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FA Kit to Clear the 12 Ordinary Meridians


Experience the power of 12 alchemical oils received by Almine, to clear the 12 ordinary meridians of debris from false emotions and painful memory that keep us bound in repetitive cycles and under the forces of decay.

These alchemical oils have the power to dissolve memory and trapped emotions from the meridians, when used regularly. And they cause instantaneous shifts to emotional states.

This product comes with the FA oils, the basic manual, and some additional support material. More extensive materials can be purchased for an additional $37). (In product options).

Sizes Options:

FA 12 OM kit may be purchased in sample size (2 mls), 3.5 ml or 5 ml bottles that have the convenient dropper top, and 18 ml size for practitioners and those who use the oils frequently.


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The Alchemical Oils for the Five Elements Kit


The work of the great mystic Almine continues to amaze and lead us deeper into the mysteries of creation and the depth of being.  These latest oil blends support the leveraged powers of the meridians, and open up a ‘bridge’ of  communication between the masculine and feminine, supporting us to a life beyond opposition, in which there is easy flow from intent to form.

Recommended for daily use, these potent oils support clearing at deep levels and bring blessings to all in your environment.

The 5 alchemical oils are:

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Regeneration/Rejuvenation Rose Quartz & Guasha kit Blessed by the Seer


This product was developed to support regeneration to evolve the body as fluid vehicle for awakening. The Rose Quartz kit has been blessed and alchemically activated by the Seer Almine, to support body fluidity and regeneration, and to induce remembered wholeness.  It will help to restore frequencies of wholeness in face and body, and release distorted ones from the stories and trauma we carry in the cells and other ‘minds’ throughout body and fields.

The product comes with the following:

** The kit: a rose quartz roller + heart-shaped Guasha tool to stimulate blood and Qi flow and acupuncture points on the body.

** Wheels to keep the tools at a high vibrational state:

  • Laminated Wheel of Perpetual Regeneration through the 144 Tones of Purity (and two stickers of the wheel to use on your facial wash or cream
  • Laminated 5-Elements Wheel of evolved consciousness
  • A laminated power stack with the 99 Tones of Innocence

**Four sample-size FA oils to use with the protocols

  • Flight of the Falcon
  • Forever New
  • Self-Regeneration and Self-Rejuvenation through Self-Acceptance
  • Awakening Self-Compassion

** A Rose Quartz guasha ‘mushroom’ to stimulate acupuncture points

**A main facial protocol to heal and activate meridians, organs, chakras, Vagus nerve and other important centers of the body
**Several audio/videos with processes with the kit
**Pages of materials to access on the AiB website (using the Rose Quartz tools)
**Small booklet of uses of the tool
**Video for an Alchemical Facial and body activation

Quantities are limited, and may be on back order when you purchase.

Shipping of $15 has been added to the price. If you’re outside North America, there may be a surcharge.

There are 3 options for the program:

  • As self-study – materials only
  • With Live Support (including all materials) over 28 days
  • As a Repeat Participant – Live Support and no materials

The next date for Live Support is TBA. Email me if you wish to be kept informed.

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Flight of the Falcon oil blend


The Flight of The Falcon: Passionate and deep, this oil represents the noble and rich qualities of the masculine.

The alluring blend activates the Bahui acupuncture point, “The Meeting of the Hundreds”, to promote effortless knowing through “explorative omniscience”. It is the 9th oil that completes the set for the 8 extraordinary meridians, and assists in delivering their impact in the body.

The extraordinary meridians are masters of the endocrine system, and this oil is perfect to support balanced hormones across all 3 dantien centers of Head, Heart, and Gut (Body).

Read more below.


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Lotus Oil


Lotus oil is a unique fragrance that creates a very profound awakening in the hidden centers of the body, specifically the pineal and the high-heart. Lotus creates a field of golden light around the body.

The lotus flower symbolizes the purity of the spiritual life, and can be seen as a symbol of merging inner and outer realities, as the flowers have their roots in the water, but float above in sunlight. Celebrated throughout Egyptian culture,the lotus flower is known for its blissful, soothing and calming properties. It stimulates sexuality–elevating it to a power to manifest our aligned intent.

