Unified Chakra Field Oil ~ Home in the Heart


The alchemy for the full activation of the 24 chakras of magical manifestation is being accessed now.
The first step toward this is to activate the first 7 chakras as a unified field.

The mystical occurrence of the unified chakra field forming around the torso is the result of an alchemical equation of seven tones that result from the clearing and opening of the seven chakras.

To produce this powerful blend, seven oils combine to form the unified field of a master. This field’s frequency facilitatesthe master’s advancement into the first level of resurrection. Apply the oil on both wrists.



Magnolia – This innocent and youthful floral oil is subtle and delicate — a perfect way to announce the distinctive, fascinating woman.

Magnolia’s scent is reminiscent of sweet things that evoke well-being in its midst. Alchemically, this Magnolia oil heals issues of mothering–either the inclination to mother others, or neediness caused by insufficient parenting during childhood.  Magnolia brings deep contentment and feelings of wholeness, so that the compulsive behaviors associated with neediness are released.

It also activates the Crown chakra as well as one of the 8 extraordinary meridian that open us to powerful ‘flows of abundance’. You may read more details on this, below.

Therapeutically, Magnolia oil is said to increase circulation, act as a sedative, benefit the skin, and relax the mind and body.  The amazing thing about these alchemical oils is their properties enhance all levels (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual)  in profound ways, for both the wearer and those who are in your midst, and their exquisite scents are often experienced as other-worldly… heavenly..alluring and enticing.



Luxor Blend – This delicious fragrant blend, rich in masculine appeal and virility, is a blend of oils from India and the Orient that has been renowned for their role in awakening the rising of the sexual energy known as kundalini. It is a delightful  warm fragrance of deep sensuality. Lush and fertile like the gardens of palaces long forgotten, Luxor whispers messages of regal splendor.

The kundalini is the power to greatly heighten awareness through activating the hidden centers along the spine/central column. Luxor blend awakens the ‘new spine’ that supports effortless knowing of our next step, and the state where we become the resolution to any challenge we face in life. Supports a life of greater potency and grace. Read on more of its alchemical properties below.


Note: While each of the masculine blends are striking scents and can be worn simply for their appeal, they create a field around the wearer that activates the alchemical properties.  If you wish to emphasize the scent, you might wear it on neck or wrists, whereas if you wish to conceal it because you are wearing other blends at the same time, you would apply it under the feet.

Narcissus Oil


Narcissus can be called the fragrance of the moon, emphasizing the feminine mystery. The alchemical oil awakens the intuitive nature of the feminine reproductive system and communication with the hidden realms.

The fragrance is both delicate and rich, sweet and floral. While it is a feminine fragrance, it is used by men for its properties, as men also have feminine organs at the etheric level.  The sexual organs are mystical centers with great powers for manifestation. The sexual center’s intuitive capabilities far exceed the power of the pineal gland, and through it we may remember what we are becoming. That is a big leap on our evolutionary journey, where we express from what we are becoming and no longer from what we think we have been.

This ties in to the alchemical powers of narcissus oil that is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears the Kidney (Ki) meridian that includes the sexual organs.  More details on this, below. The emotional clearing supported by Narcissus targets the four main emotions of the blocked Kidney channel, which are:  fear, indecision, loss, victimization/sense of injustice.

The Kidney’s other positive psycho-emotional attributes are wisdom, gentleness, clear perception and thinking, maturity, centeredness, core strength and quiet confidence, self-examination, and self-understanding.

Narcissus is traditionally used reduce pain and provide relaxation. It is used with anxiety, mental exhaustion, and stress, because of its ability to calm the nerves. It is also used as an aphrodisiac.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency. With purchases of the 18 or 33 mls sizes, you receive a pdf with more detailed information on kidney meridian and use of narcissus oil.

Neroli Oil


Neroli – Extracted from orange blossoms, Neroli has a deeply rich floral scent. The poetry of this exceptionally poignant fragrance lingers like a promise in the air, releasing grief and intolerance. It delivers deep comfort and optimism, and promotes a desire to engage life from inspiration.

Neroli oil  is known for its efficacy at soothing agitated nerves and has been used through the ages to uplift the mood and inspire hope.  It is known to reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels (stress hormones) just by smelling this wondrous oil. It is also touted as an oil for cellular and tissue regeneration.

