Essence of Magic


Essence of Magic (Feminine) ~ Blend for Manifestation and Affirmations

Elevating vision to see beyond the illusion of time, Essence of Magic helps dissolve the chains that bind from the past. This releases power to the wearer to create change by changing within. The alchemy is designed to create change in the large picture thereby releasing available power to manifest the new. It is a powerful aid for manifestation — especially when used in conjunction with affirmations.

With a hint of citrus, this intriguing, mood-enhancing blend is sure to become a favorite. Its potency and gifts can assist anyone to manifest a better life, no matter the level of evolved awareness.

Eternal Love


Eternal Love is the quintessential fragrance of the feminine spirit. It embodies the deep under-currents of the love of a mother; the cherishing embrace in the nurturing arms of the Holy Mother.

Eternal Mind of the Gods


The incorruptible Eternal Mind of humanity is born of an eternal perspective. It is the result of the evolution of the mental plane of all humankind and the solution to achieving peace on Earth. The alchemy in this phenomenal oil facilitates a shift in perspective that allows you to see your daily life from an empowered position of one living in Eternal time.

How to use the alchemical oil: Place a small amount of this precious oil just below the hairline, in the middle, and at the back of the neck.

Explosion of Light


This oil has been chemically formulated to retain the memory of the light explosions protocol. It is recommended that the light explosions be done every morning, with its associated incantation: “Belechsta Arusta verevichpa-ur”. Say those words at the end of the protocol — and repeat in English: “Let these light explosions repeat throughout the day and night as needed to maintain a shield of invisibility for any hostile or invasive intent around me and my home at all times”.

This oil will help strengthen the effectiveness of the protocol in spite of the presence of interference from hostile waveforms.

Application:  Apply a few drops of this alchemical oil to the solar plexus area prior to doing the light explosion protocol.

FA 4-Oil Kit to activate the 24 Chakras and Body of Magical Manifestation


This kit has the three oils for the chakras to form a unified field, operating in consolidated purpose to manifest a beautiful life and have that be a venue of proxy magic to uplift all life. As well, a fourth oil opens the body to receive our spiritual levels as refined luminosity. Together they support the body to become what we are, that is, fluid, coagulated, crystalline, White Light that contains the Allness within.

Read more detail about the oils below. The four FA oils are:

  1. Unified Chakra Field
  2. Unified Field of the Earth/Heart Connection
  3. Haaraknit Unified Field
  4. Marriage of Light & Love

Comes with a PDF of the higher function of the first 7 chakras, the Marriage of Light & Love, and laminated Power Sigils.

FA Kit for Healing the Sub-Personalities of the Horizontal Feminine Axis


We are blessed to have these potent FA blends received by Almine, to support healing and full expression of the sub-personalities of the inner psyche. They are available in 3.5 mls and 18 mls in the kits–single purchases will be possible soon.

These FA oil blends support healing and activation of the sub-personalities–parts of the inner psyche through which we manifest life– to full expression, which causes us to secrete the higher hormones for a reality outside of the law of compensation. They also entrain us to achieve the pristine and indivisible expression of the inner family in consolidated purpose.

These new FA blends are highly activating ones to support us to make this profound change to presencing our reality fully through activated body centers. In this kit you get the following alchemical oil blends (in 3.5 mls size).

The Horizontal Axis of Formlessness

  • Song of the Dove for healing and activation of the Inner Babe – This blend stimulates the return to wholeness by encouraging a deeper connection to the core of the psyche: the Inner Babe.

Recommended use: Apply right above the pelvic bone ( right above the pubis).

  • Dance in the Moonlight for healing and activation of the Wild Woman  (known also as the Green Man) – The alchemy in this blend, allows the stimulating presence of Wild Woman as a constant companion on our journey of mastery… When repressed, its expression becomes extreme and reactionary.

Recommended use: Apply in the palms of both hands.

  • The Elixir of Golden Light for healing and activation of the High Mind  – This blend facilitates the awakening of Eagle Vision – a vital tool of mastery that allows the objectivity of perspective, necessary for seeing the larger context.

Recommended use: Apply to the base of the skull.

  • Distant Horizon for healing and activation of the Inner Adventurer (source of vitality and all-resourcefulness) This blend is designed to stimulate the ability to embrace the unknown and replace the most elementary cause of stagnation: fear of the unknown.

Recommended use: Apply to Solar Plexus.

Read more about them below.

Included in this kit:

  • The 4 FA blends for the sub-personalities of inner space, in 3.5 mls or 18 mls
  • Pdfs with the sigils for the 4 blends
  • Audio of the 24 Principles of Coming to the Self (principles received by Almine)
  • Wheel of Dynamic Balance of the sub-personalities (pdf – received by Almine)

For a limited time only, you also receive the following gifts:

  • Sample of the blend, Coming Home to the Self

Light Elixir: Activating Inner Space by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys,


Anita- Just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for this Inner Child oil. I am still working miracles with it. It’s making mom and dad much more cooperative in this world. They are much better behaved these days.

