Jasmine Oil


Jasmine Oil – Jasmine oil is extracted from the flowers, and has a strong and distinct scent, which is common in flowers that bloom only at night. The jasmine flower is associated with the mystery of poetry of romance.

This alchemical oil brings intensity to sensual experience. It heightens awareness of the pleasures of life and restores emotional well-being. While it is classified as a feminine scent because of its floral notes, it works for both genders because of its richness and warmth.

Awakening to the sensual aspect of life is a key element needed to truly enjoy the journey through life. Too long have the senses been trapped in painful misunderstandings, causing them to distort and edit experience. When we cultivate enjoyment through all the sensory modalities, our appreciation of life increases and so too do the blessings that we open ourselves to.

The alchemical jasmine oil is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears the Large Intestine (LI) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the LI: guilt, disappointment, remorse, and opposition to change. When we release resistance to change and let go of what is obsolete, we become receptive to the new…the blessings that life wishes to bestow upon us, which further enhances our enjoyment of life. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Jasmine oil is traditionally known for its antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antiseptic, and sedative properties that help with insomnia. It is known to deeply relax and can be used for meditation.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite. Jasmine oil is particularly strong and should be tested on skin (and needs to be wiped off immediately if spilled on furniture).

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

Golden Flower ~ Oil of the Inner Nurturer


Alchemical Blend For the Healing and Activation of the Inner Nurturer

Golden Flower ~ Like a golden enfolding embrace, this fragrance cocoons us in the power of nurturing from being home for ourselves, within the depth of our vastness. Enhances self-love, and the ability to embrace life as poetry and a romance with the self. When the Inner Nurturer is balanced and whole, a deep contentment and self-fulfilment is felt-—being self-referencing for approval. Rigid roles are released, and we live beyond neediness, in compassionate inclusiveness. This fragrant blend is designed to heal the pain of alienation so often felt by highly evolved beings in material life. (Read more about the Inner Nurturer below).

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

Golden Flower is available in 3.5 ml, 18 ml or 33 ml  sizes. 

With your purchase of Golden Flower, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Nurturer and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Nurturer’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Prince of Egypt


Prince of Egypt (Masculine)

This fragrance, although more masculine, appeals to women as well because of its deep, rich and mystical qualities. It enhances perception, and helps the practitioner of High Magic gain the necessary perspective to see beyond the illusion of permanence and transience. It is alchemically enhanced to facilitate learning to love without pain.

Beyond permanence and transience if the never-ending expression of infinity in finite form. When we merge the two, we no longer oppose the coming and going of people and situations in our lives, and embrace change from the deep peace of the eternal fluid moment.

The Marriage of Light & Love ~ The Alchemical Oil for the Crystalline Body of Incorruptibility


So very excited to announce a new FA oil that has the frequencies of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh — three substances that alchemically blend to open the body to higher aspect of self that dwell in realms of light. This combination also clears overlays of unreality from one’s environment, so that there is revealed ‘what is’.  It is time to express from true authenticity and manifest a ‘real’ environment that is an expression of what we are.

This FA oil has been patiently held as a possibility for years, but only now can it fully activate higher aspects in us, as only now are we able to shape the true body of coagulated White Light…that which we are. Infinite praise and thanks to the Seer for creating it!

The oil is applied to the locations of chakras 8 and 9 (where a woman’s ovaries are…applies to men as well), which provide the foundation in body, to ‘land’ our higher aspects of self. We are merging  refined Light into the body as the substance of love, which includes and assimilates all — in this manner the body becomes a portal of purification.

The ultimate gift to the Holy Mother is for our presence to spiritualize Matter and exalt it into the holy substance of Love. This FA Oil is the one to support this “Marriage of Light and Love”.

Comes with a Power Sigil that is a Power Source Wheel as well (laminated), with 24 angelgods to be invoked.

Read more below.

Alchemicals Oils for the Four New Etheric Meridians


Experience the power of 4 alchemical oils, to activate a third category of meridians: The Etheric Meridians of the being the Bridge.

With these meridians, the  lightworkers on the planet have a Home in the ‘twilight’ — neither outer nor inner space, we dwell in both simultaneously, mastering the expression of a real environment in form (outer), that emerges from the depth of the extraordinary meridians (inner), the flows of Source.