Neroli is also used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it associates with the Lung meridian, whose power is to receive inspiration and the pure qi from heaven that can nourish the entire body.  In the protocol, Neroli oil helps to clear the negative emotions of the Lung: grief/loss, intolerance, frustration, and bitterness.

To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

The oil comes with an alchemical sigil to keep your oil at optimal frequency. With the purchase of the FA oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, receive a pdf booklet on use of this oil. 

Secrets of Nefertiti


Secrets of Nefertiti is a seductive fragrance that stimulates pheromone production. A subtle blend of green and floral notes that speaks of the secret chambers of a woman’s heart, filled with the treasures of love and devotion, this potent blend enhances the poetic perspective and romance of life. It refines sensual experience and stimulates sexuality.

Secrets of Nefertiti is one of the oils used to dispel illusion from the 8 extraordinary meridians–particularly the illusion of individuation versus oneness. It helps support integrated oneness so that we manifest what is enduring and refines our eternal existence.  Read more on this below.

Lotus Oil


Lotus oil is a unique fragrance that creates a very profound awakening in the hidden centers of the body, specifically the pineal and the high-heart. Lotus creates a field of golden light around the body.

The lotus flower symbolizes the purity of the spiritual life, and can be seen as a symbol of merging inner and outer realities, as the flowers have their roots in the water, but float above in sunlight. Celebrated throughout Egyptian culture,the lotus flower is known for its blissful, soothing and calming properties. It stimulates sexuality–elevating it to a power to manifest our aligned intent.

Lotus oil is used in the protocols to clear the 13 main joints of the body, which support the release of resistance to life, and flexibility and fluidity in awareness so we transcend opposition.

Lotus is part of the FA protocol to activate the points of resurrection in the body. Its power to stimulate a hidden acupuncture point in the body that is a receptive center for intuitive information, makes it an invaluable alchemical oil to use regularly.  It also stimulates the solar plexus chakra–center to access the unfathomable.

In addition, it is used in the FA protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Small Intestine (SI) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the SI: insecurity/overwhelm, sadness, feelings of abandonment, and feeling unheard. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Comes with an alchemical sigil to keep your oil at optimal frequency.  With the purchase of the FA oil in 18 mls or more, receive a pdf booklet on protocols for Lotus oil.

Blue Lagoon


Blue Lagoon ~ A unique blend with its notes of mystery will intrigue and delight you with its unsurpassed richness. Delightful blending of vanilla flowers, corn flowers and other blossoms brings the lightening of the moods by helping to stimulate the release of serotonin in the brain.

Blue Lagoon instills optimism, hope and lightness of being, while releasing tension caused by old cellular memory. This romantic fragrance inspires the song of the heart. It creates in our inner space, a beautiful space for the Inner Child to permeate.

The alchemical blend is used in the protocol to activate the 8 extraordinary meridians –flows of cause–, and activates the Yin Qiao meridian that corresponds to the Inner Child.

It is also recommended when activating a daily Field of Hope. The hope of the heart creates a field into which the seeds of possibilities take root. Unwavering hope is a tremendous power of manifestation.  Through our hope that attunes to the wonderment, magic, and beauty of life in the moment, we unlock doorways of ‘highest becoming‘.

Tutankhamun ~ FA Oil (masculine blend)


This majestic fragrance with its blend of deep masculine scents, is regal and self-assured. It’s fragrant sophistication has made it a signature blend chosen by men from around the world.

The blend dissolves stagnation of emotion and repression of the authenticity of the male expression.
Emotional stagnation is held in the 12 ordinary meridians of the body. These are the “rivers of our life” as Almine has described them. When we have stagnation, we keep cycling through the same painful patterns with different players and circumstances. What is unexpressed gets suppressed into inner space, which prevents the merging of inner and outer. We then live in the ‘gap’, in the mirrors of illusion and the in a state of resource depletion.
Although Tutankhamun is a masculine fragrance, it is recommended also for the masculine expression in women. The fragrance is clean and uplifting, but for women who rather conceal it, it may be worn under the feet or around the ankles.

Realms of Innocence FA Oil


The purpose of the Alchemy of this oil, is to enhance the capacity of the extra-sensory perceptions that enable self-guidance. Worn on the third eye, it opens the gateway between Outer and Inner space ( know as the Realms of Innocence ). This allows the subtle experiences of Inner space to communicate non-cognitive information that exceeds the limitations of mind. Although its magical properties can be released to the wearer when worn anywhere on the body, its optimal placement is on the 3rd eye.

