Showing 37–72 of 147 results

Power of the One


This potent alchemical oil has been blended by the Seer from five oils, sourced from countries around the Globe, as revealed in a vision. Each ingredient captures the essential power of an element, held within the oil and released by the alchemy.

In combing the five awakened ingredients in exactly the correct order and proportions, a powerful blend is born that awakens the Self-Sustaining qualities of self-sovereign mastery. The body becomes a cauldron, or receptacle, for the alchemy of embodied power.

Comes in 3.5 mls, and 18 mls.

A program to activate the 5 elements will be released in Spring 2020.

The 5-element wheel image, LLC Spiritual Journeys,

Breath of Spring (Wind/Metal)


Wind / Metal Element

This fragrant blend encourages the unencumbered freedom of authentic expression. It balances the wisdom of being true to your heart, with the compassionate consideration of the impact of actions on the interconnectedness of all life

In the Wind/Metal element, we reclaim our intrinsic value to unfolding life, through full cooperation with the potential of the moment. From this willingness to presence the fullness of the moment and allow life to flow through us unresisted, we open to receiving the full blessings the moment offers.

Living the higher powers of the 5 elements elevates our life beyond the law of compensation.

Holy Sanctuary


Enveloping the wearer with its uplifting fresh fragrance, this oil has been designed to lift the mood with its fresh fruity fragrance, enhanced by spices and a subtle floral notes to give it depth. This oil is particularly suitable for using as an environmental fragrance in a water room diffuser.

Its power to shield our home environment against the increase of invasive technologies such as the 5G satellite influences and other similar hostile technologies comes from its ability to clear the air of the disruptive waveforms.

Application: rub on wrists or under the feet if you need to conceal the oil. If you are in a scent-free environment most of the day, a drop under each foot will go undetected. Can also be worn at night.

Diffuse in all the rooms in your home. Great for spas and health stores. Everyone who walks into your space will feel their mood uplifted!

The Eternal Song


This very timely alchemical oil fills out the missing tones in the Voice, so we speak ourselves into greater emergence and purity.

This refined and pleasing oil, is designed to activate the self-healing capabilities in the voice center.  Injury to the mind. body and soul comes from missing tones in the voice. Restoring them, restores the voice function of sound healing and strokes the body into self-regenerating.”  Apply to any pulse points such as the wrists– of course around the neck near throat or on it too.

The Voice is the confluence point where intent, tone, and life force meet to reveal a higher reality and manifest into it.  This oil activates the mystical center at the Throat that activates when the speech is impeccable and without hidden agenda.  Read more details below.

The Alchemist’s Oracle


This oil with its deep and multilayered nuances is a scent that pleases both men and women. Its purpose is to awaken the abilities in the body that receive subtle information. Worn over the ‘third eye’, it activates the capacity to sense the cosmic pulse and align with the flow of life where all support is to be found.

It also has been alchemically designed to facilitate the ability of Rune Masters to manifest this subtle guidance through the language of the Runes.

Apply on the point between the eyebrows, but one finger width higher

Fairy Crossing


This delightful fragrance oil blend with its light-hearted ambience, instills hopefulness and inspires the ability to see the magic in life. Its playful and innocent notes awaken peace and contentment, and open us to paths of grace in life.

Blended especially as a signature fragrance to celebrate the timeless attraction of the young at heart.

Apply on  the back of the neck (where the neck and top of the spine meet), and on  wrists.

Magic Rose Fairy


Very delighted to be carrying the new blend, the Magic Rose Fairy, created by the Seer to restore the Magic in our Hearts and the Lightness of Glad Expectations in our steps through eternity. The fragrance is evocative of visions sublime, and deep peace and faith….

The message of the seer at this time of destructuring being experienced on earth:

It is essential that the great light-bearers of the planet keep their faith in the perfection of unfolding life, and illuminate this time of despair with their Ray of Hope.

The Ray of Hope is the gift of the Gods to humanity. It is born of the Eternal Perspective of the Ancient Ones and the understanding that this too shall pass, and the memory of it be as a mere freckle on the face of time.

This blend was given to me in the night during the magic time between awakening and dreaming, by an exquisite little creature, who left her fragrance behind on my pillow after she left. May it restore your Joy and Gladden your Hearts, my beloved light family.

With Love and Gratitude, Almine

Recommended Application:  A small amount can be placed behind the knee joints. This signifies flexibility and optimism as you move forward through your eternal existence. Of course you can also wear on pulse points for its exquisite fragrance too.

