Blend of the Gods (Oud)


The primary ingredient in this unsurpassed blend, is Oud oil of the highest quality obtained from Augar trees, found only in a few places on earth. Its rarity and excellence has earned it the name of ‘The Oil of Kings’, and in the Middle East it is called ‘The Oil of the Sultans’.

This extraordinary masculine fragrance with its regal qualities, blends the rare Oud with the rich spices of Asia and the poignant scent of the orange groves of Seville in Spain. It is truly a precious treasure.

Blend of the Gods refined properties stimulate the production and release of hormones that promote longevity, personal power and magnetism, and the evolved expression of masculine balance.

It helps activate the masculine creational codes in the Lion’s Gate (pineal gland) when worn on the Crown. It is a very rich and potent blend that is sure to become a favorite for men. (Though women love to wear it too!)

Blend of the Gods is used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–it associates with the Thyroid meridian (also known as the Triple Heater) (fire element), helping to clear its distorted emotions of hopelessness, depression, and despair. Thyroid meridian balance is key to health, and to our ability to evolve the meridian system as a unified, cooperative field.

There are other uses for this exotic oil that you will learn about in the booklet that comes with the oil. You can also read more on this oil and its properties, below.



Blend of the Gods for the clearing and activation of the Thyroid (Triple Heater) Meridian

Benefits of the Alchemical Blend of the Gods:

  • Stimulates the release of hormones that promote longevity, personal power, magnetism, and the evolved expression of masculine balance
  • Clears the mind of negativity, instills inner peace, and supports enhanced awareness
  • Activates the masculine creational codes in the Lion’s Gate (pineal gland), supporting greater potency and capacities to manifest a self-sovereign life. Also supports us to release obsolete patterns.
  • Helps to balance and clear the Thyroid meridian, which is an ordinary meridian that has functions as an extraordinary meridian. Helps to activate it to its higher functions beyond fight/flight.
  • Clears and activates the Throat chakra

Thyroid Meridian Clearing has many effects:
Note: The Thyroid meridian is the most compromised meridian at present, due to stressful lifestyles that continually causes the fight/flight/freeze reaction. This disrupts the qi-flow through the entire meridian system. A compromised Thyroid meridian wreaks havoc in our bodies and keeps us stuck in habits and reactive patterns. Blend of the Gods is therefore a very important oil to use regularly.

  • Restores a sense of hope for life and the power to meet it with the spirit of adventure.
  • Increases self-belief, so we may open gracefully to the new, feeling up to the challenge of new opportunities.
  • Increases flexibility so we are more open to releasing obsolete habits that no longer serve.
  • Increases sense of connectedness to the deeper self, through well-being in the body…coming back into the body.
  • General meridian clearing optimizes sleep, so that we are in more creative states rather than tied up processing unresolved emotions. Time where the body’s energies focus on this meridian is 9-11pm.

Suggested Applications:

    • To clear and activate the Thyroid meridian, the oil is placed on TH-5 (bilaterally).
    • Imbalance in the Thyroid (overactivity) typically goes hand in hand with imbalance in the Spleen meridian (depleted), so it is a good idea to also apply the FA oil for the spleen meridian (Goddess Blend) to the points indicated in the protocol for the 12 ordinary meridians. This is recommended if you often feel stressed and reactive.


  • Applied to the Crown (top of head or Du-20), Blend of the Gods, helps activate the masculine creational codes in the Lion’s Gate (pineal gland). When worn with Goddess Blend, a dynamic balance is established between inner masculine and feminine, bringing a sense of deep peace. This can still the mind and support a fluid inner alchemy for manifestation.
  • Applied to the throat, it stimulates the 5th chakra

General Application of FA Oils on Acupuncture Points:

Rub the oil into the points, bilaterally, using a circular motion for about 15 secs, then press and hold for another 15 secs. Repeat this about 3 times. Take deep breaths while holding. Then lightly hold points for another 15 secs or so. You may feel a pulsation, which indicates the energy is moving into the meridian at that location.

Background Information on this Most Precious Oil

Agarwood oil is the most costly of oils, because of its rarity and mythic status in almost all of the world religions. The scent is particularly sought after as it is believed to be the most powerful natural aphrodisiac. The Fragrance Alchemy blend was carefully selected by Almine, to ensure highest quality such that it could hold the alchemical potencies needed. It is also done through sustainable harvesting. It is a wonder that the cost is not prohibitive!

