Rune Mastery and Grand Mastery Initiations
US$150.00 – US$325.00
Runes of the Infinite Mother and Initiations are the orginal work of Almnine, LLC Spiritual Journeys (www.spiritualjourneys.com)
Initiation to Rune Mastery $150
You will need to have studied the book of Runes, by Almine. You may purchase it from this link.
Via Skype or phone, you will receive the initiation to Rune Mastery following a meditation through the 12 ordinary meridians and 8 extraordinary meridians. Following initiation, you receive integration processes on the Rune Mastery App at no extra charge. Session time: 90 minutes
Initiation with Support Materials $325
Receive the initiation to Rune Mastery (phone or Skype) after a minimum of 8 hours of guided self-study to clear the 12 ordinary meridians, 8 extraordinary meridians, and the 7 fields of perception. You will receive an outline of what ideally needs to be covered, along with extensive materials to support this.
Materials include videos, audio meditations, pfd manuals, FA protocols (optional), on the following:
- Clearing the emotional debris from the 12 Ordinary meridians (activating higher qualities in them)
- Integrating the 12 Tones of Harmlessness
- Dispelling the illusions of the 8 extraordinary meridians
- Activating the 7 Fields of Perception
- The 27 Inner and 27 Outer states of Nature ~ Language of the High Heart
- Integrating the principles of Divine Compassion
- Rune Integration Processes
- One month free membership to the Rune Mastery App
Clearing the 12 Ordinary Meridians, the 12 Tones of Harmlessness, Dispelling the Illusions of the 8 extraordinary meridians, the Inner and Outer States of Nature, and the Principles of Divine Compassion are the original work of Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com.
Materials will take you more than 8 hours to fully complete, but that is the minimum required study to prepare for the 1st initiation, and you can deepen with materials on your own after the initiation.
The initiation ceremony follows a meditation that prepares you, through activation of the 12 ordinary meridians, the 8 extraordinaries, and the 7 fields of perception, to be deeply receptive. This is a 2 hour process done over the phone or on skype.
This option is most suitable if you wish to be initiated without delay. You can always do the intensive study later, at a discounted price.
For those who have completed the Foundation to the Miraculous Life 2, you are amply prepared and have greatly exceeded the requirements! You may receive the initiation without further preparation.
Initiation to Rune Grand Mastery $200
Via Skype or phone, you will receive the initiation to Rune Grand Mastery following a powerful meditation to activate the runes through the 8 sub-personalities. Following initiation, you receive integration processes on the Rune Mastery App at no extra charge. Session time: 2 hours
Initiation to Rune Grand Mastery with Support Materials $325
When you sign up for this option, you receive mentoring and audio meditations to prepare you for this most sacred step. Initiation as described above. Please have the Bridge of No Time, by Almine, for reference through the self-study.
Guided self-study includes:
- Activating the 70-tone star of the field of Metaphysics (5th field) video
- Support for the fusion of the Ida and Pingala
- Healing of the lower animalistic natures and activating their higher expression to close down linear time (7th field and powers of the Inner Adventurer)
- Meditations to deepen into the black light fields (audio)
- One month free membership to the Rune Mastery App
The 70-tones star of the field of Metaphysics, the Fusion of the Ida and Pingala, and Healing the Animalistic Natures are the original work of Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com.
Note: Rune mastery and grand mastery initiations are both included in the Rune Mastery Intensive Program–a live on-line training program. Next tentative date: November 2016.
I was initiated by Almine in September 2014 as placeholder of the Runes. Soon after, I developed the Rune Mastery Intensive program, which I've been teaching through 2015 and 2016. And in 2015, Dave Reedjik and I developed the Rune Mastery App–a software app to do all rune spreads and integrations, with functionality to do share with clients and have a full on-line business with the Runes. You may sign up for the free Rune Mastery App to get a sense of this truly amazing app!
Initiation Type |
Rune Mastery Initiation only ,Rune Mastery with Support Materials ,Rune Grand Mastery Initiation Only ,Rune Grand Mastery with Support Materials |
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