Earth Angels


The Earth has been given nine Guardian Angels to guard her and her children during the times of transition and environmental challenges. The alchemy of the oil created to celebrate this event has been designed to facilitate communication and requests for their assistance.

How to use the alchemical oil: Place a few drops in the navel, Sign the angelic sigil in the air in front of you while calling the relevant Angel by name. State your request clearly and thank them for their assistance.

Oil comes with the 9 angel sigils and names.

Rustle of Consciousness (Aether / Wood Element)


The powerful effects of this multi-dimensional oil, include inspired creativity, empathic communication and awakening the fuller power of the spoken word. It delivers its profound gifts by tapping into the current of consciousness arising from Infinite Intent.

Unified Chakra Field Oil ~ Home in the Heart


The alchemy for the full activation of the 24 chakras of magical manifestation is being accessed now.
The first step toward this is to activate the first 7 chakras as a unified field.

The mystical occurrence of the unified chakra field forming around the torso is the result of an alchemical equation of seven tones that result from the clearing and opening of the seven chakras.

To produce this powerful blend, seven oils combine to form the unified field of a master. This field’s frequency facilitatesthe master’s advancement into the first level of resurrection. Apply the oil on both wrists.

Self-Trust Alchemical Oil


This optimistic fragrant alchemical oil, has been called by some, “liquid sunshine”. Place it in the middle of the two scapulae; in the center of your two shoulder blades. It has been alchemically formulated to instill the self-trust that reminds you “my being is my sustenance”. It is a reminder that even if the worst of your fears may manifest, the loving arms of the Infinite will lift you up and over your hardships as long as you trust the guidance of the still voice within.

The oil is applied on the back, between the shoulder blades.

Self-love Alchemical Oil


Placed in the area of the navel, this alchemical oil brings the warmth of a feeling of completion that is experienced by a fetus in the womb. Surrounded by a supportive cocoon within its mother’s body, the baby experiences the wholeness and love of life ushering in a new beginning. In those moments the baby experiences itself as a priceless gift of hope to the world. The alchemy of this oil surrounds the user with a cocoon of self-love.

The oil is applied around the navel.

Goddess Rising


Embodying the freshness of new beginnings; the rustling of spring in May, this oil has been created to represent the emergence of the Divine Feminine. It stirs the depth of feelings of the heart and awakens the emotions of hope and creativity and feminine compassion.

This beautiful oil may be worn on any pulse point (wrists, behind the lower ear, neck).  Also under the feet is always an option.

Blend of the Gods (Oud)


The primary ingredient in this unsurpassed blend, is Oud oil of the highest quality obtained from Augar trees, found only in a few places on earth. Its rarity and excellence has earned it the name of ‘The Oil of Kings’, and in the Middle East it is called ‘The Oil of the Sultans’.

This extraordinary masculine fragrance with its regal qualities, blends the rare Oud with the rich spices of Asia and the poignant scent of the orange groves of Seville in Spain. It is truly a precious treasure.

Blend of the Gods refined properties stimulate the production and release of hormones that promote longevity, personal power and magnetism, and the evolved expression of masculine balance.

It helps activate the masculine creational codes in the Lion’s Gate (pineal gland) when worn on the Crown. It is a very rich and potent blend that is sure to become a favorite for men. (Though women love to wear it too!)

Blend of the Gods is used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–it associates with the Thyroid meridian (also known as the Triple Heater) (fire element), helping to clear its distorted emotions of hopelessness, depression, and despair. Thyroid meridian balance is key to health, and to our ability to evolve the meridian system as a unified, cooperative field.

There are other uses for this exotic oil that you will learn about in the booklet that comes with the oil. You can also read more on this oil and its properties, below.


Coming Home to the Self ~ FA Oil


This FA blend, is a formulation that has produced a fragrance of great subtleties. Each of the fragrant tones in the blend has alchemical properties supporting depth of living, being home for the self, promoting a sense of comfort and contentment in being enfolded in grace, and a return to Source. Overall, the theme it supports is the coming home to the Self.

Only in being home for ourselves can we manifest a real environment as our expression…only then can we truly experience receiving and giving as one and the same: the self giving to the self. Im coming home to self from depth of living, the subpersonalities become healed and harmonized.