Inner babe’ Song of the Dove is the source of inspiration. It’s VERY sensual!
You have to loose your identity in order find this source. Very potent. Dhani

I had a sense of deep recognition and activation from the Dance in the Moonlight! Jodie


FA Kit for Healing the Sub-Personalities of the Vertical Axis


These FA blends  support healing and full expression of the sub-personalities of the psyche.   They are available in 3.5 mls and 18 mls in the kits–single purchases will be made possible soon.

These FA oil blends support healing and activation of the sub-personalities of the vertical axis, dissolving the mirrors of the four directions and aligning the 3 centers of head, heart, and gut (spirit, soul, and body) in harmonious cooperation, so that the portal of the High Heart may open. Our reality changes from being an oppositional mirror, to being an expression of our true self.

Harmonizing the sub-personalities puts an end to inner conflict and conflict in relationship. Operating in full consolidated purpose of the inner family is our goal: “sacred government through self-government”.

In this kit you get the following alchemical oil blends (in 3.5 ml or 18 ml sizes).

The Vertical Axis of Form:

    • Blues Skies for healing and activation of the Inner Child
    • Golden Flower for healing and activation of the Inner Nurturer
    • The Fountain of Life for healing and activation of the Inner Sage
    • Liquid Gem for healing and activation of the Inner Warrior

Read about the blends and their properties, below.

Included in this kit:

      • The 4 FA blends for the sub-personalities of the vertical, in 3.5 mls or 18 mls
      • Pdfs with the sigils for the 4 blends
      • Suggested FA protocols (pdf)
      • An audio meditation and exercise on the 24 Tones of Contentment to heal the vertical axis


The product image is a light elixir with sigils by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys,

FA Kit to Clear the 12 Ordinary Meridians


Experience the power of 12 alchemical oils received by Almine, to clear the 12 ordinary meridians of debris from false emotions and painful memory that keep us bound in repetitive cycles and under the forces of decay.

These alchemical oils have the power to dissolve memory and trapped emotions from the meridians, when used regularly. And they cause instantaneous shifts to emotional states.

This product comes with the FA oils, the basic manual, and some additional support material. More extensive materials can be purchased for an additional $37). (In product options).

Sizes Options:

FA 12 OM kit may be purchased in sample size (2 mls), 3.5 ml or 5 ml bottles that have the convenient dropper top, and 18 ml size for practitioners and those who use the oils frequently.


Fairy Crossing


This delightful fragrance oil blend with its light-hearted ambience, instills hopefulness and inspires the ability to see the magic in life. Its playful and innocent notes awaken peace and contentment, and open us to paths of grace in life.

Blended especially as a signature fragrance to celebrate the timeless attraction of the young at heart.

Apply on  the back of the neck (where the neck and top of the spine meet), and on  wrists.

Field of Hope Oil


The complex and layered fragrance is both heavenly and earthy. It imparts a feeling of warmth and freshness at the same time, imparting confidence to walk in self-sovereign pristeneness. The blend is instantly elevating to one’s mood.

The beautiful blend enhances the wearer’s ability to tune into the perfection behind appearances, to spread moments of joy into lasting states of happiness, to tap into the poetic song of Eternity and cooperate with it through holding visions sublime, and to feel the pregnant field that forms as new potential arise from the hope in Heart.

Worn on inner wrists and elbows, this oil reminds us that expressing and receiving are one, and our willing engagement with life is what brings deep fulfilment and even greater hope for what is to come.

The Field of Hope Oil comes in 4 sizes: 3.5 mls, 5 mls rose quartz roller top bottle, 10 mls rose quartz roller top bottle, or the 18 mls bottle.

Add $15 for the materials:

  • The 16 Principles of Hope (by Almine), to inspire the cultivation of a Field of Hope.
  • A video with the 16 Principles of Hope
  • A spread on the Rune Mastery App, to cultivate Hope, and access to the random spread pick from the 16 Principles for a month

Fires of Inspiration


The passion stirred by this alchemical oil provides the impetus to follow our inspired vision, empowered by courage and self-confidence. It promotes inner strength and fortitude in the face of adversity.

Fire element ignites the spark of willingness to engage in life from a place of self-belief. It stirs us to passionate engagement and enjoyment of life, which becomes a steady inner glow and contentment that fosters the warmth of unwavering hope.

Living the higher powers of the 5 elements elevates our life beyond the law of compensation.

Flight of the Falcon oil blend


The Flight of The Falcon: Passionate and deep, this oil represents the noble and rich qualities of the masculine.