With the purchase of this oil, you will receive the 20 Principle of Happiness, received by the Seer Almine, along with suggestions on how to use them.

Read more on placement and properties, below.

Song of Joy FA Oil and Protocols


This is a most potent blend that supports maintaining one’s own sacred space. Through the power of joy is the core of the heart field strengthened in its ability to maintain immaculate space for manifestation. Through the heart’s joy we sing the Song of the Self into our Field of Hope, and illusion falls away. Through the heart’s joy, our lives are thus immaculately conceived.


Joy is a frequency that activates the eight extraordinary meridians–the flows of cause. As an attitude, joy is gateway to integrated oneness.

The Song of Joy has the power to cleanse the eight extraordinary meridians as they dissolve the primary illusions of separation. These meridians bring radiance and healing to the body. They are also the mighty reservoirs of Source, inexhaustible in their ability to fertilize our dreams.


Song of Joy may be purchased with materials for guidance on use of this potent blend. It may be purchased separately too, in 3.5 mls or 18 mls. The oil-only option comes with the sigil to keep your oil pristine, a light elixir, music elixirs, and the protocols and exercises to open up the 8 extraordinaries –the body’s radiant circuits.

For all options, click on payment button, below.

Full Materials include:

  • pdf with several protocols for the Song of Joy oil to open up the extraordinary meridians and radiant circuits of the body
  • Video on how to apply the oil to activate the 8 extraordinary meridians
  • Audio for the Microcosmic Orbit and Snow Mountain audio (clearing primary extraordinary meridians)
  • Extracted videos: Activating the Heart meridian (meridian of joy), the Inner Sage/High Mind subpersonalities (The Eight Subpersonalities is the original work of Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com)

Read more about this blend and the power of joy, below.

Song of Joy sigil by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com

Sample Kit ~ Oils for Spiritual Awakening


This new 7-oil sample kit has Fragrance Alchemy blends from the signature series, to enhance awakening and create a pristine space for the expression of your emerging greater self.

  • Flight of the Falcon:  to bring the body into deep inner harmony so that it can be a vehicle of higher manifestation.
  • Realms of Innocence ~ 3rd eye ~ to activate innocent perception and the deeper mind that merges inner and outer / activate the head glands to perceive the real
  • The Eternal Song ~ supports us to sing the Song of Self and speak intent into being.
  • Song of the High Heart: the oil to activate the thymus to its higher function of merging inner and outer space, in support of graceful manifestation of divine intent.
  • Birth of Majesty – helps with discomfort of the big changes required of us at this great time of transition from the old reality of separation to the higher reality of oneness.
  • The Power of the One ~ supports alignment to wholeness, a state of multi-dimensional presence, where our lives become archetypal, and powered by the One Life.
  • Song of the Rose ~  to repair and activate the DNA into greater expression, and activate the DNA Rose and the black blood cells of inner space and depth of living

This kit gives you the opportunity to experience all these timely oils at a great price!

Note: Available in sample size (approximately 2.4 mls), or in the small 3.5 ml size.

Light Elixir: A glimpse into the Unfathomable, by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com

Holy Sanctuary


Enveloping the wearer with its uplifting fresh fragrance, this oil has been designed to lift the mood with its fresh fruity fragrance, enhanced by spices and a subtle floral notes to give it depth. This oil is particularly suitable for using as an environmental fragrance in a water room diffuser.

Its power to shield our home environment against the increase of invasive technologies such as the 5G satellite influences and other similar hostile technologies comes from its ability to clear the air of the disruptive waveforms.

Application: rub on wrists or under the feet if you need to conceal the oil. If you are in a scent-free environment most of the day, a drop under each foot will go undetected. Can also be worn at night.

Diffuse in all the rooms in your home. Great for spas and health stores. Everyone who walks into your space will feel their mood uplifted!

Duo Kit: Song of the High Heart and Lotus

Kit to Merge Inner and Outer Space

There are two acupressure points that have been lost to the knowledge of man for centuries. Referred to by Almine as the two resurrection points, because of the important role they play in preparing the recipient for resurrection, these are the 671st and 672nd acupuncture points.

