Showing 1–12 of 33 results

Goddess of Ecstasy

Original price was: US$27.00.Current price is: US$18.00.

This oil was received by Almine,  to facilitate a graceful and joyous entry into the highly evolved state of the Immaculate White Light.

Goddess of Ecstasy ~ A symphony bursting forth in a joyous, ecstatic harmony. With luscious depths, floral and delicate fruity overtones linger in the air like an unspoken promise. This fragrance could be the crowning glory of our women’s fragrances.

Limited edition. A unique gift for your beloved!

Peaceful Presence


This oil is dedicated to the Holy Ones who walk amongst humanity silently, bringing the gift of their peaceful presence.
The deep floral notes of Lotus flowers deliver a feeling of surrendered trust.

The oil is applied in the hollow of the neck (front of the neck). The indent in your collar bone, where it meets the neck.

Realms of Innocence FA Oil


The purpose of the Alchemy of this oil, is to enhance the capacity of the extra-sensory perceptions that enable self-guidance. Worn on the third eye, it opens the gateway between Outer and Inner space ( know as the Realms of Innocence ). This allows the subtle experiences of Inner space to communicate non-cognitive information that exceeds the limitations of mind. Although its magical properties can be released to the wearer when worn anywhere on the body, its optimal placement is on the 3rd eye.

With the purchase of this oil, you will receive the 20 Principle of Happiness, received by the Seer Almine, along with suggestions on how to use them.

Read more on placement and properties, below.

Sacred Space Alchemical Oil for EMF Protection


Product Description

The Sacred Space oil is a unique and powerful alchemical blend, specifically formulated to protect against the hostile and detrimental effects of electromagnetic exposure (EMF) from cell towers, cellphones and numerous other sources. This unisex fragrance has the therapeutic effect described by Dr James Cotrell as “helping the immune system to regulate its vitality .. and to refresh to patterns in the brain“ (The Complete New Age Health Guide).

The Sacred Space oil has an extremely advanced form of interdimensional Alchemy. Although all our Alchemical oils are interdimensional agents – meaning they express in several stages at once – each Sacred Space product is blessed individually and the Sacred Space Angelgod evoked (his name is Mechavanit). The purpose for the additional layer of Alchemy and High Magic done on these products, is so that they can evolve as interdimensional invasion becomes more pervasive. They will continue to shield against EMF from all dimensions and in all its forms. Almine

The oil may be worn under the feet to create a protective space around the wearer, and may also be diffused in a water-based oils diffuser, to cleanse spaces. Great to cleanse all the rooms of a house, and also to use in spas and yoga studios.

With purchases of the 18 mls size, you will receive three powerful EMF protection sigils. You can read about them on this link: EMF Protection Sigils

To purchase the full EMF Protection package upgrade, choose that option below.

The oil may be diffused in your space, and used with the EMF protection sigils.

Song of the Earth


SONG OF THE EARTH — Activating the Earth Element

This fresh fragrance with earthy undertones helps balance the tendency to resist change, and the inclination to become over-ambitious. It encourages flourishing through grateful acknowledgement of the gifts of the moment. Read more below.

Summer Rain


SUMMER RAIN – Activating the Water Element
This blend is experienced as movement between the multilayered notes of the fragrance. Its alchemy is formulated to encourage the fluidity needed for a masterful life of grace.

Water element relates to emotional expression, which when purified, brings the creative power to manifest a life of beauty and grace. Read more below.

Fires of Inspiration


The passion stirred by this alchemical oil provides the impetus to follow our inspired vision, empowered by courage and self-confidence. It promotes inner strength and fortitude in the face of adversity.

Fire element ignites the spark of willingness to engage in life from a place of self-belief. It stirs us to passionate engagement and enjoyment of life, which becomes a steady inner glow and contentment that fosters the warmth of unwavering hope.

Living the higher powers of the 5 elements elevates our life beyond the law of compensation.

Power of the One


This potent alchemical oil has been blended by the Seer from five oils, sourced from countries around the Globe, as revealed in a vision. Each ingredient captures the essential power of an element, held within the oil and released by the alchemy.

In combing the five awakened ingredients in exactly the correct order and proportions, a powerful blend is born that awakens the Self-Sustaining qualities of self-sovereign mastery. The body becomes a cauldron, or receptacle, for the alchemy of embodied power.

Comes in 3.5 mls, and 18 mls.

A program to activate the 5 elements will be released in Spring 2020.

The 5-element wheel image, LLC Spiritual Journeys,

Breath of Spring (Wind/Metal)


Wind / Metal Element

This fragrant blend encourages the unencumbered freedom of authentic expression. It balances the wisdom of being true to your heart, with the compassionate consideration of the impact of actions on the interconnectedness of all life

In the Wind/Metal element, we reclaim our intrinsic value to unfolding life, through full cooperation with the potential of the moment. From this willingness to presence the fullness of the moment and allow life to flow through us unresisted, we open to receiving the full blessings the moment offers.

Living the higher powers of the 5 elements elevates our life beyond the law of compensation.

The Eternal Song


This very timely alchemical oil fills out the missing tones in the Voice, so we speak ourselves into greater emergence and purity.

This refined and pleasing oil, is designed to activate the self-healing capabilities in the voice center.  Injury to the mind. body and soul comes from missing tones in the voice. Restoring them, restores the voice function of sound healing and strokes the body into self-regenerating.”  Apply to any pulse points such as the wrists– of course around the neck near throat or on it too.

The Voice is the confluence point where intent, tone, and life force meet to reveal a higher reality and manifest into it.  This oil activates the mystical center at the Throat that activates when the speech is impeccable and without hidden agenda.  Read more details below.

The Alchemist’s Oracle


This oil with its deep and multilayered nuances is a scent that pleases both men and women. Its purpose is to awaken the abilities in the body that receive subtle information. Worn over the ‘third eye’, it activates the capacity to sense the cosmic pulse and align with the flow of life where all support is to be found.

It also has been alchemically designed to facilitate the ability of Rune Masters to manifest this subtle guidance through the language of the Runes.

Apply on the point between the eyebrows, but one finger width higher

Fairy Crossing


This delightful fragrance oil blend with its light-hearted ambience, instills hopefulness and inspires the ability to see the magic in life. Its playful and innocent notes awaken peace and contentment, and open us to paths of grace in life.

Blended especially as a signature fragrance to celebrate the timeless attraction of the young at heart.

Apply on  the back of the neck (where the neck and top of the spine meet), and on  wrists.