High Magic oil has been alchemically blended to strengthen the belief in your self-sovereignty. It encourages self-empowerment.


Shadowless Light


Principle of Beckoning Potential: Choosing our Focus

This oil has been especially blended to instill self-discipline in masters. Disciplined mastery is the regulating force of fluid spontaneity.

The banks and the bed of the river determine the rate and force of the flow of the water. The more narrow the banks, the more turbulently the river forces its way in between them. The disciplined life creates power that when harnessed for a specific purpose, creates powerful manifestation of Intent. This oil strengthens the will and promotes self-discipline. Read more below.

Flight of the Mystic


This tenth High Magic oil is a perfect complement to the Holy Sanctuary oil. Together they create the sacred space that makes living as a god amongst men less abrasive and more graceful. The Flight of the Mystic has been carefully blended for you by the Seer to remind you daily that although you are amongst humanity, you are not one of them. The sanctity you live at home, travels with you in the midst of the crowded streets. The complexity of the man-made reality around you, cannot penetrate your shield of holiness. Read more below.

Eternal Love


Eternal Love is the quintessential fragrance of the feminine spirit. It embodies the deep under-currents of the love of a mother; the cherishing embrace in the nurturing arms of the Holy Mother.

Birth of Majesty


A powerful oil blend created specifically for her Lightfamily by the Seer. The Birth of Majesty fragrance oil has been alchemically enhanced to alleviate the discomfort of transitions experienced as an individual evolves into a multi-dimensional being — a time that can be challenging and bewildering.

This blend has been specifically created to assist with night terrors, feelings of disorientation and abandonment, as well as depression and lack of self-confidence arising from the loss of familiar reference points. The lack of mental clarity that accompanies the evolutionary shifts is also assisted by the use of this spectacular blend.

The oil assists in easing the discomfort of giving up static or sequential reference points of a life in limitation, so that we can embrace the fluid reference points of inspiration that are ever changing on a never ending, eternal adventure of self-discovery.

The location to apply it is on the right wrist.