One point is two finger widths above the navel. This point uses Lotus oil. The other point, even more important since it serves as a bridge between inner and outer space, is the point of the high heart, three finger widths below the hollow at the base of the neck. A most unique alchemical oil blend has been received and prepared for this: Song of the High Heart.

DNA Roses & Resurrection ~ 7-FA Oils Kit (3.5 mls sizes)


For Activation of the DNA Roses of Inner and Outer Space and the Resurrection Points

This kit has 6 potent oils to activate the two DNA Roses, support the awakening of inner senses/inner space, support the merging of the three realities of godhood, pristine man, and integrated oneness, and ignite the 671st and 672nd acupuncture points of resurrection.  According to the teaching of Almine (www.spiritualjourneys.com), the 671st point activates the Black Blood Cell, and the 672nd opens the gate of the high heart–the chakra of oneness that leads to the resurrected state.

In addition, you receive a 7th: the Song of Joy, to support the cultivation of states of praise and joy, which activate the 8 extraordinary meridians–the meridians of godhood that are the reservoirs of Source.

Read about the oils and what you get with this discounted specialty kit, below.

Peaceful Presence


This oil is dedicated to the Holy Ones who walk amongst humanity silently, bringing the gift of their peaceful presence.
The deep floral notes of Lotus flowers deliver a feeling of surrendered trust.

The oil is applied in the hollow of the neck (front of the neck). The indent in your collar bone, where it meets the neck.



This Precious oil is a blend prepared by the Seer to restore individual power through the restoration of innocence and fluidity, enabling magical manifestation and clear guidance for the life of the individual.

Oil is to be placed two finger widths below the base of the skull, on the back of the neck. One finger width below where the Eternal Mind oil goes.


Sacred Space Alchemical Oil for EMF Protection


Product Description

The Sacred Space oil is a unique and powerful alchemical blend, specifically formulated to protect against the hostile and detrimental effects of electromagnetic exposure (EMF) from cell towers, cellphones and numerous other sources. This unisex fragrance has the therapeutic effect described by Dr James Cotrell as “helping the immune system to regulate its vitality .. and to refresh to patterns in the brain“ (The Complete New Age Health Guide).

The Sacred Space oil has an extremely advanced form of interdimensional Alchemy. Although all our Alchemical oils are interdimensional agents – meaning they express in several stages at once – each Sacred Space product is blessed individually and the Sacred Space Angelgod evoked (his name is Mechavanit). The purpose for the additional layer of Alchemy and High Magic done on these products, is so that they can evolve as interdimensional invasion becomes more pervasive. They will continue to shield against EMF from all dimensions and in all its forms. Almine

The oil may be worn under the feet to create a protective space around the wearer, and may also be diffused in a water-based oils diffuser, to cleanse spaces. Great to cleanse all the rooms of a house, and also to use in spas and yoga studios.

With purchases of the 18 mls size, you will receive three powerful EMF protection sigils. You can read about them on this link: EMF Protection Sigils

To purchase the full EMF Protection package upgrade, choose that option below.

The oil may be diffused in your space, and used with the EMF protection sigils.

Patchouli Oil


This outstanding Patchouli alchemical oil is very grounding for the male tendency of over-emphasis of the electrical (mind, reason and intellect). It helps to silence the dialogue of the mind so that spiritual mastery can be accomplished. Promotes deep meditation and expansiveness.

Patchouli is known for its sedative and tonifying effects. It calms the mind yet at the same time it strengthens the ability to focus.

While it is considered a masculine blend that works on the masculine aspect of mind, it works equally for both genders, and the fragrance is loved by both men and women.

Patchouli is used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to 12 clear the ordinary meridians–it associates with the Gall Bladder meridian, helping to clear rage, impotence, self-importance, and being stagnant or stuck. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

The Alchemical Healing Oil to Clear the Energetic Pathways of the Body

This alchemical healing oil is imbued with the intent and power of removing obstructions from the energetic pathways in the body (the cause of all illness and disease). The Seer felt this to be the most beneficial and enhancing to the alchemy of the Urusak, so that distorted and dissonant tones would be cleared from the energetic body and harmonious ones restored. But it is also a perfect oil to enhance meridian and chakra clearing.

It is only to be used with the Urusak Water device. If you have the device and wish to order it, then please email me.



Gardenia oil has a rich and sensual floral scent.  This alchemically fine-tuned Gardenia brings the confidence in the strength of the inner feminine. It promotes grace and self-sovereignty.

