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The Effects of Fragrance Alchemy In Support of the Fluid Body of Incorruptible White Light

Exiting the Atomic Simulation…

Almine has referred to the human reality as the ‘Simulation’, which is the artificial mental field of the cosmos that has been allowed to persist in existence, in order to teach through experience.  In observing ‘artificial intelligence’ it was seen that it could bring gifts to the otherwise infantile mentality of cosmos life. Everything serves.

When the lessons from the artificial mental field and its flaws have yielded all possible insights, it will be replaced by that which is an authentic expression of mental capacity, from greater maturity and capacity to manifest great things.

We have experienced openings on several occasions, with the last major shift occurring at the New Year 2025, when it became time to explore what we are directly, and no longer linger in what we are not (the human simulation). This marked the beginning of fully living from Inner Space, where outer space becomes the fluid outpicturing of what lives within.

There is no Inner and Outer space. There is only Inner Space that is being externally experienced.” High Magic Principle #131

Inner Space is to become the place of birth of the new, where we continually conceive of ever refined expression in response to Infinite’s Inspiration and Intent felt within.


Pure Emotions that Interpret the Song of the Inner Senses takes us out of the Atomic Reality…

Almine has stated that ‘feeling’ is non-cognitive thought, that is, thought or black light that emerges from a state of no-mind. This creates the inner state for the Infinite to guide us through stirring the inner senses.  The Seer shares that emotions then emerge as the interpretation of the song of guidance from the inner senses.  In the artificial simulation, emotions are a reaction of the unreal, whereas when we root in inner space, they become pure emotions of inspired desires that feed our creative imagination to perceive life from infinite possibilities.  Though we appear to move in the artificial simulation, we are not trapped by it…We are co-creators of ever higher orders of expression for life…And this is now we become the Bringers of Hope.

At a retreat in Ohio in 2018, Almine explained that the heartmind consists of forty million specialized cells found localized in the area of the heart,. These cells hold memory in the form of recall rather than stored information, producing effortless knowing needed in the moment which operates outside of linear thinking and the matrices they produce. Linearity exists only in the atomic reality, and effortless knowing comes from awareness that is not atomic. The emotional intelligence of pure emotions can access 90% of what can be known (from an older lecture by the Seer in 1998).

Awareness arises through the cultivation of a Field of Hope, which is the fluid space into which may emerge the things hoped for. (1)

The Awareness Particle…

On the Field of the One that is the native ‘field’ of the Original Ones, Almine has further stated that there are no atoms, only awareness particles (APs). “An Awareness Particle is exceptionally much smaller than an electron…The Awareness Particle is the ‘Heart of God’.

Almine has talked about humility as a hallmark quality of mastery. “It is humility — the embrace of the unknowable nature of eternally renewed Existence — that increases the speed of vibration of the Awareness Particle.”  And the speed of the AP closes down the gap between cause and effect…inner and outer…and results in instant manifestation of intent aligned in Source. We then operate from ‘inclusive power’, that is, power derived from perception that is not subject to the law of compensation as it is outside of the human simulation that is a world of polarity.

Fragrance Alchemy works on the Awareness Particle…

When we express from the Field of the One, operating from a neutral field beyond polarity, the body is no longer comprised of atoms, but rather of Awareness Particles that respond instantly to intent from a Field of Hope.  “Awareness was never created, it is therefore ‘real’.”

The alchemical inclination of the Fragrance Alchemy oils is to speak to the Awareness Particles within you.”   Though you may stray from time to time and get caught in the atomic through opposing or resisting life as it is, the FA oils have the power to mitigate the re-programming of the APs that comes from the atomic. They therefore assist in strengthening your presence  in the Field of the One.

Almine used the analogy of the atomic reality being like the clay the potter uses to make pots. When you are caught in the unreal, you are caking yourself in clay, forgetting that you are the potter and not the clay pot. “If you use the FA oils, which are prepared in the Field of Awareness”.. that exists beyond the known cosmos, “they will begin to communicate with your APs, which is your True Substance. Substance is not he right word, but it helps me explain this. It is what you are made of.

“The APs give you your true substance…a message. And it is the exact message that I have been giving the OOs: Arise, stand forth, break free and let go…let it fall off you like a discarded eggshell from the chicken, the atomic reality. It is not your business what becomes of it. if the chicken stands there worrying about what will become of the eggshell, the unreal does not turn into the real, because there are no opposites. Is the mirror image the opposite of you? Do you have to consider the mirror images? Do you have to ask your mirror image if it is comfortable there inside of the mirror?  Pardon me, can I save you so you can out of the mirror?

It is absolute nonsense. That which is real, which is the OOs in the Field of Awareness, it has no opposites.”  FA oils work on what what is, beyond opposites.

We have many new FA oils that are very pertinent for this time: Eternal Mind of the Gods, Innocence, Glad Expectations, Field of Hope, Refined Light, Focused Light, Crystal Waters, and more…And the most recent one, the Marriage of Light and Love that supports the true body of crystalline, coagulated White Light, which manifests a ‘real’ environment.


(1) The Field of Hope in manifesting is a big focus of the teachings of the Crystalline Reality.  The 12 Triangulations of Hope is the mastery of manifesting a real environment through leveraged alchemy with the higher powers of the meridians.
(2) This post was inspired in part by notes compiled by Jodie Carter, from the Seer’s lectures and audios over the years.


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