The alluring blend activates the Bahui acupuncture point, “The Meeting of the Hundreds”, to promote effortless knowing through “explorative omniscience”. It is the 9th oil that completes the set for the 8 extraordinary meridians, and assists in delivering their impact in the body.

The extraordinary meridians are masters of the endocrine system, and this oil is perfect to support balanced hormones across all 3 dantien centers of Head, Heart, and Gut (Body).

Read more below.


Flight of the Mystic


This tenth High Magic oil is a perfect complement to the Holy Sanctuary oil. Together they create the sacred space that makes living as a god amongst men less abrasive and more graceful. The Flight of the Mystic has been carefully blended for you by the Seer to remind you daily that although you are amongst humanity, you are not one of them. The sanctity you live at home, travels with you in the midst of the crowded streets. The complexity of the man-made reality around you, cannot penetrate your shield of holiness. Read more below.

Flower of Saffron


Flower of Saffron – Brings depth of intuition and spirituality, and delivers deep peace and contentment. This oil is stimulating to the functions of the organs, which helps to clear emotionally-charged memories of the past and support the organs to operate as unified field in deep harmony.

This alchemical blend is known to be effective as a ‘rescue remedy’ but with greater effect. Not only can it be used to bring instant relief in cases of trauma, but it also works to restore lost consciousness from past shock and trauma.  Used with clients, it can greatly accelerate resolution of past trauma when applied in session work. It may be seen as a blend of youthening—as we reclaim resources lost to trauma, we are regenerated and memories are dissolved so that they no longer continually stress the body and psyche.

Flower of Saffron is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Bladder (UB) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the UB: fright/shock, impatience, restlessness, and feeling unfulfilled.  As we release past traumas and unrest, we enter into deep acceptance and harmony with life, rooting in the eternal timelessness of being. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.  With the purchase of this oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, you receive a pdf with information on uses of Flower of Saffron and the Bladder meridian and its many important points.


Forever New


The Rejuvenation oil, Forever New, was received by Almine because a life of self-renewal is our next step.

Almine describes the scent as follows:

“Sourced from selected countries, this remarkable blend consists of oils and spices traditionally used to promote youthfulness and restore vitality. The youth-promoting properties of its ingredients, are overshadowed by the alluring fragrance loved by both men and women. It’s dominant note of champaka oil from China, mingles with Arabian musk, Hawaiian pikake and exotic spices.”

  *   *   *   *   *

There is a center an arm’s length in front of us, at the edge of our energetic fields and just below navel level, and it is indented when one is leaking to a sub-creation. It is here where our life-force can get siphoned. This is possible whenever we are seeking to get something external to us.  Since there is nothing outside the self, this cords us into illusion.  This FA oil fills this indented space such that the leak is plugged up, and we can follow through by withdrawing  focus from anything that has appeared as an external need…external belief system…institutions we have lived within, and so on.

This oil has many critical functions, and you can read a few of these below. It is a formulation for both men and women, but can be worn under the feet if men find it too strong or for anyone who works in a scent-free environment (you can apply a very small amount in this case).

The oil is ideally applied 2 inches below the navel.

Fountain of Life ~ Oil of the Inner Sage


Alchemical Blend For Healing and Activation of the Inner Sage

This rich blend stimulates higher hormones and promotes a sense of dignity through living from the clarity of evolved awareness. Supports us to hear the inspiration in the moment so that our way becomes self-guided. Heals the Inner Sage (IS), which is the part of the psyche that can attune to the unknown, see behind appearances, and is devoted to highest truth arising in the moment.

The blend helps to refine attitude and perspective, so that we can choose the reality we wish to be engaged with. The result of the healed Inner Sage is effortless knowing and graceful unfolding. In the humility of knowing life is unknowable, we become the unfathomable gateway of life ever new, and open to the abundant life.

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

With your purchase of Fountain of Life, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Sage and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Sage’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Freckles ~ FA Oil for Young Girls


Freckles ~ A fragrance for young girls, a delicate floral blend

Especially formulated to promote self-esteem in girls, this fragrant alchemical Egyptian oil blend was envisioned by Almine in the early months of her recovery.
Sigil for Freckles by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys (

Garden of Eden


The Garden of Eden is an Egyptian oil blend received by Almine for the restoration of innocence to all levels of life…Innocence, which is a state of timelessness, is the root of happiness, and belongs to the expression of the Inner Child.

This special formulation is a frequency that can effectively restore the innocence of timelessness to the body and its fields. It restores the magical perspective by restoring innocence — it helps us see the magic of our world through the wonderment of a child .

While this fragrance may appeal mostly to women, it is beneficial to all, and should be applied to the solar plexus.