With a true Home in the etheric, outer reality becomes a holographic screen shaped in inner space, and inner and outer become an indivisible moebius of ever greater expression. We become both dreamer and dream, and matter becomes incorruptible, aware, fluid Matter.

These alchemical oils activate the new etheric meridians, enabling us to be the cause of new reality, engaging fully with life as our work of art, and no longer being programmed by the false matrices that have plagued us for so long.

This product comes with the FA oils and their power sigils to keep them fully activated.

  • The  exquisite, interdimensional Rose oil to activate the Etheric Meridian of Heaven on Earth
  • Seven Veils from the High Magic oils activates the Etheric Meridian of the Holy Home within
  • Prince of Egypt from the High Magic oils activates the Etheric Meridian of the Holy Journey
  • Realms of Innocence activates the Etheric Meridian of Controlled (self-paced) Flow

For a PDF elaborating on their function and exploring their correspondences to the 4 new Principles of Hope and 4 new emotions, choose the option with materials.

Sizes Options:

The kit may be purchased in sample 3.5 ml or 18 ml bottles that have the convenient dropper.



Lily – A fragrance of dignity and grace, Lily serenely represents the inner strength of the feminine. This alchemical blend creates refinement of enjoyment and depth of sensual experience, which supports graceful manifestation of the dreams of the heart.

Lily oil is known to relieve mental stress, and is used for depression, sadness, and  lethargy. It imparts a feeling of security and soothes heavy emotions. It is thought that regular use of lily oil strengthens brain cells and improves the cognitive processes of brain, and so the oil is also used for cognitive disorders in aging.

The alchemical Lily oil is calibrated to activate the heart chakra and open us to acknowledging the self in the beauty and innocence of life around us. It also clears illusion from and activates one of the 8 extraordinary meridians, opening us to greater expression and uptake of potentials that are open to us. (Read more about all this below).

Henna Flower Oil


Henna Flower Oil – Beloved by women and enjoyed by men, this powerful and sacred oil brings back memories of the pristine state in which we dwelled before the fall into duality. Envelop yourself in the bliss of this exquisite fragrant oil and the heightened states of consciousness it evokes.

The alchemical Henna Flower is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–clears and activates the Pericardium (Heart Protector) meridian. It helps to clear emotions from emotional injury, addiction , jealousy, and regret, and promotes emotional maturity, finding fullness within, and courage and willingness to become our highest version of self and choose a higher reality. To read more about its properties and application locations for optimal effect, see below.

Henna Flower oil is traditionally known for its  sedative properties that helps clear and  calm mind, body, and soul, allowing for fresh perspective when stressed, upset, or in confusion.  It can provide a boost with mental fatigue by its clearing effect. It is used as an antidepressant as well as for headache and to improve sleep in aromotherapy. It has other effects to soothe skin and scalp, and has many other properties that can be explored.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

Starlight on Aswan


This unique fragrant oil has overtones of citrus and spice. Its alchemy assists with the birth of the Immaculate White Light reality when used in conjunction with the Merkaba of Resurrection. The Immaculate White Light is a living Akasha that takes us beyond the law of compensation and karma of the old Akasha that stores past information. In the Incorruptible White Light, in each moment life is new and you within it, and all possibilities lie before you awaiting your intent to bring it into realization. It is a completely new reality that is open to the serious student seeking evolved consciousness.

This FA blend helps to overcome the illusion of individuation and Oneness, and may be used with Secrets of Nefertiti. To strengthen the activation of the High Mind sub-personality, it may be used with Elixir of the Golden Light. This supports us to knowing our potency as an archetypal expression and unique aspect of the Infinite.
This FA blend also enhances the Runemasters’ ability to work with the eighth Rune set of the field of Mistel–field of the resurrected reality.

Velvet Nights


Velvet Nights (Feminine) ~ Enhances Tonal Luminosity / Dissolves Illusion of Duality

This enchanting fragrance with its floral overtones increases the tonal luminosity the master radiates. Tonal luminosity is a sub-atomic particle where light are frequency have been alchemically fused and are beyond separation; these particles have the power to heal duality. (read more below)

Velvet Nights is designed to strengthen the ability to work with the tools of love and light. It helps heal the illusion of the separation of life-enhancing and non-life-enhancing by exposing the Oneness of all life that exists beyond the appearances. When value judgment ceases, the mind becomes still and we no longer resist life. With the mind stilled, we can hear divine guidance from within, and without resistance, we move beyond linear time.
Through remembered oneness, we emanate tonal luminosity and choose a life of ever greater refinement. Life fluidly regenerates by the power of our perception. The portal of limitlessness that opens up through the use of Velvet Nights activates the experience of ever expanding horizons of the future.