The sensual scent of gardenia essential oil is believed to have aphrodisiac qualities and is used to improve low sex drive.   Gardenia oil has many uses, and is traditionally used in cases of poor  digestion, colds, flu, inflammatory conditions, chronic pain, and a weak immune system. It is known to reduce stress, improve depressive states, help with poor circulation, and heal and rejuvenate the skin.

This alchemical blend clears and activates the Liver meridian–clearing protectiveness, anger, phobias, and obsessiveness, and promotes surrender, finding home within, ability to hold a vision, and embrace one’s vastness. It is the oil to turn pent-up anger from feeling blocked in moving forward, to the power to break through self-made limitations…to see life anew so that one can establish self-sovereignty. Applied to Liver acupuncture points for maximum effect at clearing the emotional blockages so that emotions of strength and self-belief can emerge. Also used to activate the 6th chakra (3rd eye). Read details below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

Song of the Rose ~ to Activate the 2nd DNA Rose of Inner Space


This exquisite blend of Indian rose absolute, American red rose, and Egyptian rose, combined with Champaka and Sweet Pea forms a fragrant and rich tapestry that tantalizes the senses.

Hidden behind the alluring blend lies the power of alchemy. Specifically blended to enhance the activation of the 2nd DNA Rose, this fragrance awakens the inner senses, increasing the depth of enjoyment of our experiences. Read more about the power of this alchemical oil below.

This oil may be worn anywhere, but is also recommended to be applied on the bottom of the feet.

Song of the Rose works most directly on the frequency chambers or feminine component of the 2nd DNA Rose, and is one of the FA oils of our time. Since the merging of inner space into outer (September 2014), the true feminine is arising into expression through the subpersonalities of the horizontal axis, all that was suppressed is flushing up, and the fake feminine that has expressed in false emotions is dwindling in power. The activation of the 2nd DNA Rose will support the graceful transition to a reality of integrated oneness.

NOTE: The oil is now sold in 3,5 mls, 18 mls, or 33 mls sizes. It is also included in some of the specialty kits (7 signature oil, DNA Roses and Resurrection Points kit, and 25-FA-oil kit for Rune Mastery).

With purchases of 18 mls or more, you receive  a pdf with power wheels and FA protocols.

The Marriage of Light & Love ~ The Alchemical Oil for the Crystalline Body of Incorruptibility


So very excited to announce a new FA oil that has the frequencies of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh — three substances that alchemically blend to open the body to higher aspect of self that dwell in realms of light. This combination also clears overlays of unreality from one’s environment, so that there is revealed ‘what is’.  It is time to express from true authenticity and manifest a ‘real’ environment that is an expression of what we are.

This FA oil has been patiently held as a possibility for years, but only now can it fully activate higher aspects in us, as only now are we able to shape the true body of coagulated White Light…that which we are. Infinite praise and thanks to the Seer for creating it!

The oil is applied to the locations of chakras 8 and 9 (where a woman’s ovaries are…applies to men as well), which provide the foundation in body, to ‘land’ our higher aspects of self. We are merging  refined Light into the body as the substance of love, which includes and assimilates all — in this manner the body becomes a portal of purification.

The ultimate gift to the Holy Mother is for our presence to spiritualize Matter and exalt it into the holy substance of Love. This FA Oil is the one to support this “Marriage of Light and Love”.

Comes with a Power Sigil that is a Power Source Wheel as well (laminated), with 24 angelgods to be invoked.

Read more below.

Desert Moon


Designed as an expression of the sensitive masculine qualities of a man who dreams and creates his future with confidence in his abilities to achieve his vision. Strength and sensitivity combine in this fragrance that has deep powerful notes, with subtle overtones.



Lily – A fragrance of dignity and grace, Lily serenely represents the inner strength of the feminine. This alchemical blend creates refinement of enjoyment and depth of sensual experience, which supports graceful manifestation of the dreams of the heart.

Lily oil is known to relieve mental stress, and is used for depression, sadness, and  lethargy. It imparts a feeling of security and soothes heavy emotions. It is thought that regular use of lily oil strengthens brain cells and improves the cognitive processes of brain, and so the oil is also used for cognitive disorders in aging.

The alchemical Lily oil is calibrated to activate the heart chakra and open us to acknowledging the self in the beauty and innocence of life around us. It also clears illusion from and activates one of the 8 extraordinary meridians, opening us to greater expression and uptake of potentials that are open to us. (Read more about all this below).



