Engaging Hope ~ Seeding Blessings for a Life of Miracles
Together with colleague Elyse Hope Killoran, a new initiative is being birthed. We are calling it “Engaging Hope”. It is an initiative to support and establish the full living of ‘pristine man’–the core of being that enables greatest diversity in unity.
Why hope?
Hope is not about some future condition. It is a power that leverages the potentials in the present moment unfolding. Hope translates into a tangible and potent field that determines the quality of life. It is the song sung by the heart, through which life is now made manifest.
The Field of Hope that we cultivate as a song within our heart, provides the infrastructure into which we may support new potentials through alchemical manifestation. It is an element in the equation of Eternal Supply, and foundation to a new way of being. (Equation below, by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys, www.spiritualjourneys.com)
As part of the alchemy of perpetual supply, hope causes the confluence of past and future–they dissolve, as the fake elements of linear time, through opening a field of unspecified hope and unwavering glad expectations of infinite possibilities in the moment unfolding. Past becomes pure inspiration and springboard to leap into the present moment; future becomes the whispered potentials of Infinite Intent that carry us to ever refined perspectives. When past and future dissolve in this manner, only the gateway of the flow of the One Life renewing itself in you remains.
(Hope, Light art by Phoebe Surana)
If you would like to join the FB group, visit this page and request admittance:
https://www.facebook.com groups / AlchemicalTools/
Suggested Fragrance Alchemy to cultivate hope:
Blue Lagoon and Sandalwood are wonderful oils to support true hope and self-inspired destiny. You may apply to calves, and also to wrists and ankles.
Other oils you may want to use are the 3 oils for integrated oneness, using the protocol given by Almine:
Song of the High Heart on the thymus area (672nd acupuncture point)
Rose oil on Yintang (between eyebrows)
Lotus oil, 2 inches above the navel (671st acupuncture point)