Secret of the Desert ~ FA Oil (feminine blend)


Secret of the Desert is grounding for women who are inclined to live outside their bodies, or who suppress their feminine in favor of masculine expression. It creates a feeling of safe feminine expression.

Purchases of 18 or 33 mls come with a video meditation, to support with the activation of the goddess archetypes through the 12 ordinary meridians, assisting in fuller expression of all aspects of feminine expression (downloadable). Also included are suggestions for application, based on acupuncture theory.

For benefits and suggested application, see below.

Reach below

Blue Lagoon


Blue Lagoon ~ A unique blend with its notes of mystery will intrigue and delight you with its unsurpassed richness. Delightful blending of vanilla flowers, corn flowers and other blossoms brings the lightening of the moods by helping to stimulate the release of serotonin in the brain.

Blue Lagoon instills optimism, hope and lightness of being, while releasing tension caused by old cellular memory. This romantic fragrance inspires the song of the heart. It creates in our inner space, a beautiful space for the Inner Child to permeate.

The alchemical blend is used in the protocol to activate the 8 extraordinary meridians –flows of cause–, and activates the Yin Qiao meridian that corresponds to the Inner Child.

It is also recommended when activating a daily Field of Hope. The hope of the heart creates a field into which the seeds of possibilities take root. Unwavering hope is a tremendous power of manifestation.  Through our hope that attunes to the wonderment, magic, and beauty of life in the moment, we unlock doorways of ‘highest becoming‘.

DNA Roses & Resurrection ~ 7-FA Oils Kit (3.5 mls sizes)


For Activation of the DNA Roses of Inner and Outer Space and the Resurrection Points

This kit has 6 potent oils to activate the two DNA Roses, support the awakening of inner senses/inner space, support the merging of the three realities of godhood, pristine man, and integrated oneness, and ignite the 671st and 672nd acupuncture points of resurrection.  According to the teaching of Almine (www.spiritualjourneys.com), the 671st point activates the Black Blood Cell, and the 672nd opens the gate of the high heart–the chakra of oneness that leads to the resurrected state.

In addition, you receive a 7th: the Song of Joy, to support the cultivation of states of praise and joy, which activate the 8 extraordinary meridians–the meridians of godhood that are the reservoirs of Source.

Read about the oils and what you get with this discounted specialty kit, below.

Secret Garden


“Uplifting with fragrant promises of wondrous miracles and magic, this unforgettable fragrance lingers like an unspoken message of enticing moments to come.”

The uplifting fragrance of poppy, orange blossoms, Somalian rose and a subtle overtone of the fresh scent of pear, makes this an unforgettable feminine scent. It’s delicate message is one of lighthearted play.




This alchemical oil has been created by The Seer in response to the overwhelming number of reports of aching muscles and joints that are being experienced since the operation of multiple 5G satellites is lowering the body’s frequency. This becomes painful when housing an enlightened being’s soul. The physical discomfort suffered by the enlightened ones was called in ancient yogic traditions “The Sacred Fire.”

Application: A drop on each of the joints

The Alchemical Healing Oil to Clear the Energetic Pathways of the Body

This alchemical healing oil is imbued with the intent and power of removing obstructions from the energetic pathways in the body (the cause of all illness and disease). The Seer felt this to be the most beneficial and enhancing to the alchemy of the Urusak, so that distorted and dissonant tones would be cleared from the energetic body and harmonious ones restored. But it is also a perfect oil to enhance meridian and chakra clearing.

It is only to be used with the Urusak Water device. If you have the device and wish to order it, then please email me.



Magnolia – This innocent and youthful floral oil is subtle and delicate — a perfect way to announce the distinctive, fascinating woman.

Magnolia’s scent is reminiscent of sweet things that evoke well-being in its midst. Alchemically, this Magnolia oil heals issues of mothering–either the inclination to mother others, or neediness caused by insufficient parenting during childhood.  Magnolia brings deep contentment and feelings of wholeness, so that the compulsive behaviors associated with neediness are released.