Regal as the splendor of the Pharaohs, Hathor oil is for the bold and self-assured man.  It promotes inner masculine strength and self-confidence to achieve beyond past successes for both genders.

Hathor helps to awaken the sense of adventure through self-belief that is undaunted no matter how big the challenge. It brings the masculine potency to our actions that are unconcerned with outcome and more attuned to direction and what qualities can awaken from those choices. The beautiful achemical oil activates one of the 8 extraordinary meridian that opens us to powerful ‘flows of abundance’ through deeper grounding in the body and in the details of life. You may read more details on this, below.

Note: These potent alchemical oils  enhance on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) in profound ways, for both the wearer and those who are in their midst, and their exquisite scents are often experienced as other-worldly… heavenly..alluring and enticing.

Arabian Nights


Arabian Nights – This fragrance is deeply sensual and awakens the self-knowing of male potency. It has aphrodisiac qualities. Its distinct scent leaves a lingering positive impression of confidence and warmth that is soothing to mind and body.

The alchemical blend nourishes the spirit by helping release resistance and be supporting competence to meet whatever life brings with calm and quiet strength from self-belief.

While considered a masculine fragrance, Arabian Nights has notes that make it a much loved fragrance by women too.  A most unique scent with great properties for both genders!


Jasmine Oil


Jasmine Oil – Jasmine oil is extracted from the flowers, and has a strong and distinct scent, which is common in flowers that bloom only at night. The jasmine flower is associated with the mystery of poetry of romance.

This alchemical oil brings intensity to sensual experience. It heightens awareness of the pleasures of life and restores emotional well-being. While it is classified as a feminine scent because of its floral notes, it works for both genders because of its richness and warmth.

Awakening to the sensual aspect of life is a key element needed to truly enjoy the journey through life. Too long have the senses been trapped in painful misunderstandings, causing them to distort and edit experience. When we cultivate enjoyment through all the sensory modalities, our appreciation of life increases and so too do the blessings that we open ourselves to.

The alchemical jasmine oil is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears the Large Intestine (LI) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the LI: guilt, disappointment, remorse, and opposition to change. When we release resistance to change and let go of what is obsolete, we become receptive to the new…the blessings that life wishes to bestow upon us, which further enhances our enjoyment of life. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Jasmine oil is traditionally known for its antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antiseptic, and sedative properties that help with insomnia. It is known to deeply relax and can be used for meditation.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite. Jasmine oil is particularly strong and should be tested on skin (and needs to be wiped off immediately if spilled on furniture).

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.



The earthy-warm, mildly sweet, slightly spicy precious wood notes of the legendary Sandalwood oil, present a melodic blend that is distinct, unique, yet not overpowering.

Even with its warmth, this alchemical blend has a fresh scent that is uplifting to the spirit and elevates the mood. It assists in releasing the hold of the past and instills hope. It can be beneficial in creating optimism and self-confidence.

Sandalwood oil is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Stomach  (St) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the St: disgust, greed, shame, and blame.  As we release these judging emotions, we free ourselves to become authentic as we emancipate from programs of acceptability.  To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

It is an oil with a rich sacred tradition, said to be one of the most pleasing to the gods, and so is used in meditation and setting sacred space.

While it is classified a masculine blend because of its earthy notes, it works equally for both genders, and the fragrance is loved by both men and women.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

Photo via www.sandalwoodoilspecialist.com

Secret of the Desert ~ FA Oil (feminine blend)


Secret of the Desert is grounding for women who are inclined to live outside their bodies, or who suppress their feminine in favor of masculine expression. It creates a feeling of safe feminine expression.

Purchases of 18 or 33 mls come with a video meditation, to support with the activation of the goddess archetypes through the 12 ordinary meridians, assisting in fuller expression of all aspects of feminine expression (downloadable). Also included are suggestions for application, based on acupuncture theory.

For benefits and suggested application, see below.

Reach below

Queen of the Nile ~ FA Oil (feminine blend)


Queen of the Nile promotes the fluidity of mastery, releasing the bondage of belief systems. It encourages spontaneous authenticity and confidence of expression. It may be beneficial for releasing strictures in joints and ligaments.

This very powerful blend has a distinct ‘powdery’ scent.

