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Fountain of Life ~ Oil of the Inner Sage


Alchemical Blend For Healing and Activation of the Inner Sage

This rich blend stimulates higher hormones and promotes a sense of dignity through living from the clarity of evolved awareness. Supports us to hear the inspiration in the moment so that our way becomes self-guided. Heals the Inner Sage (IS), which is the part of the psyche that can attune to the unknown, see behind appearances, and is devoted to highest truth arising in the moment.

The blend helps to refine attitude and perspective, so that we can choose the reality we wish to be engaged with. The result of the healed Inner Sage is effortless knowing and graceful unfolding. In the humility of knowing life is unknowable, we become the unfathomable gateway of life ever new, and open to the abundant life.

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

With your purchase of Fountain of Life, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Sage and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Sage’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Fragrance Alchemy Blends for the Sub-personalities! 

These FA blends were received by Almine to support the healing and full expression of the sub-personalities.  The sub-personalities comprise the levels of the psyche from conscious/awake to deeply unconscious/dream states.  The journey of coming home to the Self is done through the harmonious interactions of the sub-personalities. The healed Inner Sage brings faith in life and trust that all is unfolding in flawless perfection.

The balanced Inner Sage ensures that we are not recycling past wisdom and inspiration that keeps us in repetitive cycles and mediocrity, but rather are looking to the beckoning horizon of our highest potential self, by approaching life in the humility of knowing that we can know nothing in a universe that is ever new as we surrender to what the moment brings. From trying to control an unknown future to embracing the unknown with glad anticipation, we open ourselves to the blessings life wishes to bestow upon us.

Let Fountain of Life support your sense of wonderment and innocent perception that brings about most graceful outcomes in cooperation with life’s benevolence.

Additional information
Fragrance type



3.5 mls


18 mls


33 mls

Oil type



Inner Family

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