This oil may be worn anywhere on the body, but a suggested application is to rub into wrists and ankles (the Yuan Source points), to change the frequency of the organs and balance pro-activity and receptivity.

With the purchase of this oil in 18 or 33 mls sizes, you will receive a pdf on depth of living and coming home to the self.

Blues Skies ~ Oil of the Inner Child


Alchemical Oil  For Healing and Activation of the Inner Child

Blue Skies is a dynamic blend that dissolves old emotional baggage, allowing for the spontaneity of expression of the masculine and confidence in the feminine’s strength.  The blend promotes trust in spontaneity and the innocence of timelessness.

One of 8 new blends to bring profound healing to the inner family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love. 

The balanced Inner Child (IC) brings the ability to dream the impossible beyond limitation, which dissolves the tyranny of logical mind that believes in  past limitations,  and attunes us to a reality of of profound interconnectedness and all-possibilities. The permeating presence of the IC that trusts life and engages in jubilant expression is key to unlocking the powers of magic within us. 

The healed IC brings unique core powers to live from the fullness of the present moment, in timelessness and wonderment.

Blues Skies is available in 3.5 ml, 18 ml or 33 ml  sizes. 

With your purchase of Blue Skies, you receive

  • a pdf with a description of the Inner Child,  affirmations for healing the Inner Child, and suggested applications for the Blue Skies blend
  • a brainwave entrainment audio to the deep delta state where healing of the Inner Child level is best done
  • a sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Distant Horizons ~ Healing and Awakening the Inner Adventurer


Distant Horizons ~ For Healing of the Inner Adventurer

Distant Horizons is designed to stimulate the ability to embrace the unknown and replace the most elementary cause of stagnation: fear of the unknown. This fresh and uplifting formulation creates a mood of optimism and helps to overcome past limitation and embrace life with confident hope that we will have the resourcefulness to meet the moment with courage.  Promotes the graceful unfoldment of the surrendered life.

One of 8 alchemical blends to bring profound healing to the inner family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within, bringing stillness in mind, deep self-contentment in heart, and self-impelled passionate engagement in life.

Distant Horizons is available in 3,5 ml, 18 ml or 33 ml  sizes. It is applied on the solar plexus.

With your purchase of 18 or 33 mls of Distant Horizon you receive an audio meditation that explores the IA and has affirmations to support its expression.

Oasis Sunset


Oasis Sunset (Masculine) ~ For Manifesting in the Physical & Opening to Abundance

This fragrance is alchemically enhanced to activate High Magic on the material plane, and is the oil of choice for working with manifestation and life event’s on the physical plane. The portal of limitlessness that opens up through the use of the oil activates receptiveness to boundless abundance.

Oasis Sunset also helps to gain experiential wisdom from life. It helps to integrate activity and inactivity — a quality essential to the practice of manifesting outside of the law of compensation. When all that we do and are is part of our considered, deliberate expression–which is our cherished gift to evolution and how we shape our life as a work of art–, then work and rest, duty and play blend as one, and we find the lightness and love of life in all our activities. This alchemical oil can assist you in having a love affair with life and appreciating your expression within it.

Prince of Egypt


Prince of Egypt (Masculine)

This fragrance, although more masculine, appeals to women as well because of its deep, rich and mystical qualities. It enhances perception, and helps the practitioner of High Magic gain the necessary perspective to see beyond the illusion of permanence and transience. It is alchemically enhanced to facilitate learning to love without pain.

Beyond permanence and transience if the never-ending expression of infinity in finite form. When we merge the two, we no longer oppose the coming and going of people and situations in our lives, and embrace change from the deep peace of the eternal fluid moment.

Velvet Nights


Velvet Nights (Feminine) ~ Enhances Tonal Luminosity / Dissolves Illusion of Duality

This enchanting fragrance with its floral overtones increases the tonal luminosity the master radiates. Tonal luminosity is a sub-atomic particle where light are frequency have been alchemically fused and are beyond separation; these particles have the power to heal duality. (read more below)

Velvet Nights is designed to strengthen the ability to work with the tools of love and light. It helps heal the illusion of the separation of life-enhancing and non-life-enhancing by exposing the Oneness of all life that exists beyond the appearances. When value judgment ceases, the mind becomes still and we no longer resist life. With the mind stilled, we can hear divine guidance from within, and without resistance, we move beyond linear time.
Through remembered oneness, we emanate tonal luminosity and choose a life of ever greater refinement. Life fluidly regenerates by the power of our perception. The portal of limitlessness that opens up through the use of Velvet Nights activates the experience of ever expanding horizons of the future.