Lotus oil is used in the protocols to clear the 13 main joints of the body, which support the release of resistance to life, and flexibility and fluidity in awareness so we transcend opposition.

Lotus is part of the FA protocol to activate the points of resurrection in the body. Its power to stimulate a hidden acupuncture point in the body that is a receptive center for intuitive information, makes it an invaluable alchemical oil to use regularly.  It also stimulates the solar plexus chakra–center to access the unfathomable.

In addition, it is used in the FA protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Small Intestine (SI) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the SI: insecurity/overwhelm, sadness, feelings of abandonment, and feeling unheard. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Comes with an alchemical sigil to keep your oil at optimal frequency.  With the purchase of the FA oil in 18 mls or more, receive a pdf booklet on protocols for Lotus oil.

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Heavenly Rose oil


The Seer has created such an exquisite rose fragrance, in honor of which she would like the traditional Rose oil henceforth to be known as Heavenly Rose.

This romantic fragrance will remind you of a starry night in a fragrant rose garden. It is emotionally healing and beneficially influences our sense of deep contentment and well-being.

This rose oil is a carefully selected blend of Bulgarian and Egyptian absolute rose essences. It has a frequency that reminds us of Oneness–of our origins before the Fall into separation. This blend has the power to heals birth and birthing trauma, and to restore the intuitive nature of the womb. It is said that the womb (etheric womb in men) far surpasses the intuitive capacities compared to the pineal gland, and this oil can unlock this power in the wearer.

Rose oil is known as the oil of “Divine Presence”. According to old Persian lore, Rose is the only thing you can take with you when you die because it considered not of this world.

Its psycho-emotional benefits are many. It is used to relieve stress, to lift depression, clear anxiety, and is the choice oil for use during times of grief. It is also used as a mood enhancer, boosting feelings of joy, happiness, and hope.

Rose oil is used in a protocol to heal birth trauma (received by Almine), and in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to 12 clear the ordinary meridians–it associates with the Heart meridian, helping to clear joylessness, anger, self-pity and neediness. It is also the oil to heal the blockage at the carotid artery on the neck, which impedes the manifestation of the Heart’s true desires. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency. With the purchase of this oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, you receive the protocol to heal birth trauma and a pdf with information on the heart meridian and its many important points.

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Black Wolf


This eleventh High Magic oil has been named after a Native American spirit that assisted the Seer at a time when she was a single mother without income who had just adopted a nine month old Indigenous baby. He helped her overcome her fear of not being able to support herself or her child by encouraging her to realize that her being was her sustenance. The attitude of self-reliance precedes the reality of it.

This eleventh High Magic oil has been alchemically blended to strengthen the belief in your self-sovereignty. It encourages self-empowerment.


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Goddess Blend


Goddess BlendLike a golden thread through the tapestry of time, legends have told of the ultimate feminine. Inspired by these ancient tales of a Goddess among men, this evocative fragrance was created to stir hearts and delight the senses. 

This beautiful oil is blended from floral fragrances that represent the ultimate in feminine allure and beauty. Its alchemical properties  helps to instill optimism and self-worth, and balances the mood with even-temperedness . It creates an inner stability and heightened consciousness, which brings poise and confidence to the wearer.

Goddess blend activates the feminine DNA codes, and is also the alchemical oil for the root chakra as well for the clearing and activation of the Spleen meridian and organ, and may be used in many ways to enhance different effects. Read more on the power of this FA oil, below.

A booklet with FA protocols for the Goddess Blend  is included at no charge, with the purchase of 18 mls or 33 mls. You may purchase the booklet on its own as well.


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Gardenia oil has a rich and sensual floral scent.  This alchemically fine-tuned Gardenia brings the confidence in the strength of the inner feminine. It promotes grace and self-sovereignty.

The sensual scent of gardenia essential oil is believed to have aphrodisiac qualities and is used to improve low sex drive.   Gardenia oil has many uses, and is traditionally used in cases of poor  digestion, colds, flu, inflammatory conditions, chronic pain, and a weak immune system. It is known to reduce stress, improve depressive states, help with poor circulation, and heal and rejuvenate the skin.

