Narcissus Oil


Narcissus can be called the fragrance of the moon, emphasizing the feminine mystery. The alchemical oil awakens the intuitive nature of the feminine reproductive system and communication with the hidden realms.

The fragrance is both delicate and rich, sweet and floral. While it is a feminine fragrance, it is used by men for its properties, as men also have feminine organs at the etheric level.  The sexual organs are mystical centers with great powers for manifestation. The sexual center’s intuitive capabilities far exceed the power of the pineal gland, and through it we may remember what we are becoming. That is a big leap on our evolutionary journey, where we express from what we are becoming and no longer from what we think we have been.

This ties in to the alchemical powers of narcissus oil that is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears the Kidney (Ki) meridian that includes the sexual organs.  More details on this, below. The emotional clearing supported by Narcissus targets the four main emotions of the blocked Kidney channel, which are:  fear, indecision, loss, victimization/sense of injustice.

The Kidney’s other positive psycho-emotional attributes are wisdom, gentleness, clear perception and thinking, maturity, centeredness, core strength and quiet confidence, self-examination, and self-understanding.

Narcissus is traditionally used reduce pain and provide relaxation. It is used with anxiety, mental exhaustion, and stress, because of its ability to calm the nerves. It is also used as an aphrodisiac.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency. With purchases of the 18 or 33 mls sizes, you receive a pdf with more detailed information on kidney meridian and use of narcissus oil.

Flower of Saffron


Flower of Saffron – Brings depth of intuition and spirituality, and delivers deep peace and contentment. This oil is stimulating to the functions of the organs, which helps to clear emotionally-charged memories of the past and support the organs to operate as unified field in deep harmony.

This alchemical blend is known to be effective as a ‘rescue remedy’ but with greater effect. Not only can it be used to bring instant relief in cases of trauma, but it also works to restore lost consciousness from past shock and trauma.  Used with clients, it can greatly accelerate resolution of past trauma when applied in session work. It may be seen as a blend of youthening—as we reclaim resources lost to trauma, we are regenerated and memories are dissolved so that they no longer continually stress the body and psyche.

Flower of Saffron is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Bladder (UB) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the UB: fright/shock, impatience, restlessness, and feeling unfulfilled.  As we release past traumas and unrest, we enter into deep acceptance and harmony with life, rooting in the eternal timelessness of being. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.  With the purchase of this oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, you receive a pdf with information on uses of Flower of Saffron and the Bladder meridian and its many important points.


Neroli Oil


Neroli – Extracted from orange blossoms, Neroli has a deeply rich floral scent. The poetry of this exceptionally poignant fragrance lingers like a promise in the air, releasing grief and intolerance. It delivers deep comfort and optimism, and promotes a desire to engage life from inspiration.

Neroli oil  is known for its efficacy at soothing agitated nerves and has been used through the ages to uplift the mood and inspire hope.  It is known to reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels (stress hormones) just by smelling this wondrous oil. It is also touted as an oil for cellular and tissue regeneration.

Neroli is also used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it associates with the Lung meridian, whose power is to receive inspiration and the pure qi from heaven that can nourish the entire body.  In the protocol, Neroli oil helps to clear the negative emotions of the Lung: grief/loss, intolerance, frustration, and bitterness.

To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

The oil comes with an alchemical sigil to keep your oil at optimal frequency. With the purchase of the FA oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, receive a pdf booklet on use of this oil. 

Golden Flower ~ Oil of the Inner Nurturer


Alchemical Blend For the Healing and Activation of the Inner Nurturer

Golden Flower ~ Like a golden enfolding embrace, this fragrance cocoons us in the power of nurturing from being home for ourselves, within the depth of our vastness. Enhances self-love, and the ability to embrace life as poetry and a romance with the self. When the Inner Nurturer is balanced and whole, a deep contentment and self-fulfilment is felt-—being self-referencing for approval. Rigid roles are released, and we live beyond neediness, in compassionate inclusiveness. This fragrant blend is designed to heal the pain of alienation so often felt by highly evolved beings in material life. (Read more about the Inner Nurturer below).

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

Golden Flower is available in 3.5 ml, 18 ml or 33 ml  sizes. 

With your purchase of Golden Flower, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Nurturer and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Nurturer’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Desert Dawn


Desert Dawn (Feminine) ~ For Poise and Confidence in Manifesting a Self-Determined Life

This fragrant oil has the unique properties of instilling self-confidence and promoting self-sovereignty. It helps to release self-doubt and promote trust in effortless revelation of the next step.  It promotes authenticity and enhances the poise of a master. It enhances self-surrender and courage to seize the power of the moment, overcoming past limitations and rewriting the past by living the moment well.

When preparing for a life of High Magic, confidence in the outcome of expressed intention births faith. This fragrance can assist in gathering clear answers from the 7th Rune field of Harasut, especially when used with the blend, Hathor. It also works well with the blend for the Inner Adventurer (Distant Horizons) to support courageous embracing of the adventure into the unknown.

Available as a single blend, or in the High Magic Kit of 8 alchemical oils.

Essence of Magic


Essence of Magic (Feminine) ~ Blend for Manifestation and Affirmations

Elevating vision to see beyond the illusion of time, Essence of Magic helps dissolve the chains that bind from the past. This releases power to the wearer to create change by changing within. The alchemy is designed to create change in the large picture thereby releasing available power to manifest the new. It is a powerful aid for manifestation — especially when used in conjunction with affirmations.