Seven Veils


Seven Veils (Feminine) ~ Mastery and Increased Self-Awareness through Transcending Illusions

The alchemy of this mystical oil from Cairo, is a powerful tool to assist the practitioner of High Magic to gain the necessary awareness to move through the seven initiations into mastery. These initiations challenge the truth seeker to overcome the illusions of “hidden” and “evident”. We are told that nothing is hidden–we hide portions of existence by contracting focus in order to promote appreciation of the details, as a means of steering in new directions, and in accumulating resources to be unleashed in divine timing. When the illusions are overcome, we surrender in trust to life and experience effortless knowing to an increasing degree.

When used in conjunction with the Luxor blend, it assists the Runemaster to gain insights from the Rune set of Prutbar–the field of mysticism, which can assist with tangled an disharmonious areas of life, the breaking of old patterns, and business decisions.

Starlight on Aswan


This unique fragrant oil has overtones of citrus and spice. Its alchemy assists with the birth of the Immaculate White Light reality when used in conjunction with the Merkaba of Resurrection. The Immaculate White Light is a living Akasha that takes us beyond the law of compensation and karma of the old Akasha that stores past information. In the Incorruptible White Light, in each moment life is new and you within it, and all possibilities lie before you awaiting your intent to bring it into realization. It is a completely new reality that is open to the serious student seeking evolved consciousness.

This FA blend helps to overcome the illusion of individuation and Oneness, and may be used with Secrets of Nefertiti. To strengthen the activation of the High Mind sub-personality, it may be used with Elixir of the Golden Light. This supports us to knowing our potency as an archetypal expression and unique aspect of the Infinite.
This FA blend also enhances the Runemasters’ ability to work with the eighth Rune set of the field of Mistel–field of the resurrected reality.

Moonlight Garden


Moonlight Garden (Feminine) ~ Boost Life Force and Self-Rejuvenation

This blend is a delightful fresh fragrance that is alchemically enhanced to boost life-force and provide the energy needed for higher consciousness and High Magic. Enhancing the power of intent, it gifts vitality to all in its environment. It is highly recommended as a tool of consciousness.

It works to enhance awareness in the field of Mistel, and assists in purifying emotions, clearing karmic issues in the etheric body, and gaining insight from dreamtime. It can help with clear guidance on what needs to be addressed, what to pursue, and what may need to be let go.

Essence of Magic


Essence of Magic (Feminine) ~ Blend for Manifestation and Affirmations

Elevating vision to see beyond the illusion of time, Essence of Magic helps dissolve the chains that bind from the past. This releases power to the wearer to create change by changing within. The alchemy is designed to create change in the large picture thereby releasing available power to manifest the new. It is a powerful aid for manifestation — especially when used in conjunction with affirmations.

With a hint of citrus, this intriguing, mood-enhancing blend is sure to become a favorite. Its potency and gifts can assist anyone to manifest a better life, no matter the level of evolved awareness.

Desert Dawn


Desert Dawn (Feminine) ~ For Poise and Confidence in Manifesting a Self-Determined Life

This fragrant oil has the unique properties of instilling self-confidence and promoting self-sovereignty. It helps to release self-doubt and promote trust in effortless revelation of the next step.  It promotes authenticity and enhances the poise of a master. It enhances self-surrender and courage to seize the power of the moment, overcoming past limitations and rewriting the past by living the moment well.

When preparing for a life of High Magic, confidence in the outcome of expressed intention births faith. This fragrance can assist in gathering clear answers from the 7th Rune field of Harasut, especially when used with the blend, Hathor. It also works well with the blend for the Inner Adventurer (Distant Horizons) to support courageous embracing of the adventure into the unknown.

Available as a single blend, or in the High Magic Kit of 8 alchemical oils.

Self-Regeneration & Self-Rejuvenation


I am very excited to announce a new potent FA blend by Almine, to support self-regeneration. It is “Self-regeneration and self-rejuvenation through self-acceptance“.

This beautiful blend deals with “cellular regeneration by reminding atomic matter of its higher function – it overrides the memory of decay or impairment held in the atomic matrix (the electromagnetic field generated by the electrons).” The result is youthening…agelessness…

“Everywhere you go, forget everything you know.”