This alchemical blend clears and activates the Liver meridian–clearing protectiveness, anger, phobias, and obsessiveness, and promotes surrender, finding home within, ability to hold a vision, and embrace one’s vastness. It is the oil to turn pent-up anger from feeling blocked in moving forward, to the power to break through self-made limitations…to see life anew so that one can establish self-sovereignty. Applied to Liver acupuncture points for maximum effect at clearing the emotional blockages so that emotions of strength and self-belief can emerge. Also used to activate the 6th chakra (3rd eye). Read details below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

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Flower of Saffron


Flower of Saffron – Brings depth of intuition and spirituality, and delivers deep peace and contentment. This oil is stimulating to the functions of the organs, which helps to clear emotionally-charged memories of the past and support the organs to operate as unified field in deep harmony.

This alchemical blend is known to be effective as a ‘rescue remedy’ but with greater effect. Not only can it be used to bring instant relief in cases of trauma, but it also works to restore lost consciousness from past shock and trauma.  Used with clients, it can greatly accelerate resolution of past trauma when applied in session work. It may be seen as a blend of youthening—as we reclaim resources lost to trauma, we are regenerated and memories are dissolved so that they no longer continually stress the body and psyche.

Flower of Saffron is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Bladder (UB) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the UB: fright/shock, impatience, restlessness, and feeling unfulfilled.  As we release past traumas and unrest, we enter into deep acceptance and harmony with life, rooting in the eternal timelessness of being. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.  With the purchase of this oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, you receive a pdf with information on uses of Flower of Saffron and the Bladder meridian and its many important points.


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The Deeper Dimensions of The Bird Clock of Inner Space ~ 4-Week Exploration Programs



Learn to utilize the Bird Clock –a power of High Magic & Leveraged Evolution

The Bird Clock is the original work of  Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys,  (

The Bird Clock is a tool of leveraged evolution and manifestation, received by Almine  in the Fall of 2014. It is most powerful tool that evolves all aspects of our being so that all becomes a unified field that can operate on all dimensions.

This program is conducted over 4 weeks, with one main session per week, with support by way of pdf/audios to deepen into the perspectives that we must live from at this time, in order to operate fully from inner space and live by magic.

The program is based on the teachings of Almine, and goes deeply into the correspondences across all of her work.

If you have purchased the Bird Clock cards, then you pay the discounted price–otherwise please choose the full price option (the extra fee goes directly to Almine to cover the actual Bird Clock wheel). While everyone will get the additional materials I created to make the use of the Bird Clock easier, the extra fee is for the Bird Clock itself. You do not need the physical cards to join, but will have to create small cards from the table provided (you can laminate them or print on hard stock paper).

If you wish to have the deck of cards, they can be purchased from Russia, on this link.

If you have done the Bird Clock training with me in 2015, then sign up for the advanced level (level 2). So much more has been revealed in the past 6 months.

Read more about the program, below.

Programs dates to be announced–likely in late April / May 2018 timeframe.

Level 1 is 4 sessions, with supporting materials.

Level 2 will likely be 3 sessions with a meditative exercise to anchor in the teachings. This program does not have materials, besides pdfs or audios I create as we go along. In it, I share my latest findings about this most powerful tool.  Between sessions you will be putting into practice the new understandings.


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Shadowless Light


Principle of Beckoning Potential: Choosing our Focus

This oil has been especially blended to instill self-discipline in masters. Disciplined mastery is the regulating force of fluid spontaneity.

The banks and the bed of the river determine the rate and force of the flow of the water. The more narrow the banks, the more turbulently the river forces its way in between them. The disciplined life creates power that when harnessed for a specific purpose, creates powerful manifestation of Intent. This oil strengthens the will and promotes self-discipline. Read more below.

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Patchouli Oil


This outstanding Patchouli alchemical oil is very grounding for the male tendency of over-emphasis of the electrical (mind, reason and intellect). It helps to silence the dialogue of the mind so that spiritual mastery can be accomplished. Promotes deep meditation and expansiveness.

Patchouli is known for its sedative and tonifying effects. It calms the mind yet at the same time it strengthens the ability to focus.

While it is considered a masculine blend that works on the masculine aspect of mind, it works equally for both genders, and the fragrance is loved by both men and women.