From the Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death, we are told that the solar plexus is the receiving area of unaccessed potential. Learning to feed from the new daily potential by going within and expressing in unselfconscious spontaneity that knows life to be innocent reverses the aging process, which happens because of leakages through ‘holes of untapped potential’ in the body. It is the leakage of resources that is the ‘fall’ from innocence.

Garden of Eden can support you to unselfconscious and fuller expression, through accessing this gateway to all potential within.

Garden of Eden is the recommended oil to use with Elfin Quest (by Almine).

With the purchase of 18 or 33 mls, you receive a profound meditation to erase time from the body in support of regeneration through timelessness. Also, included is a meditation by Almine to experience the eternal garden of discovery.




Gardenia oil has a rich and sensual floral scent.  This alchemically fine-tuned Gardenia brings the confidence in the strength of the inner feminine. It promotes grace and self-sovereignty.

The sensual scent of gardenia essential oil is believed to have aphrodisiac qualities and is used to improve low sex drive.   Gardenia oil has many uses, and is traditionally used in cases of poor  digestion, colds, flu, inflammatory conditions, chronic pain, and a weak immune system. It is known to reduce stress, improve depressive states, help with poor circulation, and heal and rejuvenate the skin.

This alchemical blend clears and activates the Liver meridian–clearing protectiveness, anger, phobias, and obsessiveness, and promotes surrender, finding home within, ability to hold a vision, and embrace one’s vastness. It is the oil to turn pent-up anger from feeling blocked in moving forward, to the power to break through self-made limitations…to see life anew so that one can establish self-sovereignty. Applied to Liver acupuncture points for maximum effect at clearing the emotional blockages so that emotions of strength and self-belief can emerge. Also used to activate the 6th chakra (3rd eye). Read details below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

Glad Expectations


The Seer has blended this alchemical oil for the purpose of restoring glad expectations and hope. This multi-layered fragrance subtly strengthens the immune system and soothes the nervous system for a masterful journey of poise and grace. The barrage of unpleasant news that assails us daily creates a sense of dread.

This oil supports our imperviousness to the incessant unpleasantness, so we are able to hold open pathways for a higher order reality. In our lives, this translates to higher potentials becoming accessible. We manifest as we perceive, and we perceive according to the song of our Heart.

Apply behind both ears, on the bone – one inch up from the bottom of the earlobe.

Goddess Blend


Goddess BlendLike a golden thread through the tapestry of time, legends have told of the ultimate feminine. Inspired by these ancient tales of a Goddess among men, this evocative fragrance was created to stir hearts and delight the senses. 

This beautiful oil is blended from floral fragrances that represent the ultimate in feminine allure and beauty. Its alchemical properties  helps to instill optimism and self-worth, and balances the mood with even-temperedness . It creates an inner stability and heightened consciousness, which brings poise and confidence to the wearer.

Goddess blend activates the feminine DNA codes, and is also the alchemical oil for the root chakra as well for the clearing and activation of the Spleen meridian and organ, and may be used in many ways to enhance different effects. Read more on the power of this FA oil, below.

A booklet with FA protocols for the Goddess Blend  is included at no charge, with the purchase of 18 mls or 33 mls. You may purchase the booklet on its own as well.


Goddess of Ecstasy

Original price was: US$27.00.Current price is: US$18.00.

This oil was received by Almine,  to facilitate a graceful and joyous entry into the highly evolved state of the Immaculate White Light.

Goddess of Ecstasy ~ A symphony bursting forth in a joyous, ecstatic harmony. With luscious depths, floral and delicate fruity overtones linger in the air like an unspoken promise. This fragrance could be the crowning glory of our women’s fragrances.

Limited edition. A unique gift for your beloved!

Goddess Rising


Embodying the freshness of new beginnings; the rustling of spring in May, this oil has been created to represent the emergence of the Divine Feminine. It stirs the depth of feelings of the heart and awakens the emotions of hope and creativity and feminine compassion.

This beautiful oil may be worn on any pulse point (wrists, behind the lower ear, neck).  Also under the feet is always an option.

Golden Flower ~ Oil of the Inner Nurturer


Alchemical Blend For the Healing and Activation of the Inner Nurturer

Golden Flower ~ Like a golden enfolding embrace, this fragrance cocoons us in the power of nurturing from being home for ourselves, within the depth of our vastness. Enhances self-love, and the ability to embrace life as poetry and a romance with the self. When the Inner Nurturer is balanced and whole, a deep contentment and self-fulfilment is felt-—being self-referencing for approval. Rigid roles are released, and we live beyond neediness, in compassionate inclusiveness. This fragrant blend is designed to heal the pain of alienation so often felt by highly evolved beings in material life. (Read more about the Inner Nurturer below).

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

Golden Flower is available in 3.5 ml, 18 ml or 33 ml  sizes. 

With your purchase of Golden Flower, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Nurturer and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Nurturer’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self