Arasatma ~ Seven Breaths of Eternal Life ~ Level 1
The 7 Breaths of the Arasatma (Eternal Life) are the original work of Almine, (LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com).
Information on these sacred breaths were received by Almine in 2013, from ancient libraries held in the etheric. Level 1 is designed to release deep seated trauma and open the channels of prana. It initiates the grounding of the pranic tube and opening of the 24 chakras in the body, and cleanses the seven bodies and the four directions. It is much more powerful than it may appear, and you are encouraged to make a practice of it. Each level establishes a necessary step in moving into the resurrected body. More levels will soon be added.
Note: These breaths are recommended also for Rune mastery, as they cleanse meridians and chakras.
In this product you will receive a video that takes you through the full level 1 routine. Also included is a pdf with more information and a handy reference on the breaths and what they do (from private retreats), video meditation to cleanse through the pranic tube, and a FA protocol for the breaths.
The video format is a great support when doing the breaths in groups (large screen). On your own, it has the sigils, instructions, depictions of breath circulation, and affirmations to contemplate, so you can simply immerse in the hour long routine.
I highly recommend the gem-packed book by Almine, The Sacred Breaths of the Arasatma.
The Arasatma breaths come from ancient records that have remained concealed for the past 75,000 years and have only been revealed to Almine recently. The teachings are from the etheric libraries known as the Libraries of the Two Whales.
The teachings were spread out over several hidden libraries and kept by seven men who had to leave their people to guard the secrets for the present time. It is a complete wonder to realize that these ancients secrets have been guarded through great effort, sacrifice, and devotion, to be given to those awake enough to recognize their enormous value for our time.
We are told that the seven sacred breaths of eternal life create indefinite longevity in the one who masters them, and confers the power and ability to avert catastrophe by using the pranic tube as a ‘lightning rod’. They do much more, and cause inter-dimensional abilities over time.
Listen to a message received by Almine from the Atlantean angels, on the Arasatma breaths of eternal life…
Images and sigils by Almine, (LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com)
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