Patchouli is used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to 12 clear the ordinary meridians–it associates with the Gall Bladder meridian, helping to clear rage, impotence, self-importance, and being stagnant or stuck. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

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Blend of the Gods (Oud)


The primary ingredient in this unsurpassed blend, is Oud oil of the highest quality obtained from Augar trees, found only in a few places on earth. Its rarity and excellence has earned it the name of ‘The Oil of Kings’, and in the Middle East it is called ‘The Oil of the Sultans’.

This extraordinary masculine fragrance with its regal qualities, blends the rare Oud with the rich spices of Asia and the poignant scent of the orange groves of Seville in Spain. It is truly a precious treasure.

Blend of the Gods refined properties stimulate the production and release of hormones that promote longevity, personal power and magnetism, and the evolved expression of masculine balance.

It helps activate the masculine creational codes in the Lion’s Gate (pineal gland) when worn on the Crown. It is a very rich and potent blend that is sure to become a favorite for men. (Though women love to wear it too!)

Blend of the Gods is used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–it associates with the Thyroid meridian (also known as the Triple Heater) (fire element), helping to clear its distorted emotions of hopelessness, depression, and despair. Thyroid meridian balance is key to health, and to our ability to evolve the meridian system as a unified, cooperative field.

There are other uses for this exotic oil that you will learn about in the booklet that comes with the oil. You can also read more on this oil and its properties, below.


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Full Kit of ALL 34 FA Oils


Product Description

Get the full collection of 26 feminine and masculine oils, the 7 signature blends oils,  in a practical and elegant Practitioner’s Kit , at a hugely discounted price.

This product contains all the original feminine and masculine fragrances and enables you to experience the profound effects of these Egyptian oils.

Each oil is unique; each creates a certain emphasis within individuals. Some have found that an oil that speaks to them is an oil for the opposite gender.

    • The larger kit for the serious practitioner offers the 34 oils in 18ml bottles for $1,980 – at a $430 discount. With this purchase, you get an additional 2 FA oils of your choice, in the 3.5 ml size.
    • The smaller kit offers 34 oils in 3.5 ml bottles (with the convenient dropper) for $425 – a savings of $190.
    • The sample-size kit has the 34 oils in 2.5 ml bottles for $255 – a savings of $120. This one is good to personally explore many of FA blends used in the meridian and chakra protocols.

The full Sample Set includes the following fragrances:


Blue Lagoon
Flower of Saffron
Goddess Blend
Henna Flower
Queen of the Nile
Secret of Nefertiti
Secret of the Desert


Arabian Nights
Bedouin of the Night
Blend of the Gods
Desert Moon

Signature Blends

  • Song of the High Heart
  • Song of the Rose
  • Almine’s Song of Joy
  • Almine’s Secret Garden
  • Lion of Judah
  • Garden of Eden
  • Realms of Innocence
  • Eternal Love

These travel-friendly kits include durable inserts with instructions for some of the protocols listed below. Others are downloadable.

  • Healing the 12 Meridians (download and laminate)
  • Healing the 8 Extraordinary Meridians (download and laminate)
  • DNA Activation for Awakening the Magical Abilities of Godhood (laminate)
  • Releasing Birth Trauma (laminate)
  • 7-signature blends with affirmations pdf download
  • 3-resurrection point protocol and pdf download
  • FA for the 4 yogas (pdf download)
  • Protocols to activate the BBC, quick emotional intervention, organ clearing, and more (pdf download)

Explore how these powerful alchemical oils enhance consciousness and facilitate healing.

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Clearing the Ordinary Meridians through the 12 Tones of Harmlessness


The 12 Insights of Harmlessness are the original work of the seer Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys, (

The 12 Insights or Tones of Harmlessness are attitudes, perspectives, and powers, which when lived, ignite the 12 ordinary meridians to their higher function, that is, to organize life in response to the fluid parameters of boundless living upheld by the 8 extraordinary meridians.

