
Meet Jodie Carter, who works with the Fragrance Alchemy, exploring the oils’ properties and powers, and to bottle and ship, and is the person to direct inquiries about the FA products. ([email protected])

Jodie creates beautiful power pendants with Almine’s power wheels and gemstones. She works with all her creations to increase their potency, through ceremony in which is activated alchemical leveraging. Read testimonials on her work, below.

Power Pendants

Available power wheels in pendants include the 7 wheels of the Fields of Perception, Tonal Luminosity, Adoration in Action, Perpetual Regeneration through the Tones of Purity, the Sigil of the Real High Heart, the Lemurian Clock of Depth and Living, and more.  You may also have customized pieces made. Below are some samples.

“I was delighted to see how beautifully all your creations were done and happy that you have incorporated the wheels into your jewelry, turning them into power objects. I send my love.” ~ Almine

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About Jodie…

Jodie is a deeply appreciative and committed student of the Seer Almine’s, working daily in applying a multitude of the pristine tools of boundless alchemy offered through the vast library of Almine’s impeccable work. With a life-long capacity for mystical insight, Jodie’s journey was catalyzed exponentially in 2005-6, when the focus of Almine’s work changed, the Ancient Ones were called to awaken, and the Cosmic poles shifted. Through beholding the compressed perspective while traveling with her body, her impertubable quest in exploring metaphysical mysteries in reverence was ignited, and ever-grows.

Jodie met Anita in 2008 and began studying the growing body of Inner Mastery Tools. On the experience of working as colleagues for several years, Anita writes:

Working closely with Jodie since 2010, as we explored the unfolding cosmic events, I have been deeply impacted by her impeccable and deep way of living her highest truth. Her probing questions have led  us to great revelations about how to evolve the body to its resurrected state. It is a joy and privilege to work side by side. Her ability to perceive from expanded states and bring those deep intuitions to bear on practical matters is unique.  She wields the tools of alchemy with a rare devotion and mastery, and I am very pleased to have her work offered with my own.

Beloved colleague, Ciara Young, writes: “The non-specific infusion of your unique Beingness into my consciousness any time we commune (even without speaking) has the most awe-inspiring effect on the capacities of my own evolving potential, as this is the part (far less tangible!) that I feel the desire to acknowledge most. Possibly one of the things I am most grateful for, among a trillion other things, is your effect on the continuous refinement of my use of language (language as a massive concept), purely by your presence in interaction (again, directly or more subtly/across levels), or to put it more precisely, what is basically a level of fusion of Beholder/Beheld (regarding Infinite Being/Self) that I experience through and with you. I appreciate immensely the piercing nature of your sight that highlights merely by your glancing at things, areas that need fine-tuning; your authenticity; your impeccable mastery in the way that you hold things; your fluidity of perspective; and your ability to speak the truth lovingly.”

Sessions with Jodie

In session work, Jodie engages harmonious interaction within and between each of the fields of perception, to refine perspective and express in each moment, in a tangibly lived way, the highest unfolding truth. In coaching, we hold in jubilant celebration, sensual delight and reverent intimacy, depth of self-reverence and appreciation, fluidity in perception to literally look through illusion to the ever-present underlying perfection, for masterful navigation of all potential. In recognition of inherent capacities of divinity, we explore how these may be be supported to grow and flourish, for the ultimate depth of embodiment of divine love in action that is rooted in impeccability. This is coaching to embark more deeply than ever before, for each their own Love Affair with Life.

Jodie’s passionate pursuits are of balanced study and application, in the areas of reverent intimacy through Divine Compassion; sacred sexuality; the delicate, complex and miraculous Fragrance Alchemy; self-regeneration; perpetual alchemy; and fluidly refining perspectives through precision in fully presenced language. She is an initiated Grand Master in Belvaspata and the Runes of the Infinite Mother. The creation of personalized power objects for body and home, an endeavor blessed by Almine, called Radiance Creations, was born as a physically tangible artistic expression, while observing the effects of having power wheels and sigils in one’s environment. New creations are in progress, and will be introduced via the AFA website and the soon to be launched:

Testimonials for Radiance Creations

AFA Radiance Creations pieces feature pic 3The power from these holy objects you have created is utterly mind-blowing, heart-expanding, multi-dimensionally activating… they are a pure joy for one who is sensitive to frequency and other subtle phenomena!” ~ Ciara Young

I had been thinking that I wished that I had jewelry by Almine just this morning – and then look what materialized! I had even been thinking that this jewelry would be a great new direction and wondered anyone else has thought of it. And, of course, these magnificent pieces were already in my field. The meticulous care and devotion put into each piece is so clear.” ~ Elyse Hope Killoran

“I just received your amazingly magical gifts in the mail! I am ecstatic and beyond words…. Thank you so much for setting your inspiration into movement.” Phoebe Surana’Mehit

Creating these beautiful sacred pendants was brilliant!  I absolutely LOVE them.  I wear one everyday.  It’s wonderful to be able to pause during the busy parts of my day, take a moment to still my mind, put my fingers on my pendant and have a boost from the alchemical equations present within them. It’s great for those sincerely involved in these teachings and are busy traveling or whatever. Very easily take them with you anywhere! I am so grateful you’ve made these available. Much love to you, dear Jodie.” ~ Olivia S. United States

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I found Jodie’s HH pendent to be surprisingly effective in holding and integrating the power of the open High Heart.  Since I had already been working with the open high heart and placing the HH wheel on my chest and found it’s power to be effective within me, this pendent was an additional profound shift in integrating and stabilizing its energies. I wear the pendent (3 finger widths below the hollow of the throat)  24/7 and am very happy with its effects on my self and my surroundings and persons around me. This facilitates the blending of the inner and outer very nicely. If softens the energies in my field and enables a greater inner power to come through lovingly and brings forth more authentic living. It makes it easier to live a reality of integrated Oneness.” ~ Dhani