It also activates the Crown chakra as well as one of the 8 extraordinary meridian that open us to powerful ‘flows of abundance’. You may read more details on this, below.

Therapeutically, Magnolia oil is said to increase circulation, act as a sedative, benefit the skin, and relax the mind and body.  The amazing thing about these alchemical oils is their properties enhance all levels (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual)  in profound ways, for both the wearer and those who are in your midst, and their exquisite scents are often experienced as other-worldly… heavenly..alluring and enticing.

Sample Kit ~ Feminine


This product contains all the original feminine fragrances and enables you to experience the profound effects of these Egyptian oils. An excellent value for your money!

Each oil is unique; each creates a certain emphasis within individuals.

This Sample Set includes the following 16 feminine fragrances:

  • Blue Lagoon
  • Flower of Saffron
  • Fuchsia
  • Gardenia
  • Goddess Blend
  • Henna Flower
  • Jasmine
  • Lily
  • Lotus
  • Magnolia
  • Narcissus
  • Neroli
  • Queen of the Nile
  • Rose
  • Secret of Nefertiti
  • Secret of the Desert

Comes with a dowloadable pdf of the sigils to store the oils on to keep them at their high frequency.

For a description of the oils, go to the Original Masculine/Feminine Oils page

Fountain of Life ~ Oil of the Inner Sage


Alchemical Blend For Healing and Activation of the Inner Sage

This rich blend stimulates higher hormones and promotes a sense of dignity through living from the clarity of evolved awareness. Supports us to hear the inspiration in the moment so that our way becomes self-guided. Heals the Inner Sage (IS), which is the part of the psyche that can attune to the unknown, see behind appearances, and is devoted to highest truth arising in the moment.

The blend helps to refine attitude and perspective, so that we can choose the reality we wish to be engaged with. The result of the healed Inner Sage is effortless knowing and graceful unfolding. In the humility of knowing life is unknowable, we become the unfathomable gateway of life ever new, and open to the abundant life.

One of 8 blends to bring profound healing to the Inner Family of sub-personalities, and establish harmonious interaction within so that all inner battles cease, and we operate from wholeness and deep self-love.

With your purchase of Fountain of Life, you receive:

  • A pdf with a description of the Inner Sage and affirmations for healing

With the larger sizes, also included is:

  • A video on the healing the Inner Sage’s inner child aspect.
  • A sample of the FA Blend, Coming Home to the Self

Neroli Oil


Neroli – Extracted from orange blossoms, Neroli has a deeply rich floral scent. The poetry of this exceptionally poignant fragrance lingers like a promise in the air, releasing grief and intolerance. It delivers deep comfort and optimism, and promotes a desire to engage life from inspiration.

Neroli oil  is known for its efficacy at soothing agitated nerves and has been used through the ages to uplift the mood and inspire hope.  It is known to reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels (stress hormones) just by smelling this wondrous oil. It is also touted as an oil for cellular and tissue regeneration.

Neroli is also used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it associates with the Lung meridian, whose power is to receive inspiration and the pure qi from heaven that can nourish the entire body.  In the protocol, Neroli oil helps to clear the negative emotions of the Lung: grief/loss, intolerance, frustration, and bitterness.

To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

The oil comes with an alchemical sigil to keep your oil at optimal frequency. With the purchase of the FA oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, receive a pdf booklet on use of this oil. 

Seven Veils


Seven Veils (Feminine) ~ Mastery and Increased Self-Awareness through Transcending Illusions

The alchemy of this mystical oil from Cairo, is a powerful tool to assist the practitioner of High Magic to gain the necessary awareness to move through the seven initiations into mastery. These initiations challenge the truth seeker to overcome the illusions of “hidden” and “evident”. We are told that nothing is hidden–we hide portions of existence by contracting focus in order to promote appreciation of the details, as a means of steering in new directions, and in accumulating resources to be unleashed in divine timing. When the illusions are overcome, we surrender in trust to life and experience effortless knowing to an increasing degree.

When used in conjunction with the Luxor blend, it assists the Runemaster to gain insights from the Rune set of Prutbar–the field of mysticism, which can assist with tangled an disharmonious areas of life, the breaking of old patterns, and business decisions.