With harmlessness coursing through the meridians, the body’s organs and systems are vitalized and regenerated, and body homeostasis is established at higher octaves of life. The body’s resources are then optimized from an inner sense of ‘selflessness’ or devotion to the whole–no longer do organs or systems operate within isolated matrices. In tandem, outer life becomes harmonious and unfolds with ever greater grace and in delight. Harmlessness is the basis to move out of polarity, and is foundational to wield the power of the tools of incorruptible white magic (e.g. Runes, Bird Clock, sexual magic).  

The 12 FA meridian oils, combined with insights that become embodied, accelerates mastery and transcendence of emotions. You become emotionally self-sovereign and live increasingly from the ‘eye of the storm’–no longer getting drawn into the drama of duality because it simply is revealed to you as unreal…as ghosts of dreams past and outgrown.

Program includes:

  • Audio meditation through the 12 insights of harmlessness, set to Almine’s sound elixirs
  • pdf with the 12 insights of harmlessness
  • Teleseminar recording from the Foundation to the Miraculous Life, part 2
  • Audio to clear disappointment and guilt from the 12 meridians
  • 12 Videos by Almine (Genk retreat) discussing each of the Insight of Harmlessness

To explore more deeply on the power of harmlessness, read the blog post on The Power of Harmlessness.

FA Kit for Rune Mastery (24 Oils)


24-FA-Oil Kit includes all the oils needed for support in clearing and activation, in preparation for Rune mastery: (all 3.5 ml size bottles)

  • 12 FA oils for the 12 Ordinary Meridians
  • 8 FA oils to clear the 8 Extraordinary Meridians
  • Song of Joy
  • Song of the High Heart
  • Song of the Rose
  • Lion of Judah
  • Alchemist’s Oracle (oil for the Rune Masters)
  • 3 Surprise Samples of New Blends

Owl & Star image, LLC Spiritual Journeys (

Activating the 24 Chakras of Magical Manifestation


NOTE: This product is being revised into the 3rd in a new series of Chakra activation program. The first program activates 1-7 into a unified field of the Heart, and master the atomic reality; the second activates chakras 8-12 to form a unified field where Home is in the Lahun; and the third one activates the full 24 chakras of magical manifestation and reclamation of sexual magic, where home is in the Haran chakra. 

The 24 chakras comprise a system of inner alchemy to manifest a reality that is the result of full cooperation with divine intent and the moving forces of cosmic life.

They activate when we have transcended the emotions and memories of the Dream of separation. It is then that a connection is made to the 12 ordinary meridians through which our life manifests. Each of the 12 meridians supports two of the 24 chakras to sing their tones as States of Awareness (feminine) and Attitudes of Exhilaration (masculine). So important are these tones, as they create the fluid alchemy between the masculine and feminine, preparing us for the alchemical marriage of soul and body.

In this product, you receive:

  • Video talk and meditation to activate the 24 chakras of magical manifestation
  • Pdfs with material for deeper context, and FA for the 24 chakras
  • Audio meditation using the entry/exit points of the meridians to restore flow and heal the breaks in the system, to support the activation of latent faculties for higher life.

The FA for the 24 chakras utilizes the 12 FA oils for the 12 ordinary meridians.

With the purchase of this product, you will receive a 10% discount coupon code for the purchase of the 12 ordinary meridian FA kit.

Sigil of the Fluid Alchemy between the Masculine and Feminine, from Messages from the Lemurian Angels, by Almine,



The earthy-warm, mildly sweet, slightly spicy precious wood notes of the legendary Sandalwood oil, present a melodic blend that is distinct, unique, yet not overpowering.

Even with its warmth, this alchemical blend has a fresh scent that is uplifting to the spirit and elevates the mood. It assists in releasing the hold of the past and instills hope. It can be beneficial in creating optimism and self-confidence.

Sandalwood oil is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears  the Stomach  (St) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the St: disgust, greed, shame, and blame.  As we release these judging emotions, we free ourselves to become authentic as we emancipate from programs of acceptability.  To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

It is an oil with a rich sacred tradition, said to be one of the most pleasing to the gods, and so is used in meditation and setting sacred space.

While it is classified a masculine blend because of its earthy notes, it works equally for both genders, and the fragrance is loved by both men and women.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

Photo via

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Narcissus Oil


Narcissus can be called the fragrance of the moon, emphasizing the feminine mystery. The alchemical oil awakens the intuitive nature of the feminine reproductive system and communication with the hidden realms.