With a hint of citrus, this intriguing, mood-enhancing blend is sure to become a favorite. Its potency and gifts can assist anyone to manifest a better life, no matter the level of evolved awareness.

Moonlight Garden


Moonlight Garden (Feminine) ~ Boost Life Force and Self-Rejuvenation

This blend is a delightful fresh fragrance that is alchemically enhanced to boost life-force and provide the energy needed for higher consciousness and High Magic. Enhancing the power of intent, it gifts vitality to all in its environment. It is highly recommended as a tool of consciousness.

It works to enhance awareness in the field of Mistel, and assists in purifying emotions, clearing karmic issues in the etheric body, and gaining insight from dreamtime. It can help with clear guidance on what needs to be addressed, what to pursue, and what may need to be let go.

Starlight on Aswan


This unique fragrant oil has overtones of citrus and spice. Its alchemy assists with the birth of the Immaculate White Light reality when used in conjunction with the Merkaba of Resurrection. The Immaculate White Light is a living Akasha that takes us beyond the law of compensation and karma of the old Akasha that stores past information. In the Incorruptible White Light, in each moment life is new and you within it, and all possibilities lie before you awaiting your intent to bring it into realization. It is a completely new reality that is open to the serious student seeking evolved consciousness.

This FA blend helps to overcome the illusion of individuation and Oneness, and may be used with Secrets of Nefertiti. To strengthen the activation of the High Mind sub-personality, it may be used with Elixir of the Golden Light. This supports us to knowing our potency as an archetypal expression and unique aspect of the Infinite.
This FA blend also enhances the Runemasters’ ability to work with the eighth Rune set of the field of Mistel–field of the resurrected reality.

Seven Veils


Seven Veils (Feminine) ~ Mastery and Increased Self-Awareness through Transcending Illusions

The alchemy of this mystical oil from Cairo, is a powerful tool to assist the practitioner of High Magic to gain the necessary awareness to move through the seven initiations into mastery. These initiations challenge the truth seeker to overcome the illusions of “hidden” and “evident”. We are told that nothing is hidden–we hide portions of existence by contracting focus in order to promote appreciation of the details, as a means of steering in new directions, and in accumulating resources to be unleashed in divine timing. When the illusions are overcome, we surrender in trust to life and experience effortless knowing to an increasing degree.

When used in conjunction with the Luxor blend, it assists the Runemaster to gain insights from the Rune set of Prutbar–the field of mysticism, which can assist with tangled an disharmonious areas of life, the breaking of old patterns, and business decisions.

Velvet Nights


Velvet Nights (Feminine) ~ Enhances Tonal Luminosity / Dissolves Illusion of Duality

This enchanting fragrance with its floral overtones increases the tonal luminosity the master radiates. Tonal luminosity is a sub-atomic particle where light are frequency have been alchemically fused and are beyond separation; these particles have the power to heal duality. (read more below)

Velvet Nights is designed to strengthen the ability to work with the tools of love and light. It helps heal the illusion of the separation of life-enhancing and non-life-enhancing by exposing the Oneness of all life that exists beyond the appearances. When value judgment ceases, the mind becomes still and we no longer resist life. With the mind stilled, we can hear divine guidance from within, and without resistance, we move beyond linear time.
Through remembered oneness, we emanate tonal luminosity and choose a life of ever greater refinement. Life fluidly regenerates by the power of our perception. The portal of limitlessness that opens up through the use of Velvet Nights activates the experience of ever expanding horizons of the future.

Heavenly Rose oil


The Seer has created such an exquisite rose fragrance, in honor of which she would like the traditional Rose oil henceforth to be known as Heavenly Rose.

This romantic fragrance will remind you of a starry night in a fragrant rose garden. It is emotionally healing and beneficially influences our sense of deep contentment and well-being.

This rose oil is a carefully selected blend of Bulgarian and Egyptian absolute rose essences. It has a frequency that reminds us of Oneness–of our origins before the Fall into separation. This blend has the power to heals birth and birthing trauma, and to restore the intuitive nature of the womb. It is said that the womb (etheric womb in men) far surpasses the intuitive capacities compared to the pineal gland, and this oil can unlock this power in the wearer.

Rose oil is known as the oil of “Divine Presence”. According to old Persian lore, Rose is the only thing you can take with you when you die because it considered not of this world.

Its psycho-emotional benefits are many. It is used to relieve stress, to lift depression, clear anxiety, and is the choice oil for use during times of grief. It is also used as a mood enhancer, boosting feelings of joy, happiness, and hope.

Rose oil is used in a protocol to heal birth trauma (received by Almine), and in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to 12 clear the ordinary meridians–it associates with the Heart meridian, helping to clear joylessness, anger, self-pity and neediness. It is also the oil to heal the blockage at the carotid artery on the neck, which impedes the manifestation of the Heart’s true desires. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency. With the purchase of this oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, you receive the protocol to heal birth trauma and a pdf with information on the heart meridian and its many important points.

Joy Blends ~ Living a path of Heart


This kit contains 3 alchemical oils to support you to cultivate a state of enjoyment of life:  Rose oil for the Heart meridian, Song of Joy to enhance the Heart’s joy, and Song of the High Heart.