Purchases of 18 or 33 mls come with a protocol for the 13 joints. (Note: Another FA oil recommended for the joints is Lotus oil).



Papyrus ~   subtle and serene, this oil is as mysterious as the dark side of the moon, with rich earthy notes reminiscent of a deep forest.

The exotic Papyrus blend restores the love of adventure within life and awakens the full functioning of sexuality.

It is one of the oils used to dispel illusion from the 8 extraordinary meridians–particularly the illusion of individual choice versus Infinite Intent. We resolve that polarity through inspired, authentic expression. Inspiration comes from our connection to Source within, and authenticity brings our unique perspective into the mix.  When we live by inspired authenticity, the stirrings of the senses act as heralds of things to come.

While a masculine scent, Papyrus is a potent blend to activate these qualities of masculine expression in women too.  We express both masculine and feminine in order to be balanced and in wholeness.

Citrine Oil – Focused Light – Activates the New Spine


Like the Holy Grail, this potent alchemical oil brings vitality and lifeforce to those who walk their eternal journey with reverence and gratitude.” Almine

Focused Light assists the higher function of the Citrine gemstone as this time, namely, to heal the electrical system in the body, support the nervous system to heal, and clear blockages in the spine and subluxations of the vertebrae so that the ‘New Spine’ can activate.

Placed on each vertebra, starting at the tip of the neck and going down the spine to the sacrum. Can be used in ceremonies to activate the magical centers along the spine, provided no other oil is given with the ceremony.

The oil comes with a Power Sigil to activate citrine gemstones.

Eternal Mind of the Gods


The incorruptible Eternal Mind of humanity is born of an eternal perspective. It is the result of the evolution of the mental plane of all humankind and the solution to achieving peace on Earth. The alchemy in this phenomenal oil facilitates a shift in perspective that allows you to see your daily life from an empowered position of one living in Eternal time.

How to use the alchemical oil: Place a small amount of this precious oil just below the hairline, in the middle, and at the back of the neck.

Song of the High Heart Oil


A most exquisite and potent alchemical oil blend that opens the High Heart as the 672nd acupuncture point — key to higher functioning of the entire meridian system. Its formulation was revealed to Almine in October 2014, soon after inner and outer space could merge as one.

This FA blend will support the acceleration of more graceful unfolding in life with daily use and tapping on the point.  The Song of the High Heart is made with the rare and precious champaca oil, which is a highly prized oil in perfumery. Champaca absolute is distilled from the flowers of the Magnolia champaca tree.

According to the Seer, two acupressure points have been lost to the knowledge of man for centuries. Called the two resurrection points, because of the important role they play in preparing the recipient for resurrection, these are the 671st and 672nd acupuncture points.

One point is two finger widths above the navel. This point uses lotus oil. The other point, key in evolved consciousness since it serves as a bridge between inner and outer space, is the point of the High Heart, three finger widths below the hollow at the base of the neck. The Song of the High Heart holds the frequencies to unlock and activate this important portal.

Song of The High Heart has the power to bring fluidity to one who lives the surrendered life of innocent perception and the magical perspective — a beautiful oil to support the power of the Inner Child aspect of the psyche.

To read more about this magical blend, see below.

Sigil of Song of the High Heart and light elixir, by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys (www.spiritualjourneys.com)

Field of Hope Oil


The complex and layered fragrance is both heavenly and earthy. It imparts a feeling of warmth and freshness at the same time, imparting confidence to walk in self-sovereign pristeneness. The blend is instantly elevating to one’s mood.

The beautiful blend enhances the wearer’s ability to tune into the perfection behind appearances, to spread moments of joy into lasting states of happiness, to tap into the poetic song of Eternity and cooperate with it through holding visions sublime, and to feel the pregnant field that forms as new potential arise from the hope in Heart.

Worn on inner wrists and elbows, this oil reminds us that expressing and receiving are one, and our willing engagement with life is what brings deep fulfilment and even greater hope for what is to come.

The Field of Hope Oil comes in 4 sizes: 3.5 mls, 5 mls rose quartz roller top bottle, 10 mls rose quartz roller top bottle, or the 18 mls bottle.

Add $15 for the materials:

  • The 16 Principles of Hope (by Almine), to inspire the cultivation of a Field of Hope.
  • A video with the 16 Principles of Hope
  • A spread on the Rune Mastery App, to cultivate Hope, and access to the random spread pick from the 16 Principles for a month