The fragrance is both delicate and rich, sweet and floral. While it is a feminine fragrance, it is used by men for its properties, as men also have feminine organs at the etheric level.  The sexual organs are mystical centers with great powers for manifestation. The sexual center’s intuitive capabilities far exceed the power of the pineal gland, and through it we may remember what we are becoming. That is a big leap on our evolutionary journey, where we express from what we are becoming and no longer from what we think we have been.

This ties in to the alchemical powers of narcissus oil that is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears the Kidney (Ki) meridian that includes the sexual organs.  More details on this, below. The emotional clearing supported by Narcissus targets the four main emotions of the blocked Kidney channel, which are:  fear, indecision, loss, victimization/sense of injustice.

The Kidney’s other positive psycho-emotional attributes are wisdom, gentleness, clear perception and thinking, maturity, centeredness, core strength and quiet confidence, self-examination, and self-understanding.

Narcissus is traditionally used reduce pain and provide relaxation. It is used with anxiety, mental exhaustion, and stress, because of its ability to calm the nerves. It is also used as an aphrodisiac.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency. With purchases of the 18 or 33 mls sizes, you receive a pdf with more detailed information on kidney meridian and use of narcissus oil.

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Set of Twelve Clearing & Activation Videos for the 12 Ordinary Meridians


This product is based on the teachings and original work of Almine to clear the 12 ordinary meridians, LLC Spiritual Journeys,

The 12 ordinary meridians are the ‘intelligences’ or consciousness that organize life according to the parameters received by the 8 extraordinary meridians, which are the deeper channels of ’cause’ that determine reality and support the dreams of one who is in profound harmlessness, through flowing all resources from Source.

When emotions are influenced by our past and dictated by life situations or by desire for externals, we lock ourselves into linear time with aging and decay. When the 12 ordinary meridians are purified of emotional debris and memory, we are able to respond to life from the freedom of being new in each moment. Increasingly, we move gracefully through old limitation and are in cooperation with life unfolding. The impact of clearing the meridians is profound, and a first step toward a life of miracles.

I invite you to explore the set of 12 meridian clearing videos and supporting material, that  will activate qualities of purity and clarity to support body evolution and refinement of life.

In this product, you will receive

**A manual on ways to use the audios, a booklet of key information for each of the meridians, an audio talk, and a handy reference table with the meridians, FA oils, emotions, hidden planets, qualities, and affirmations.

**The 12 clearing videos for the 12 ordinary meridians (audio format also include for flexibility in use)

**Teleseminars on clearing the 12 ordinary meridians  from the Foundation to the Miraculous Life program

**3 Additional Fragrance Alchemy protocols (to explore the alchemical oils by Almine, please see The 12 Alchemical Oils to Clear the Ordinary Meridians)

For more details about clearing the 12 OMs, and to find out what others are saying about the product, read below.

Note: 12-FA Oil kit sold separately. Go to 12 Alchemical Oils kit to purchase the kit.
The Clock of the Hidden Planets, received by Almine (LLC Spiritual Journeys), and appears in her book, Transmissions from the Hidden Planets.

Jasmine Oil


Jasmine Oil – Jasmine oil is extracted from the flowers, and has a strong and distinct scent, which is common in flowers that bloom only at night. The jasmine flower is associated with the mystery of poetry of romance.

This alchemical oil brings intensity to sensual experience. It heightens awareness of the pleasures of life and restores emotional well-being. While it is classified as a feminine scent because of its floral notes, it works for both genders because of its richness and warmth.

Awakening to the sensual aspect of life is a key element needed to truly enjoy the journey through life. Too long have the senses been trapped in painful misunderstandings, causing them to distort and edit experience. When we cultivate enjoyment through all the sensory modalities, our appreciation of life increases and so too do the blessings that we open ourselves to.

The alchemical jasmine oil is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it clears the Large Intestine (LI) meridian, dissolving the negative emotions of the LI: guilt, disappointment, remorse, and opposition to change. When we release resistance to change and let go of what is obsolete, we become receptive to the new…the blessings that life wishes to bestow upon us, which further enhances our enjoyment of life. To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Jasmine oil is traditionally known for its antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antiseptic, and sedative properties that help with insomnia. It is known to deeply relax and can be used for meditation.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite. Jasmine oil is particularly strong and should be tested on skin (and needs to be wiped off immediately if spilled on furniture).

