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The Fountain of Youth


This powerful alchemical oil connects the wearer with the energy source that sustains the universe.  The Fountain of Youth is a particularly powerful oil to assist with the regeneration and clearing of the meridians of the body and, by proxy the meridians of the Earth. (Read more details below).

The oil is applied in a clockwise motion that matches the motion of the energy we tap into.

Application: After putting a few drops on the index finger of your left hand, draw a circle on your skin around the navel in a clockwise manner about 3″ in diameter.


Alchemically Activated Rose Quartz Guasha Heart (Blessed by the Seer)


The Rose Quartz Gua Sha Heart is used for gentle facial stimulation, to clear scar tissue, heal organs, and more. It can be purchased on its own, but is intended to be used in conjunction with the Rose Quartz Roller and Gua Sha set for face, body and life clearing, regeneration and rejuvenation.

This product has been blessed and alchemically activated by the Seer Almine, to support body fluidity and regeneration to a state of remembered wholeness.  It will help to restore frequencies of wholeness in face and body, and release distorted ones from the human stories and trauma we carry in the cells and other ‘minds’ throughout body and fields. To learn about all its alchemical powers, go to the product that has the full kit, click here.

The product comes with the following:

** The Wheel of Regeneration (laminated)
** The Song of Life Power Sigil — a gift from the Seer to all who use the Rose Quartz achemical Tools
** An exercise to open up the carotid artery to assist in manifesting the Heart’s desire (received by Almine)

Presently, the product is meant to be used with the many processes and protocols in the main kit and the programs in the series, The Fountain of Plenitude. (See below for linked products), and so little instructions for use are given here.

Eventually I will offer a standalone purchase option, with a pdf with suggestions on use. But for now the product is for those who have the Rose Quartz Facial kit.

Ideal for practitioners who want to offer “emotional/spiritual facials” and body renewal to clients, based on the processes taught in the main product and PDF that comes with the pair or trio. Having several Hearts ensures that you always have a cool one handy for longer sessions, but it can also be used to establish body harmony or ‘homeostasis’, to close the gap of left and right or feminine/masculine imbalances, for aligning the 3 centers, activating hidden body centers, etc (with the 3 Hearts).

** With the purchase of the pair, you receive a sample of the Forever New fragrance alchemy oil, that plugs up leaks of resources to lower realities

** With the purchase of three, you receive Forever New and a sample of the Fight of the Falcon fragrance alchemy oil, that harmonizes the 3 dantien centers and activates the 4th portal to the eternal self.

Alchemical Rose Quartz “Mushroom” – For Acupressure / Gentle Massage ~ Clearing & Activating


The Rose Quartz mushrooms are used for acupressure and gentle facial stimulation, and stimulation of points on the head, ears, neck, and lymph areas. It can be purchased on its own, but is intended to be used in conjunction with the Rose Quartz Roller and Gua Sha set for face, body and life clearing, regeneration and rejuvenation.

This product has been blessed and alchemically activated by the Seer Almine, to support body fluidity and regeneration to a state of remembered wholeness.  It will help to restore frequencies of wholeness in face and body, and release distorted ones from the human stories and trauma we carry in the cells and other ‘minds’ throughout body and fields.

Uses include restoring flow through scar tissue, open up acupuncture points, points of limitlessness, clear trauma using the 13 head points (in head massage), used to clear headache and pain, ground in the body, stimulate ear points and other trigger points for stress release, etc.

The product comes with the following:

  • ** The Wheel of Regeneration
  • ** The 5 Element Wheel
  • ** A power stack of the 99 Tones of Innocence
  • ** An exclusive power wheel to support fluidity in the body through the Rose Quartz tool
  • ** A pdf with some suggested uses

Ideal for practitioners who want to offer “emotional/spiritual facials” and body renewal to clients, based on the processes taught in the product listed below.

Highly recommended that you do one of the Rose Quartz/Fountain of Plenitude programs, so that you have a much better understanding of all its uses.




Alchemical Rose Quartz Body Skin Activator


The Rose Quartz Guasha Skin Activator is a ‘Comb Edge’ guasha piece alchemically enhanced to stimulate the whole body skin, through a light ‘scraping’. The Body Skin Activator (BSA) has been enhanced through specific activations/blessings by the Seer Almine. (more below)

The product comes with the following:

  • A PDF of blessings and suggested uses
  • Several Power Sigils (received by the Seer), to emphasize/complement certain of the Tool’s functions to clear programs, reset memory, and establish unhindered communication with Source
  • A power stack that it sits on, to keep its alchemical potency
  • A sample of the alchemical bath salts (for one bath)
  • A video that leads you through the full circuit through the 12 ordinary meridians
  • Meditations to activate the Gates of Limitlessness on the body, and a Flow-Through the 12 Meridians

If you have one already and wish to have  a second, then choose the replacement option. First time buyers choose the BSA with materials option.