Some interesting historical facts:

Agarwood-Tall tree

  • Religious texts were written on bark from agar trees and Srimanta Sankardev referred to agarwood as one of the divine trees with the ability to fulfill human desire.
  • Burning Agarwood was called the ‘scent of Nirvana’ by The Lord Buddha.
  • Agarwwood has been revered for millennia for its fragrance in religious ceremony–burned as incense at burial grounds of holy ones.
  • Agarwood smoke was used to scent the armor of Samurai warriors before heading into battle.
  • In Genesis, agarwood is mentioned as the only tree from which Adam and Eve could take cuttings.

Other Reported Benefits of Agarwood:

  • Agarwood has been used for centuries by physicians in Tibet, India, China and the Arab world to treat a range of physical and mental conditions.
  • According to Ayurvedic tradition, agarwood oil illuminates the mind and strengthens the power of thought, elevates the emotions, and when used in meditation can set you on the path to spiritual enlightenment.
  • Agarwood oil can help with insomnia because one of its natural compounds is valerian which is associated with its ability to promote calm and deeper sleep. It is also used to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Agar_Wood_chipsTibetan monks use agarwood essential oil to increase their inner energy and bring tranquility to the mind and the soul while in Feng Shui agarwood is used because of its ability to enrich one’s spirit and penetrate the senses. In meditation, agarwood is used to
  • Agarwood is considered to have anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that make it a useful natural and safe treatment for pain relief.
  • It is widely claimed that agarwood oil has aphrodisiac properties, and can enhance the libido.
  • Agarwood essential oil is also used as a general skin tonic and can help nourish the skin, help to repair damaged skin cell, and fight the damage caused by the free radicals that we face every day. (A drop of the oil may be added to your skin toner.)

You may read more on the wonderful properties of agarwood at Uses of Agarwood

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not medical or psychological advice and should not be treated as such. Fragrance Alchemy and acupressure are not intended to treat medical or psychological conditions, and you must not rely on information given as an alternative to seeking medical or psychological advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare providers.

Blend of The Gods/Oud Oil for Clearing and Activating the Throat Chakra

Blend of the Gods  activates the 5th chakra of the Throat to its higher functions in the new reality. The chakras act like lenses of reality, and their evolved state determines the reality we dwell in.

The Evolution of the Chakra System

The chakras have acted as receptors only up to now, and they evolve to being both receptors of refined information, that has gone by unnoticed in the illusion of separation, and of emitters that put forth our aligned intent for manifesting reality.  The plug in the middle of the conical chakras hold debris of unresolved issues, and as the plugs clear, the chakras become spheres of light. Eventually, through the alignment of the ‘clearing houses’ of heart and pineal,  the chakras intercommunicate to such a degree that they become a unified field–a great sphere of light that encompasses the whole being.

When all 7 Fragrance Alchemy oils are used, there is leveraged alchemy and accelerated change. 

Higher Function of the Throat / 5th Chakra  ~ Truth

Blend of the Gods works to evolve the Throat chakra in the wearer, from whatever level it is at presently. The Throat chakra has evolved through speaking one’s truth. At its higher function, it supports the expression of a life where we are true to ourselves first and foremost. Ultimately, as we establish our very own self-sovereign reality, expressing highest truth and being true to ourselves are one and the same.  But when there is separation between self and other in the lower reality, then the focus is more on  not suppressing our truth. The hidden power of the Throat that is, to automatically unfold in self-expression, the resolution that lies inherent in each challenge, evolves when we are in impeccable self-honesty with ourselves.. Truth is not what the world says it is; rather it is our most authentic knowing, where knowing is a whole body felt-sense and not mind-based.  “Truth is what a master of impeccability brings to every moment.” Almine

The evolved Throat is capable of speaking our reality into being, when our actions and highest vision combine in harmony.

The evolution of the Chakra System comes from the work of mystic and seer, Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys,

Kits containing Blend of the Gods

Additional information
Fragrance type


Oil type



3.5 mls


5 mls


10 mls

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