Joy Blends ~ Living a path of Heart


This kit contains 3 alchemical oils to support you to cultivate a state of enjoyment of life:  Rose oil for the Heart meridian, Song of Joy to enhance the Heart’s joy, and Song of the High Heart.

Angel Lullaby


This delicate oil was created in honor of the miracle of birth.

Among the new generation of babies being born, many are fully resurrected beings. We have created a Baby Blend for these magical little ones from the purest oils we could find. Suitable for boys and girls, this delicate fragrance was received through revelation to facilitate a graceful entrance into physicality for these special and holy children.” Almine

While the FA blend has as focus to support these resurrected babies, it also supports the new generation coming into this resurrected reality, and will ease the process, and impart a sense of home on earth for all babies. (Read more details below)


FA Oil Kit to activate the 24 Chakras and Body of Magical Manifestation


This kit has the three oils for the chakras to form a unified field, operating in consolidated purpose to manifest a beautiful life and have that be a venue of proxy magic to uplift all life. As well, a fourth oil opens the body to receive our spiritual levels as refined luminosity. Together they support the body to become what we are, that is, fluid, coagulated, crystalline, White Light that contains the Allness within.

Read more detail about the oils below. The four FA oils are:

  1. Unified Chakra Field
  2. Unified Field of the Earth/Heart Connection
  3. Haaraknit Unified Field
  4. Marriage of Light & Love

Comes with a short PDF describing the oils, placement, affirmations, suggested uses, and 2 laminated Power Sigils.

The Power of Belvaspata


By popular request, The Seer has created an alchemical oil to enhance the benefits of the sacred healing modality – Belvaspata.

The alchemy is designed to restore the Song of the Self, which in turn supports wholeness and strengthens the immune system.

This alchemical oil elevates the function of the endocrine system to convey subtle communications through the body. It can be worn anytime.

Carry the power of Belvaspata with you by wearing this oil during your daily activities, on a bodily pulse point of your choice. It is to be worn on the body only (not on a fragrance pad necklace, or a lava bracelet, etc.) because the pulse is its energy source.

The oil is similarly applied as an anointing prior to Belvaspata initiation by Belvaspata Practitioners. Check the description below for application.

This oil is specifically designed for Belvaspata Practitioners (Masters/Grandmasters) to use on their clients or themselves.

Haaraknit Unified Field


The Haaraknit chakra is unlike all other chakras. Located in the navel, it is an interdimensional portal through which to access the Haaraknit (the place of no time and space). This oil facilitates the opening of the portal, in order to access the etheric ability to remove illusion.

Application: Apply on the back directly behind the navel at the midriff where one’s belt would be.

Unified Field of the Earth/Heart Connection


A resurrected master functions from all 24 chakras. This alchemical oil facilitates the activation of the lower 12 chakras.

Application: Apply a few drops around the sacrum area.

Explosion of Light


This oil has been chemically formulated to retain the memory of the light explosions protocol. It is recommended that the light explosions be done every morning, with its associated incantation: “Belechsta Arusta verevichpa-ur”. Say those words at the end of the protocol — and repeat in English: “Let these light explosions repeat throughout the day and night as needed to maintain a shield of invisibility for any hostile or invasive intent around me and my home at all times”.

This oil will help strengthen the effectiveness of the protocol in spite of the presence of interference from hostile waveforms.

Application:  Apply a few drops of this alchemical oil to the solar plexus area prior to doing the light explosion protocol.

Goddess Rising


Embodying the freshness of new beginnings; the rustling of spring in May, this oil has been created to represent the emergence of the Divine Feminine. It stirs the depth of feelings of the heart and awakens the emotions of hope and creativity and feminine compassion.

This beautiful oil may be worn on any pulse point (wrists, behind the lower ear, neck).  Also under the feet is always an option.

Rustle of Consciousness (Aether / Wood Element)


The powerful effects of this multi-dimensional oil, include inspired creativity, empathic communication and awakening the fuller power of the spoken word. It delivers its profound gifts by tapping into the current of consciousness arising from Infinite Intent.



Regal as the splendor of the Pharaohs, Hathor oil is for the bold and self-assured man.  It promotes inner masculine strength and self-confidence to achieve beyond past successes for both genders.