(From the Saredesi Fountain of Youth teachings, by Almine)

Inherent in life is its ever new, ever regenerative and vitalizing power. Essentially memory of what was prevents the ever newness of life to arise in you. When you release the past and immerse in the timelessness of the present moment, life has the power to regenerate, renew, youthen, and vitalize.



The Oil of Self-Compassion


I am very pleased to offer you a new potent FA blend by Almine, The Self-Compassion Blend!

This very unique blend supports the qualities needed to return to wholeness. As we embrace all of our inner aspects of the psyche, we become compassionate with others and inclusive of our environment–eventually merging inner and outer realities to move to a life of grace..

This blend also supports the activation of the 8th chakra that brings deeper self-valuing, self-acknowledgment, and self-love.

Whether you are using Fragrance Alchemy to accelerate clearing and awakening through leveraged alchemy, or simply to support well-being and gentle healing for yourself, this blend is a wonderful addition.

Awakening Self-compassion comes in 3.5 ml and 18 ml sizes.

The blend comes with a pdf with suggested applications, based on the meridian and chakra systems. As well, comes with a sigil by Almine, to bring peace into your environment. Read more below.


Song of the Dove ~ Oil of the Inner Babe


Alchemical Blend  For Healing and Awakening of the Inner Babe

Song of the Dove ~ This delicate blend opens you to the depth of sensual experience and refined enjoyment. It supports you to ground into the body in order to presence life with full activated sensory capacity. Creates a sense of safe expression and the safety to feel life deeply through empathic connection. Through the Inner Babe’s power of omnisensory feeling, we dwell in communion with the Infinite Source of our Existence. In this space, resources are automatically pooled from Source in support of the true dreams of the heart.

One of 8 alchemical blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

Read more about the power of the Inner Babe’s expression below.

Song of the Dove  is available in 3.5 ml, or 18 ml sizes. It is applied just above the pubic bone.

With purchases of 18 you also receive

  • An audio meditation on the 24 Principles of the Inner Babe (principles of deep contentment), received by Almine,
  • A Light Elixir and a music elixir to heal this deep aspect of the psyche, sung by Almine

Dance in the Moolight ~ Healing of the Wild Woman


Dance in the Moonlight ~ For Healing and Activating the Wild Woman

Dance in the Moonlight is a warm and complex blend of the “Moon”, that brings a sense of peace and contentment to depth within. It helps with the ability to follow the beat of our own heart and be self-referencing for approval. A grounding blend that supports deeper presence in the body and safe feminine expression, Dance in the Moonlight ignites the feminine mystery, awakens the intuitive capacities, and enhances communication with the hidden realms.

One of 8 new blends to bring profound healing to the inner family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

The expressive Wild Women (WW) brings the ability to live on our terms and disengage from the tribe, as well as to destructure matrices so we live beyond the programmed life. She unleashes resources into our life as we clear what is obsolete and limiting, and enables depth of enjoyment of life.  Read more about the qualities of the Wild Woman, below.

Dance in the Moonlight is available in 3.5 or 18 ml  sizes. It is applied to the palms of the hands.


Golden Flower ~ Oil of the Inner Nurturer


Alchemical Blend For the Healing and Activation of the Inner Nurturer

Golden Flower ~ Like a golden enfolding embrace, this fragrance cocoons us in the power of nurturing from being home for ourselves, within the depth of our vastness. Enhances self-love, and the ability to embrace life as poetry and a romance with the self. When the Inner Nurturer is balanced and whole, a deep contentment and self-fulfilment is felt-—being self-referencing for approval. Rigid roles are released, and we live beyond neediness, in compassionate inclusiveness. This fragrant blend is designed to heal the pain of alienation so often felt by highly evolved beings in material life. (Read more about the Inner Nurturer below).

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

Golden Flower is available in 3.5 ml, 18 ml or 33 ml  sizes. 

With your purchase of Golden Flower, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Nurturer and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Nurturer’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Elixir of the Golden Light ~ For Activating the High Mind


Elixir of the Golden Light  ~ For Healing and Activation of the High Mind

This mood enhancing blend promotes grace, self-sovereignty, and the poise of emotional equanimity.  With a quiet confidence in the feminine’s depth of knowing, and the inner peace of the ‘eye of the storm’, the powerful formulation promotes a deep sense of self-worth and empowerment. The field of golden light is enhanced by cultivating glad expectations from fixing eyes firmly on the ‘wonderful becoming’ from arising potential–seeing beyond the chaos of destructuring. As we perceive, so it is.

