Arabian Nights is a fresh, masculine fragrance, full of confidence and promise. This alchemical blend frees up resources bound to the illusion of opposites of activity and inactivity, opening up the paradoxical and powerful state of living activity within rest and rest within activity. When we live by inspiration as our impetus to action, then our inactivity brings us to depth within, where a lot is going on non-cognitively. This inner activity that happens when we are still in an outward sense, lines up all support for our inspired action.
When masculine and feminine cooperate in this manner, then our activity or inspired actions carry the potency of full support from the universe. We live a reality where ‘less is more’…we seem to do less, but the payoff is much more than would be, were we to lead with the mind’s planning and forcing our will on life.
The illusion is fully reconciled through living surrender in action, where we open to effortless, inevitable action and are receptive to boundless, abundant, support in all ways. Resolving the illusion causes us to live from far greater openness to the surprises of life…far greater resourcefulness as we respond masterfully in surrendered allowing of life leading us to ever higher potentials on our grand destiny path.
The alchemical Arabian Nights clears and activates the Ren meridian (Conception Vessel) that runs up the center of body through all the chakras. It is a meridian of self-nurturing and nurturing, as its power is to take full responsibility for the unfolding of our environment, and it is activated by our ability to live a love affair with life and ourselves.
“I am the receptive steward in agendaless oneness with life-fully embracing the rich adventure of physical existence.”
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