Hathor helps to awaken the sense of adventure through self-belief that is undaunted no matter how big the challenge. It brings the masculine potency to our actions that are unconcerned with outcome and more attuned to direction and what qualities can awaken from those choices. The beautiful achemical oil activates one of the 8 extraordinary meridian that opens us to powerful ‘flows of abundance’ through deeper grounding in the body and in the details of life. You may read more details on this, below.

Note: These potent alchemical oils  enhance on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) in profound ways, for both the wearer and those who are in their midst, and their exquisite scents are often experienced as other-worldly… heavenly..alluring and enticing.

Desert Dawn


Desert Dawn (Feminine) ~ For Poise and Confidence in Manifesting a Self-Determined Life

This fragrant oil has the unique properties of instilling self-confidence and promoting self-sovereignty. It helps to release self-doubt and promote trust in effortless revelation of the next step.  It promotes authenticity and enhances the poise of a master. It enhances self-surrender and courage to seize the power of the moment, overcoming past limitations and rewriting the past by living the moment well.

When preparing for a life of High Magic, confidence in the outcome of expressed intention births faith. This fragrance can assist in gathering clear answers from the 7th Rune field of Harasut, especially when used with the blend, Hathor. It also works well with the blend for the Inner Adventurer (Distant Horizons) to support courageous embracing of the adventure into the unknown.

Available as a single blend, or in the High Magic Kit of 8 alchemical oils.

Moonlight Garden


Moonlight Garden (Feminine) ~ Boost Life Force and Self-Rejuvenation

This blend is a delightful fresh fragrance that is alchemically enhanced to boost life-force and provide the energy needed for higher consciousness and High Magic. Enhancing the power of intent, it gifts vitality to all in its environment. It is highly recommended as a tool of consciousness.

It works to enhance awareness in the field of Mistel, and assists in purifying emotions, clearing karmic issues in the etheric body, and gaining insight from dreamtime. It can help with clear guidance on what needs to be addressed, what to pursue, and what may need to be let go.

Oasis Sunset


Oasis Sunset (Masculine) ~ For Manifesting in the Physical & Opening to Abundance

This fragrance is alchemically enhanced to activate High Magic on the material plane, and is the oil of choice for working with manifestation and life event’s on the physical plane. The portal of limitlessness that opens up through the use of the oil activates receptiveness to boundless abundance.

Oasis Sunset also helps to gain experiential wisdom from life. It helps to integrate activity and inactivity — a quality essential to the practice of manifesting outside of the law of compensation. When all that we do and are is part of our considered, deliberate expression–which is our cherished gift to evolution and how we shape our life as a work of art–, then work and rest, duty and play blend as one, and we find the lightness and love of life in all our activities. This alchemical oil can assist you in having a love affair with life and appreciating your expression within it.

Glad Expectations


The Seer has blended this alchemical oil for the purpose of restoring glad expectations and hope. This multi-layered fragrance subtly strengthens the immune system and soothes the nervous system for a masterful journey of poise and grace. The barrage of unpleasant news that assails us daily creates a sense of dread.

This oil supports our imperviousness to the incessant unpleasantness, so we are able to hold open pathways for a higher order reality. In our lives, this translates to higher potentials becoming accessible. We manifest as we perceive, and we perceive according to the song of our Heart.

Apply behind both ears, on the bone – one inch up from the bottom of the earlobe.

Refined Light


This subtle and exquisite alchemical oil has to be experienced to be understood. It is a limited-edition oil that has been produced in a miraculous way. The Seer created it for the Angelgods, to assist us in embodying their blessings of refined light and illumination. Read more below.

The oil is to be placed on the back, between the scapulae (shoulder blades).

Artwork “Angel of Freedom” By Karen Folgarelli – @copyright 2017 Karen Folgarelli – www.karenfolgarelli.com

Graceful Release


A high-protein diet requires additional calcium. When the body lacks calcium, it takes it from the bones. As the bones release calcium they also release obsolete memories. As stones hold the memories of the Earth, so do bones hold the memories of a lifetime. Calcium released from the bone acts as a courier to carry the old memories in the bloodstream to the endocrine system for release through the chakras.

This alchemical oil helps to dissolve obsolete memories without the loss of calcium from the bones – a healthful alternative.

Application: Use two fingers to rub oil up both of the shins, from ankle to knee.