Narcissus Oil


Narcissus can be called the fragrance of the moon, emphasizing the feminine mystery. The alchemical oil awakens the intuitive nature of the feminine reproductive system and communication with the hidden realms.

The fragrance is both delicate and rich, sweet and floral. While it is a feminine fragrance, it is used by men for its properties, as men also have feminine organs at the etheric level.  The sexual organs are mystical centers with great powers for manifestation. The sexual center’s intuitive capabilities far exceed the power of the pineal gland, and through it we may remember what we are becoming. That is a big leap on our evolutionary journey, where we express from what we are becoming and no longer from what we think we have been.

This ties in to the alchemical powers of narcissus oil that is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears the Kidney (Ki) meridian that includes the sexual organs.  More details on this, below. The emotional clearing supported by Narcissus targets the four main emotions of the blocked Kidney channel, which are:  fear, indecision, loss, victimization/sense of injustice.

The Kidney’s other positive psycho-emotional attributes are wisdom, gentleness, clear perception and thinking, maturity, centeredness, core strength and quiet confidence, self-examination, and self-understanding.

Narcissus is traditionally used reduce pain and provide relaxation. It is used with anxiety, mental exhaustion, and stress, because of its ability to calm the nerves. It is also used as an aphrodisiac.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency. With purchases of the 18 or 33 mls sizes, you receive a pdf with more detailed information on kidney meridian and use of narcissus oil.


Narcissus Oil for the clearing and activation of the Kidney Meridian

Narcissus oil  is used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–it associates with the Kidney meridian (water element), helping to clear emotions of fear, indecision, loss, and victimization/sense of injustice.

Fear is most devastating to the body and psyche. The kidneys are also known as the Root of Life, which gives us our stability, resilience, and potency for life. With weak Kidney function we are frail, fearful, and ineffective in life– whereas when strong, we have potency, presence, impact and are self-autonomous, self-governing, and in self-sovereignty to manifest our true destiny that impacts on all life.

The Kidney meridian oversees the adrenal glands and the ovaries/testes.  The endocrine glands determine the ‘reality’ we attune to, and the adrenals play a big role in whether we in a reality of fear and stress or in one of inspiration and grace. The sexual organs have far higher functions than most know, and as we evolve, the ovaries and testes become the powers to conceive the seeds of divinity and create what is incorruptible and real.

Filtering Impurities

The kidneys themselves are responsible for filtering waste metabolites from the blood and moving them onward to the bladder for excretion in urine. A person’s kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood daily, extracting about two quarts of waste and excess water– a 1:100 ratio. It filter the entire blood system about 40 times per day!

Psycho-spiritually, Kidney is the most important meridian that determines the fulfillment of our spiritual mandate, and the potency and effectiveness of our life, by ensuring that our ‘slice of infinite life’ (where we may establish our piece of heaven on earth) is unpolluted by what can contaminate the expression of true self. The blood is the substance of the true self, and the Kidney’s domain is the self-examined life. All must be scrutinized in order to pass the test of our highest truth, and what fails the test is eliminated in the Bladder. This is reflected in the blood filtering.

This self-scrutiny and careful and continual filtering of impurities in the substance of the Self (blood) is a most thorough and stable way to destructure the obsolete…to dismantle false security and false shelters from our lives–opening the way for the power of Source to move our reality.  IN order for Divine Will to move our life,  we must have a foundation laid in stone, so to speak…deeply rooted in the support of the Earth…deeply rooted in ourselves as our source of sustenance. If we resist this elimination or insist in exposing ourselves to pollutants, we invite destructiveness into our lives because we will never fulfill what is ours to do, and unfufilment creates a vacuum into which destruction comes. We either destructure gracefully through Kidney’s filtering power or we are subject to forced destruction.

Sublimating Sexuality – The Kidney Heart Axis

The kidney organ-energy system controls sexual vitality and reproductive function. Sexual vitality in the Chinese view is a major indicator of health and immunity. Sexual energy is regarded as precious substance not to be indulged or abused, as it is tied into longevity and vitality. The kidneys, and particularly the adrenal glands, are considered to be especially vulnerable to damage from excessive stress and sexual indulgence.  The kidney meridian also includes the male testes and female ovaries. These organs have deeply mystical powers, and in evolved awareness they act as seer stone and oracle that enables the ‘becoming of our destiny’, and as source of alchemical power to unleash our divine, creative gifts into life.  The Kidney meridian holds the power to manifest our ‘mandate from heaven’.

Esoterically our sexual power is the power to manifest—there is no difference, and so long as we use sex for entertainment, stress release, manipulation/control, etc, we secrete the lower hormones that bind us to illusion, and the true power of sexuality is not accessible to us.

Through the Kidney-Heart axis, sexual power is sublimated in the heart when we live the higher form of love that is divine compassion. Otherwise our love acts like a pollutant and pulls us and others into unwhole bondage, where power is leaked into illusion and drama.

When sexuality is raised by the heart’s divine compassion, then our relationships with others and with life are both harmless and potent, and as we relate so we create… in harmlessness and with great potency, and what we create is then eternally generative as it aligns with divine will— the power of Source expressed into life serves all life outside of time.

The love of the Kidney-heart axis combined is a higher form of love than is the love of the heart alone. The angels tell us it actually resides in the midriff area, level with the kidneys.

Benefits of the Alchemical Narcissus Oil:

  • Clears and activates the Kidney meridian to its higher functions (so kidney clearing effects listed below are all supported too)
  • Alchemically fine-tuned frequency to heal the sexual center
  • Increases our power of intuition
  • Supports the stable destructuring of the obsolete–making room to manifest what is real and meaningful to us
  • Supports the ability to ‘remember’ what we are becoming, so that we meet our ‘destiny’
  • Calms the nerves, helps reduce fear/anxiety, stress, and mental exhaustion

Kidney Meridian Clearing has many effects:

  • Rooting in our life, grounding
  • Emotional stability (water element), enabling us to live from depth beyond emotionality
  • Ability to uphold fluid boundaries and pristine space to manifest our lives
  • Living the Self-examined life where we are continually refining our expression
  • Enhances the beauty of our lives as a creative work of art
  • Ability to remember our true potential self and become our destiny. When we align with this, all flows on inevitability and grace
  • Establish the kidney-heart axis, enabling sexual power to flow into manifestation
  • and more…

Some Applications

  • May be applied along the Kidney meridian, ideally on K1 and K10 (K1 is a powerful revival and grounding point)
  • Applied over the kidneys and adrenals
  • It may also be worn as a fragrance, or under the feet to get its benefits (if you wish to conceal the fragrance)

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not medical or psychological advice and should not be treated as such. Fragrance Alchemy and acupressure are not intended to treat medical or psychological conditions, and you must not rely on information given as an alternative to seeking medical or psychological advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

FA Kits containing Narcissus Oil

Additional information
Fragrance type


Oil type

Single oil




3.5 mls


18 mls


33 mls



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