It is the alchemical oil that supports the powerful presence of the High Mind–our true conscience that is free of conditioning and programs.  From the High Mind aspect of the inner psyche, we write our own ‘book of living wisdom’ that deepens our ability to govern life through self-governance.

One of 8 alchemical blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness, deep self-regard, and heightened awareness.

Read more about the power of the High Mind’s expression below.

Elixir of the Golden Light  is available in 3.5 ml or 18 ml sizes. It is applied to the base of the skull.

With purchases of 18, you also receive

  • A pdf and audio meditation on becoming the lucid dreamer flowing Infinite Intent (extracted from the True Self Alchemy program on the Inner Family)

Liquid Gem ~ Oil of the Inner Warrior


Alchemical Blend For Healing and Activation of the Inner Warrior

This powerful formulation brings confidence in self-achievement and self-support, promoting the ability to determine the quality of one’s life. From heightened states of consciousness that it promotes, we may know ourselves in indivisible oneness, and know outer life to be the outpicturing of what lies within. The blend activates hidden centers of the dream body that enable the masculine aspect of the psyche to live in trust of the feminine and surrender the need to control. Masterful authenticity replaces aggression as the Inner Warrior evolves to a higher level. In the evolved state, the Inner warrior is confident that all that one has need of to meet the moment with excellence is to be discovered within. (Read more about the Inner Warrior below).

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

With your purchase of Liquid Gem, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Warrior and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Warrior’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Fountain of Life ~ Oil of the Inner Sage


Alchemical Blend For Healing and Activation of the Inner Sage

This rich blend stimulates higher hormones and promotes a sense of dignity through living from the clarity of evolved awareness. Supports us to hear the inspiration in the moment so that our way becomes self-guided. Heals the Inner Sage (IS), which is the part of the psyche that can attune to the unknown, see behind appearances, and is devoted to highest truth arising in the moment.

The blend helps to refine attitude and perspective, so that we can choose the reality we wish to be engaged with. The result of the healed Inner Sage is effortless knowing and graceful unfolding. In the humility of knowing life is unknowable, we become the unfathomable gateway of life ever new, and open to the abundant life.

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

With your purchase of Fountain of Life, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Sage and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Sage’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Henna Flower Oil


Henna Flower Oil – Beloved by women and enjoyed by men, this powerful and sacred oil brings back memories of the pristine state in which we dwelled before the fall into duality. Envelop yourself in the bliss of this exquisite fragrant oil and the heightened states of consciousness it evokes.

The alchemical Henna Flower is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–clears and activates the Pericardium (Heart Protector) meridian. It helps to clear emotions from emotional injury, addiction , jealousy, and regret, and promotes emotional maturity, finding fullness within, and courage and willingness to become our highest version of self and choose a higher reality. To read more about its properties and application locations for optimal effect, see below.

Henna Flower oil is traditionally known for its  sedative properties that helps clear and  calm mind, body, and soul, allowing for fresh perspective when stressed, upset, or in confusion.  It can provide a boost with mental fatigue by its clearing effect. It is used as an antidepressant as well as for headache and to improve sleep in aromotherapy. It has other effects to soothe skin and scalp, and has many other properties that can be explored.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

Flight of the Falcon oil blend


The Flight of The Falcon: Passionate and deep, this oil represents the noble and rich qualities of the masculine.

The alluring blend activates the Bahui acupuncture point, “The Meeting of the Hundreds”, to promote effortless knowing through “explorative omniscience”. It is the 9th oil that completes the set for the 8 extraordinary meridians, and assists in delivering their impact in the body.

The extraordinary meridians are masters of the endocrine system, and this oil is perfect to support balanced hormones across all 3 dantien centers of Head, Heart, and Gut (Body).

Read more below.


Wings of Rapture


This oil is the 9th that completes the set of High Magic oils, that takes us beyond directionality.

Existence has a non-linear dimeionsionality. Existence is like a perennial flower that continuously blooms in the multicosm.” Almine

This oil support consciousness expansion to the 9th field of Existence that brings the ability to sense and cooperate wihtthe currents of Infinite Intent cosmically.

For Runemasters, the High Magic oils act as catalyst to facilitate the ability to tap into guidance for cosmic events with the 8th and 9th sets.