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

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Henna Flower Oil


Henna Flower Oil – Beloved by women and enjoyed by men, this powerful and sacred oil brings back memories of the pristine state in which we dwelled before the fall into duality. Envelop yourself in the bliss of this exquisite fragrant oil and the heightened states of consciousness it evokes.

The alchemical Henna Flower is used in the protocols to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–clears and activates the Pericardium (Heart Protector) meridian. It helps to clear emotions from emotional injury, addiction , jealousy, and regret, and promotes emotional maturity, finding fullness within, and courage and willingness to become our highest version of self and choose a higher reality. To read more about its properties and application locations for optimal effect, see below.

Henna Flower oil is traditionally known for its  sedative properties that helps clear and  calm mind, body, and soul, allowing for fresh perspective when stressed, upset, or in confusion.  It can provide a boost with mental fatigue by its clearing effect. It is used as an antidepressant as well as for headache and to improve sleep in aromotherapy. It has other effects to soothe skin and scalp, and has many other properties that can be explored.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

Comes with a sigil to keep the oil at optimal frequency.

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Neroli Oil


Neroli – Extracted from orange blossoms, Neroli has a deeply rich floral scent. The poetry of this exceptionally poignant fragrance lingers like a promise in the air, releasing grief and intolerance. It delivers deep comfort and optimism, and promotes a desire to engage life from inspiration.

Neroli oil  is known for its efficacy at soothing agitated nerves and has been used through the ages to uplift the mood and inspire hope.  It is known to reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels (stress hormones) just by smelling this wondrous oil. It is also touted as an oil for cellular and tissue regeneration.

Neroli is also used in the Fragrance Alchemy (FA) protocol to clear the 12 ordinary meridians–-it associates with the Lung meridian, whose power is to receive inspiration and the pure qi from heaven that can nourish the entire body.  In the protocol, Neroli oil helps to clear the negative emotions of the Lung: grief/loss, intolerance, frustration, and bitterness.

To read more about its properties and application locations, see below.

Note: While the FA oils can be used aromatherapeutically with all the usual cautions (test on skin, and follow contraindications with pregnancy and other conditions), these oils are alchemical and beyond emotional clearing, their powers to evolve the body are infinite.

The oil comes with an alchemical sigil to keep your oil at optimal frequency. With the purchase of the FA oil in 18 mls or 33 mls, receive a pdf booklet on use of this oil. 

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Clearing Trauma and Abuse Program (20 FA Oil Kit Optional)


Clearing Sexual Abuse Trauma with Fragrance Alchemy is the original work of Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys (

Almine tells us that the free-flowing pure emotions of the twelve main meridians are an essential precursor to activating the divine within and releasing the god hormones. Sexual abuse and trauma imprints can freeze parts of ourselves that get stuck in the past–we are then unable to presence the moment fully, and are continually leaking resources to past dreams of separation that will keep seeking resolution through repetitive, unpleasant scenarios in life.

The FA oil protocol uses 20 acupressure points with the application of the 20 alchemical fragrance oils that are used in the 12-ordinary and the 8-extraordinary meridian protocols.

When purchasing the FA oils, you also get the trauma clearing protocol by Almine (LLC Spiritual Journeys), and pdf sheets with the sigils to keep your oils pristine.


Recommended products include

The video series on clearing the 12 ordinary meridians.

The Rose Quartz Yoni Egg kit and Trauma clearing program (soon to come on

Light Elixir for Healing Negative Emotions, by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys,

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The Fountain of Youth


This powerful alchemical oil connects the wearer with the energy source that sustains the universe.  The Fountain of Youth is a particularly powerful oil to assist with the regeneration and clearing of the meridians of the body and, by proxy the meridians of the Earth. (Read more details below).

The oil is applied in a clockwise motion that matches the motion of the energy we tap into.

Application: After putting a few drops on the index finger of your left hand, draw a circle on your skin around the navel in a clockwise manner about 3″ in diameter.


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